A short October trip to the Island of Rhodes (Greece)

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Re: A short October trip to the Island of Rhodes (Greece)

Post by Lisbeth »


The donkeys made us get off at the beginning of the loooong staircase leading up to the acropolis


Above the modern town rises the acropolis of Lindos, a natural citadel which was fortified successively by the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Knights of St John and the Ottomans. This makes the site difficult to excavate and interpret archaeologically. The acropolis offers spectacular views of the surrounding harbours and coastline.

On the acropolis of Lindos today parts of the following buildings may still be seen:

-Rhodian trireme
-The Doric Temple of Athena Lindia, dating from about 300 BC, built on the site of an earlier temple. Inside the temple is the table of offerings and the base of the cult statue of Athena.

-The Propylaea of the Sanctuary, also dating from the 4th century BC. A monumental staircase leads to a D-shaped stoa and a wall with five door openings.
-The Hellenistic stoa with lateral projecting wings, dating from about 200 BC. The stoa was 87 metres long and consisted of 42 columns.
-The well-known relief of a Rhodian trireme (warship) cut into the rock at the foot of the steps leading to the acropolis. On the bow stood a statue of General Hagesander, the work of the sculptor Pythokritos. The relief dates from about 180 BC.
-The Hellenistic staircase (2nd century BC) leading to the main archaeological area of the acropolis.
-Remains of a Roman temple, possibly dedicated to the Emperor Diocletian and dating from about 300 AD.
-The Acropolis is surrounded by a Hellenistic wall contemporary with the Propylaea and the stairway leading to the entrance to the site. A Roman inscription says that the wall and square towers were repaired at the expense of P Aelius Hagetor, the priest of Athena in the 2nd century AD.
-The Castle of the Knights of St John, built some time before 1317 on the foundations of older Byzantine fortifications. The walls and towers follow the natural conformation of the cliff. A pentagonal tower on the south side commanded the harbour, the settlement and the road from the south of the island. There was a large round tower on the east facing the sea and two more, one round and the other on a corner, on the northeast side of the enceinte. Today one of the towers at the southwest corner and one to the west survive.
-The Greek Orthodox Church of St John, dating from the 13th or 14th century and built on the ruins of a previous church, which may have been built as early as the 6th century.
Some scenes of the well-known film, The Guns of Navarone, were filmed here.

Doric temple of Athena

Staircase of the Propylaea and on the left Church of St. John

Some panoramic views taken from the acropolis:

The Byzantine Panagia church with the belltower is located in the centre of the village

St Paul's Bay, where it is reported the apostle landed during a storm (parachute?) However a nice beach \O

The Bay of Lindos with a very long beach on the left, which you cannot see in the pic 0*\

St Paul's church is now popular as a wedding chapel. You can also see the entrance to the bay.

Time for a late lunch. We descended to the village on the look out for something decent at a reasonable price and found out that the latter is not possible at Lindos 0*\ Meanwhile a few pics.


View of a street

Old house

We left a restaurant where the waiter did two passages of the dirty table and when I told him that it was still dirty he dropped the cloth in the middle of the table and said: "do it yourself". We left rather quickly O** Finally at the end of the village we stopped at a restaurant (it was the last one). Anyhow we got something decent to eat and something cold to drink. Did I already tell you that they make an excellent white wine ;-)
When we got to the square, we realized that it was the wrong square and that we had no idea, where we were 0- Fa by now was rather exhausted so I got hold of a taxi. "Where to?" Oops! I had no idea :-? So in my best Greek =O: I told him to take a tour of the various accesses to Lindos and we got to a square that I recognized. He did not want to take us to the car, because it was not a tar road and the insurance would not pay, if something happened. Understandable! That last piece was of course uphill and the expected phrase arrived..."do you mind to go and get the car" lol

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Re: A short October trip to the Island of Rhodes (Greece)

Post by Bushcraft »

Beautiful place O:V ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Rude waiter, lost, taxi adventure :shock:

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Re: A short October trip to the Island of Rhodes (Greece)

Post by Richprins »

Beautiful! ^Q^

Everything else seems so clean! :shock:

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Re: A short October trip to the Island of Rhodes (Greece)

Post by pooky »

Really beautiful area with your lovely photos to illustrate it ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

The donkey ride saved a steep climb for sure 0*\

Thank you for bringing this to us - very interesting \O \O

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Re: A short October trip to the Island of Rhodes (Greece)

Post by Flutterby »

Stunning scenery!! \O \O

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Re: A short October trip to the Island of Rhodes (Greece)

Post by Dewi »

Also love the scenery pics. \O ^Q^


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Re: A short October trip to the Island of Rhodes (Greece)

Post by Lisbeth »

Richprins wrote:Beautiful! ^Q^

Everything else seems so clean! :shock:
Tourist places are kept very well \O Even the town of Rhodes was pretty well kept.

I must admit, that I only notice it, when it is badly kept, being accustomed to Switzerland, where everything is clean =O:

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Re: A short October trip to the Island of Rhodes (Greece)

Post by Lisbeth »

Thank you for following, Bushcraft, Richprins, Pooky, Dewi and Flutterby \O

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Re: A short October trip to the Island of Rhodes (Greece)

Post by Lisbeth »

Next day we went to a place up in the hills called the Valley of Butterflies.

"In the western side of the island of Rhodes, approximately five kilometers south east of the village of Theologos (or Tholos), lies the Valley of the Butterflies (Petaloudes). This is one of the most attractive destinations on the island. During August, thousands of butterflies of the genus Panaxia (species Quadripunctaria Poda) overwhelm the valley in order to reproduce. During the rainy period, the Butterflies in the caterpillar stage remain in the Mediterranean thicket (arbutus, myrtle and rush) feeding on the foliage. As the end of the wet season approaches, towards the end of May, the final stage is concluded and the butterfly in all her perfection makes her appearance in the form recognizable to us all. They move constantly towards areas of highest humidity is greatest, always following the "water ways", as the dry period progresses, they finally arrive at the valley.

Unfortuanetly, over the last few years the population of the Panaxia has been constantly in decline, due to several factors, one of the most important being the disturbance by visitors. The butterfly has an atrophic peptic system, meaning has no stomach. From May until the mating period (for the males), and until the egg lying period (for the females) they do not eat. They survive from the energy stored from their previous lives as caterpillars. The disturbance of visitors is forcing the butterflies to fly all day, consuming valuable energy. Visitors should not be denied the enjoyment of viewing the butterflies at rest, but it is prohibited to disturb them in any way (hand clapping, whistling etc)."

Not my pic
Image (c)primotravel.co.uk

I found a dead one :O^


The walk was nice, but very long and rather monotonous after a while (and climbing ;-) ), so we only did half :o0ps:



Lunch time O/\

We found a nice place a little further on and had an excellent meal. Mussakka for me and pork shank for Fa.

Appetizer ( freshly homemade bread) Sorry, RP, I forgot to take pics of the mains 0*\


The Olive oil is very, very good \O and maybe I forgot to tell you that on Rhodes they make an excellent white wine O**

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Re: A short October trip to the Island of Rhodes (Greece)

Post by harrys »

Aha some nice scenery and some wildlife too :-0

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