When the mice can’t play....... KTP June 2018

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When the mice can’t play....... KTP June 2018

Post by GavinW »

When the mice can’t play....... KTP June 2018

(As in the past, the majority of the photos taken for this trip report have been taken by my SO, Debbie aka Wannabe Nerd) O0
It had been a whole 18 months since our last trip to the park. Too long by far, but with us not being able to get the bookings we wanted in May 2017, we opted to go to Kruger and visit our grandson at the same time.
We were a bit apprehensive about going to the park in winter, and in our new trailer the trip had the potential to be a whole new adventure.

Our bookings were: (or rather ended up as)

4 nights Rooiputs
5 Nights Polentswa
2 nights Nossob
1 night KTC
4 nights Mata Mata
2 nights Twee Rivieren and
4 nights Rooiputs

May 26

We arrived at Rooiputs at about 2 pm after overnighting in Keimoes and set up camp in campsite number 6



Once sorted we had a celebratory glass of wine and couldn’t resist setting off on a short evening drive up to Kij Kij and back. It had, after all been 18 long months.
The drive was fairly quiet, but we did get to see a majestic gemsbok up on the dunes in perfect light


As well as a group of tawny eagles having a domestic.



Not to forget a pair of pygmy falcons looking pretty as a picture


That evening, our first Kgalagadi sunset and braai



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Re: When the mice can’t play....... KTP June 2018

Post by GavinW »

May 27: (and our sightings begin)

The next morning we were “first at the (imaginary) gate” and as soon as gate opening time had arrived, we were off, headed north to Kij Kij and beyond
Driving along the road at sunrise, I remembered why this place is just so special


Just past Kij Kij we met our first lion of our trip.

A young male with a blonde mane chilling out under a tree
(How awesome is this pic?)


He got up shortly after we arrived and moved off


Carrying on towards Melkvlei we came across
A jackal


And a jackal buzzard


We went as far as Gnong before turning back to camp, just after a fleeting sighting of a caracal in the dunes, sorry no pics.


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Re: When the mice can’t play....... KTP June 2018

Post by okie »

Great start gavin 0()

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Re: When the mice can’t play....... KTP June 2018

Post by Mel »

I'm here :-0 And I already thank you for posting this. Long time no news from my beloved park.

And hats off to Debbie's photos ^Q^

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Re: When the mice can’t play....... KTP June 2018

Post by GavinW »

Thanks for all the comments Mel and okie, and welcome on board, I hope you enjoy the trip \O

After lunch, we took a quiet drive up to Melkvlei and back. And I mean quiet.

We have no pics at all of that drive until about 2km out of camp with 20 minutes to go before gate closing time, Debbie yelled STOP!!!
I did  :shock: :shock:

“I’m sure I just saw a lioness on the top of that dune”, she said

We looked and waited, and then we saw him.

A big male leopard, coming over the dune




We followed him as he carried on along the Botswana Road in a northerly direction, marking his territory



Until we eventually had to leave him in order to return to camp in time (only just though!!) :o0ps:

And to have a celebratory glass of wine for a sundowner


What a first day in the park

^Q^ ^Q^

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Re: When the mice can’t play....... KTP June 2018

Post by Lisbeth »

Great first sightings and brilliant photos ^Q^ ^Q^

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Re: When the mice can’t play....... KTP June 2018

Post by Mel »

What a beautiful leopard! Do you have an ID already?

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Re: When the mice can’t play....... KTP June 2018

Post by GavinW »

His name is Botshelo
Last edited by GavinW on Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When the mice can’t play....... KTP June 2018

Post by GavinW »

May 28: Will our luck continue?

Once again we were first out the “gate” and headed north once again
We were greeted with this awesome sunrise


A little bit further down the road, the sun had started to rise and lit up these awesome golden wildebeest in the riverbed


Not much else to see between Kij Kij and Melkvlei where we stopped for coffee at Melkvlei (Ok I did climb a tree to take these pics!)



We were being closely observed by this group of locals, obviously confused at the sight of a human up a tree O**


Carrying on we found a couple of cheetahs upon the dune just past the picnic site. I was in my element, as they are one of my favourite predators.


However, the cheetahs weren’t about to oblige by getting up, and eventually we decided to move on from the flat cats and their, by now quite large group of spectators

It proved to be a good call, as just around the corner we had this special sighting of this caracal.


On the lookout for some breakfast
Last edited by GavinW on Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When the mice can’t play....... KTP June 2018

Post by Lisbeth »

lit up these awesome golden gemsbok in the riverbed
They look more like wildebeests to me ;-)

You lucky fish! a caracal O:V :-0 :-0

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