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Re: Activists petition to stop Shell’s planned seismic survey in seas off Eastern Cape

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What the Shell: Why Wild Coast seismic surveys rattle the sea’s great migrating whales

A humpback whale breaching. (Photo: Frida Skarfors)

By Rio Button for Roving Reporters | 01 Dec 2021

A stretch of coast earmarked for seismic surveys – and potentially oil and gas extraction – lies on a long route followed by humpback whales.
Atop a dune, standing beneath a weather-beaten, palm-frond roofed lean-to, Mornay Delport scans Zavora Bay in southern Mozambique. A humpback whale cruises closer and closer to shore. She mills about just behind the breakers, a little nearer than whales usually come. His curiosity piqued, Delport swivels the focus ring of his binoculars. The fuzzy, dark outline of her 14m body becomes crisp. Moments later a flourish of maroon fills the water around her and something grey and about the length of a surfer’s longboard bobs up beside her bus-sized form. She nudges it to the surface and her newborn calf takes its very first breath.

Amid the blur of the hundreds of whale surveys Delport has done over the past five years, he will always remember this one. “Witnessing a humpback whale birth was incredible,” he says. The 26-year-old South African is the director of operations and head diving instructor at MAR Expeditions, a small conservation research and ecotourism organisation, in the remote village of Zavora.

Delport tells me he hears humpbacks singing on every scuba dive in peak whale season, from June to September in Zavora Bay. These whales come up from their feeding grounds in the chilly waters of the Southern Ocean which surrounds Antarctica, migrate as far up Africa’s east coast as Somalia to give birth and mate. Humpbacks are famous for being the most acrobatic and playful whale species. They are also one of global conservation’s greatest success stories.

Pressing pause on whaling

The global humpback whale population was down by 90% when the International Whaling Commission swooped in to safeguard what remained of their dwindling population. In 1982 the commission instituted a pause on commercial whaling for all species from the 1985/86 season onwards. This “commercial whaling moratorium” remains in force today. However, Norway, Iceland and Japan still catch whales commercially. Despite this, the moratorium is regarded as a real breakthrough. Thanks to it, decimated populations have recovered in many of the world’s oceans.

But whales aren’t out of the woods yet. Humpbacks, knobbly faced gentle giants, still face many human-made threats. Fishing gear, particularly octopus and crayfish traps in South Africa, entangle them. They are hit and harassed by vessels and artificial underwater noise takes its toll on these ocean migrants.

Now, with preparations under way for seismic surveying off the Wild Coast, environmentalists are concerned the underwater booms this will entail may harm humpbacks. And if the survey ship does find what it’s after – oil and gas in economic quantities – drilling and extraction may in time risk oil spills and other devastation to a largely unspoiled region.

Critics of the survey plans, which were approved by the Department of Minerals Resources and Energy in 2014, questioned the need for more fossil fuels at a time when many in the world were pressing for a move to renewable energy. But there was also a counterargument that South Africa needs to unlock its “oceans economy”, particularly in a part of the country where jobs are scarce. Indeed, the government has long trumpeted its Operation Phakisa, which aims to unlock the economic potential of South Africa’s oceans by promoting various commercial activities, including gas and oil extraction.

Humpback whale calves have only a few months to grow and practise swimming before they begin their first seasonal migration. They communicate with their mothers in muted squeaks far quieter than the bellows of adult males — perhaps to lower the risk of being overheard and pursued by killer whales. (Photo: Guille Pozzi /

Having a blast

Recently, news of the surveys and the possible threat to whales from underwater noise blasted into headlines across South Africa. Videos of stranded whales went viral on social media. On Sunday, 21 November, protesters with placards gathered at Cape Town harbour where the Amazon Warrior, the vessel hired to carry out the survey, was set to arrive. Nearly 200 protesters hoped to “unwelcome” the 130m vessel and to vent their disapproval of the planned survey and the destruction feared.

The vessel arrived off Cape Town at 8.15am but didn’t enter the harbour. Meanwhile, protesters gathered at Shell petrol stations across the country to raise public awareness of the survey, and there have been calls to boycott Shell petrol stations, specifically Shell Ultra City just outside Mthatha, the former capital of the old Transkei homeland, through which much traffic to the Wild Coast must pass. Over the past week protests have continued to gain momentum across the country.

On Sunday, 21 November 2021, protesters with placards gathered at Cape Town harbour where the Amazon Warrior, the vessel hired to carry out the seismic survey planned for the Wild Coast, was set to arrive. (Photo: James Lowe)

What the Shell is going on?

The survey was set to begin as early as 1 December 2021. Over four to five months, shockwaves would be fired by “an array of multiple airguns”, towed by the Amazon Warrior through a vast area to assess oil and gas deposits beneath the seabed in what is known as the Transkei Block – Exploration Right 12/3/252. This 6,011km2 area, between Port St Johns and Morgan’s Bay, is about 20km offshore where the depth ranges from 700m to 3,000m.

What does Shell say about the protests?

“At Shell, we respect the right of everyone to express their point of view. We only ask that they do so with their safety and the safety of others in mind. We can confirm we are operating within our legal right and have met all our obligations concerning the survey,” Shell’s public relations officer, Pam Ntaka, told the Highway Mail.

Shell South Africa chairperson Hloniphizwe Mtolo, who was born and grew up not far from the Wild Coast, assured the Mail & Guardian that if the planned seismic survey was unsafe Shell wouldn’t be doing it. “We need to co-exist with nature. As Shell… when we do these kinds of activities, we do the best that we can to make sure that we do not harm other species and the environment,” he said.

SLR Consulting, which distributed the 30-day seismic survey notification to the public on Shell’s behalf, told Roving Reporters it was collecting comments received and these would be collated and shared with Shell.

Meanwhile, the Oceans not Oil Coalition, an activist group, has collected more than 300,000 signatures on its petition. The petition calls on Minister of Forestry and Fisheries and Environmental Affairs Barbara Creecy to withdraw approval of the Wild Coast seismic survey application.

Wasn’t me

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment noted in a statement on 22 November 2021 that it had not been involved in considering the application or making a decision authorising the seismic survey. It said concerns about the survey, to be conducted by Shell and privately owned exploration company Impact Africa, had been noted by the department, but pointed out that the minister of mineral resources and energy was responsible for the administration of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act and had authorised the survey.

You might not expect the Department of Minerals Resources and Energy to issue environmental authorisations for mining, but ever since a change in the regulation in 2014, it has. In terms of the National Environmental Management Act of 1998 and the National Environmental Management: Waste Act of 2008, the mineral resources minister is responsible for issuing environmental authorisations and waste management licences for mining and related activities. The minister of environmental affairs may appeal these.

Activists believe the wrong department has been given responsibility for environmentally sensitive decisions – a case, they argue, of the fox being put in charge of the hen house. Nevertheless, the authorisations have been granted and cannot be undone without taking the matter to court.

What of the whales?

So, assuming the seismic survey goes ahead, what will happen to the whales?

According to Oceans not Oil’s website, a 2016 seismic survey extended into the whale migration period, and coincided with the highest recorded whale and dolphin strandings yet on the KwaZulu-Natal coast.

Whether the survey caused the strandings is not clear. It should also be noted that by the time the Wild Coast seismic survey starts many humpbacks will already be well on their way to the Southern Ocean, or have arrived there. On the other hand, Delport tells me that even outside peak season, humpbacks are occasionally seen in southern African waters, some even further north than Mozambique.

Dr Simon Elwen, a marine mammal scientist and director of Sea Search Research and Conservation, a scientific organisation focusing on marine mammals, said seismic surveys in South Africa apply a number of measures to lessen harm to marine mammals. These include restricting surveys to “low whale season”. But, like Delport, he pointed out there was no such thing as a “no-whale season” in the region. Some species are resident and even some of our migratory whales are found year-round, although more frequently from June to October.

Elwen is in no doubt that big bangs affect whales. “Loud noises from seismic surveys impact all life forms, from plankton and coral to fish and whales,” he said.

Whales and dolphins are very “acoustic” animals, using sound to navigate, find food and communicate with each other, Elwen said. He explained that marine mammals are sensitive to noise and seismic surveys have been shown to cause changes in whale singing – the frequency of sounds, how often they sing, and the volume. Whales have also been observed moving away from the source of sounds and reduction in whale sightings have been shown over thousands of kilometres.

A pod of common dolphins cruise through the Wild Coast waters, a region where seismic surveys for oil and gas are set to begin as early as 1 December 2021. (Photo: James Lowe)


However, Elwen also notes that despite more than 40 years of seismic surveys there isn’t a single study showing a clear link between seismic surveys and the stranding of an individual or multiple whales, dolphins or even fish. He feels the emotive images of dead whales stranded on beaches being shared on social media are highly misleading.

He said that naval sonar, which has been known to cause the death of whales, is a completely different type of sound to what is used in seismic surveys. Naval sonar has been linked to strandings of many species of marine mammals, especially deep-diving species. It frightens these species, like beaked whales, causing them to rush to the surface to escape the noise. As they bolt from depth, the rapidly decreasing pressure causes nitrogen in their bodies to form bubbles, resulting in decompression sickness, much the same as “the bends” which affect human divers, and sometimes with similar consequences – death. He stressed that this type of response has never been observed during seismic surveys for oil and gas exploration.

Elwen said passive acoustic monitoring and onboard marine mammal observers were mandatory. But he added that the latter measure is somewhat flawed because marine mammals and fish are known to respond to blasting kilometres away from the source of the sound and, of course, they’re under water, well beyond an observer’s ability to detect them.

Observers halt blasting if it’s still in the ramp-up phase, he said, but if a whale swims through the array once it’s running at full capacity, blasting continues. Whales do swim through arrays a fair bit, Elwen explains, which is why most people in the seismic survey industry are a little baffled about what activists are up in arms about.

What if the wider effects of seismic surveys can’t be seen from the control deck? Perhaps weak individual whales are affected – those that are hungry or starving. Migratory whales on Africa’s east coast have not eaten for months when they begin their long journey back to the Southern Ocean. Elwen says there are often whale strandings during this time. Perhaps hunger affects whales’ navigation abilities or they’re less inclined to change course – to avoid the blasting.

Mikel Gutiérrez Muto (left), research coordinator, and Lucía Achiaga Bello, intern for record information about the whales in Zavora Bay, during a whale survey. (Photo: Rio Button)

Oil be damned

Beyond concerns for marine mammals, Elwen questions the need for seismic surveys – from a broader, environmental-energy perspective. “Many countries are choosing to leave their oil reserves in the ground. South Africa has so many world-leading environmental policies, and great potential for renewables – why not on this, too?”

Dr Judy Mann, the conservation strategist for the South African Association for Marine Biological Research, agrees with Elwen. She wants to see investment in renewable energy and a move away from fossil fuel. She points out that at the recently adjourned COP26 climate talks in Glasgow, the international community pledged more than R131-billion to help South Africa reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

She feels “that the potential short-term, non-sustainable benefits to be gained from oil and gas are largely outweighed by the environmental risks posed by exploring for, and using, these non-renewable energy resources, especially along this vulnerable coastline”.

Economy matters

But while Mann, Elwen and many others would like to see the country move to renewables, there are doubts about how quickly this might happen

Aiden Biccard, a marine scientist involved in assessing the impact of marine mining and the recovery of mined areas, said: “Sadly, we are not in a position to move entirely to renewable energy sources yet in South Africa, but, hopefully, some day we will be.”

On the uproar around the seismic surveys planned for the Wild Coast, Biccard called for less heat and more light. “As scientists we need to remain impartial, conduct the necessary research, and let the data speak for itself rather than getting caught up in the hype and media,” he told Roving Reporters.

Shell boss Mtolo stresses the potential economic value of the seismic survey. If hydrocarbons (the chemical compounds that form the basis of crude oil, natural gas, coal and other energy sources) are confirmed to be beneath the seabed in sufficient quantity, it “will benefit the economy in a huge way. It will create jobs and ensure the future of the country is positive.”

Wild waters

Mann’s main concern appears to lie not so much with the planned seismic blasts, which have fired up many activists, but with the potential threat of oil spills if drilling and extractions go ahead and the catastrophic consequences this might have for marine life.

Powerful, unpredictable ocean conditions in the region mean “attempts to contain any accidental spillage or normal operational spillage would likely be unsuccessful”. “This, as one of the most powerful oceanic currents in the world, hurtles through the region, usually north to south, but sometimes reverses – while large-scale eddies peeling off the current further complicate the flow, often bringing offshore water to the coast.”

She explained that environmental impact assessments rate the risk of a catastrophic blowout, such as would cause a large-scale oil spill, as very low. However, “this does not consider the increased risks posed by the harsh, unique physical environment found off the Wild Coast”.

Elwen takes a similar view. He said spill modelling had been a “key weakness” of the environmental management programme for the exploratory drilling off KZN that was granted approval in 2019.

“They worked on ‘average’ conditions a lot – but there is clear evidence most accidents happen due to storms… and there is clear evidence that climate change… is making storms bigger and more frequent,” he said, citing a WWF report.

The black-and-white splotches on a humpback whale tail flukes are as individual as a human fingerprint. (Photo: Phoebe Dill /

Upstream in Mozambique

It’s October and we are watching the humpback whales preparing to leave Zavora Bay. From here it’s 1,000km to the Wild Coast, after which the whales will continue their long swim to the Southern Ocean.

“Three spouts, one breach, it’s two adults and a calf,” calls out Mikel Gutiérrez Muto, the Zavora Marine Labs research coordinator, as I frantically fill in the data collection sheet and mark the pod’s position on the map. We’re back under the same palm frond, roofed lean-to from where Delport witnessed that newborn humpback’s first breath.

For more than a decade these biweekly surveys have taken place during high whale season. They are crucial for understanding population trends, allowing effective management measures for conservation. From these data researchers have discovered that humpbacks use Zavora Bay as a breeding area and not merely a migration passage.

The most recent analysis of the data indicates that warmer water correlated with fewer whale sightings. As the climate changes and new potential threats emerge, these long-term data sets become invaluable in helping scientists piece together the climate change puzzle. They have already warned that climate change may affect marine mammals who can only survive in waters between specific temperatures.

Climate change and its knock-on effects may have a bearing on where prey is found and in what quantities. In turn, this could affect the abundance of whales, their migration patterns, community structures and susceptibility to disease and contaminants. Ultimately, there may be consequences for the reproductive success and survival of these marine mammals.

At the end of the peak humpback season in Zavora the whales are hungry and are heading down southern Africa’s east coast, en route to the chilly waters off Antarctica. These whales make the longest migration of any mammal. Once in the Southern Ocean, over summer they will gorge themselves on great quantities of microscopic krill. They will build up fat reserves and next year in June, return to mate and give birth in Zavora’s warm tropical waters.

The circle of life resumes. Or will it?

As Elwen reminded me, whales don’t have an off-season; some may well be caught in the blasting.

It’s comforting to note that there have been seismic surveys worldwide in the past, including in South Africa’s waters, and these do not appear to have led to the catastrophe some activists feared. But many would counsel erring on the side of caution.

Should Shell and other oil companies be obliged to prove the practice is safe, or is it up to conservationists, opponents of seismic blasting, to prove the contrary? Where does the burden lie?

The world moves on

Biccard says that if the mitigation measures, including onboard observers and passive acoustic monitoring (essentially an underwater microphone listening out for marine mammals), are adhered to and the correct protocols are followed, the probability of injury to whales and dolphins should be substantially reduced.

Mtolo stresses that seismic surveying has a long history. “This is not the first time that surveys of this kind are done. We do thousands of these and thousands are done across the globe. A large portion of the public does not understand this is something that can be done in the course of the day, but most importantly the extent that companies, and Shell being the lead one in this space, goes through in terms of making sure that there is no harm to sea life and no harm to the environment. We do it correctly and in a manner that is in line with global best practice.”

But in many ways, the world has moved on. The arguments for a switch from fossil to renewable fuels seem more compelling. Three decades ago, most of the world supported an end to whaling. Similar common purpose is needed if we are to safeguard our seas – the humpbacks whales and the many other creatures that live in it. DM/OBP

Roving Reporters correspondent and conservation biologist Rio Button spent three months at MAR Expedition’s lab in Zavora, Mozambique, helping with research on whales, rays, sharks, turtles, fish and sea slugs. Once the hungry humpback whales had left Zavora Bay, and with her visa about to expire, Button too left Mozambique and headed south for the summer.

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Re: Activists petition to stop Shell’s planned seismic survey in seas off Eastern Cape

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Seems Shell got the go-ahead today!

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Re: Activists petition to stop Shell’s planned seismic survey in seas off Eastern Cape

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Re: Activists petition to stop Shell’s planned seismic survey in seas off Eastern Cape

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Shell wins court battle over Wild Coast seismic blasting survey
By Adrienne Carlisle - 03 December 2021 - 12:22

Shell is, for now, free to proceed with its seismic survey of the ocean off the ecologically sensitive Wild Coast after four environmental and human rights organisations on Friday lost their legal bid to interdict it from doing so.

Acting judge Avinash Govindjee dismissed the application with costs after delivering a 38-minute judgment.

The Border Deep Sea Angling Association and Kei Mouth Ski Boat Club together with human rights law agency Natural Justice and environmental organisation Greenpeace said the seismic surveying causes immense damage to marine life. They hoped the court would interdict the company from pursuing the survey under an exploration right (ER) obtained in 2014 and subsequently twice renewed.

They maintained the ER was awarded unlawfully in breach of the public’s rights and said it and both renewals should be declared invalid.

In January they will seek to review and set aside the original decision and subsequent renewals

In the meantime, they had hoped to stop Shell, via the urgent interdict, from proceeding with its seismic survey until the review application could be considered. That hope was dashed on Friday morning.

We speak to John Rance, chairperson of the Kei Mouth Ski Boat Club. When plans for seismic exploration for oil and gas were mooted in 2012 and 2013, he was chief environmental officer for the Border Deep Sea Angling Association, which was among the first organisations to oppose Shell's plans.

However, while Govindjee found his prima facie view was that the four organisations may enjoy success in their review application of at least the second renewal of the ER in 2021, in the urgent application they had failed to produce evidence there was genuine apprehension of irreparable harm to the marine environment, particularly given the mitigation measures Shell would put in place in line with the Environmental Management Programme plan.

Shell had indicated it had spent millions of dollars preparing for the seismic survey. If the interdict was granted, this would be lost and it would be in contractual breach of an exploration right obtained “years ago”.

Govindjee said weighing up massive financial consequences against the “possible harm to the environment” had been an “invidious task”, but in the end the evidence favoured Shell that with mitigation processes in place, irreparable harm would be minimised.

The voices of South Africans vehemently opposed to seismic blasting surveys off the SA coastline are growing louder as citizens take a stand.

However, all is not lost for environmental organisations as another urgent interdict was launched late this week.

Sustaining the Wild Coast, together with the Dwesa-Cwebe Communal Property Association, Amadiba traditional leader and healer Mashona Wetu Dlamini, All Rise Attorneys for Climate and Environmental Justice, and fishermen Ntsindiso Nongcavu from Port St Johns and Sazise Maxwell Pekayo and Cameron Thorpe from Kei Mouth, joined forces to launch the urgent interdict on Thursday.

In those court papers, it is argued Shell required an environmental authorisation in terms of the National Environmental Management Act for the survey.

DispatchLIVE ... ng-survey/

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Re: Activists petition to stop Shell’s planned seismic survey in seas off Eastern Cape

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Shell had indicated it had spent millions of dollars preparing for the seismic survey. If the interdict was granted, this would be lost and it would be in contractual breach of an exploration right obtained “years ago”.
Why did they not start "years ago" then? O**

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Re: Activists petition to stop Shell’s planned seismic survey in seas off Eastern Cape

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Shell oil and gas exploration fury spreads to UK

Malibongwe Dayimani | 05.12.2021

Hundreds of South Africans took to beaches across the country to protest against Shell's seismic survey.

  • UK-based Africans gathered outside the South African embassy in London on Sunday to object to Shell's seismic survey for oil and gas in South Africa.
  • By Sunday, an online petition against Shell's exploration of the ecologically sensitive Wild Coast in the Eastern Cape had garnered nearly 400 000 signatures.
  • Fish and other marine creatures, including endangered species, may die when Shearwater GeoServices uses a high-powered airgun to blast the sea floor every 10 seconds for five months.

The countrywide protests aimed at stopping energy giants Shell from blasting the ocean floor off South Africa's ecologically sensitive East Coast in search of oil and gas have spread to the UK.

A group of 100 Africans in the UK converged outside the South African High Commission in Trafalgar Square on Sunday to fight what they called "the harsh punishment of Africans".

In South Africa, protesters took to various shorelines, including Hout Bay and Muizenberg Cape Town, Eastern Cape's Nahoon Beach in East London, and Mbizana's Mzamba Beach in the former Transkei to object to Shell's seismic survey on the Wild Coast.

By Sunday, an online petition against the survey had collected 396 000 signatures while two groups had launched urgent High Court interdicts to block Shell.

However, one application has gone unsuccessful while the High Court in Makhanda still needs to decide on the latest one launched late last week.

In the UK, the hashtag #stoppunishingafrica demonstration was organised to oppose Shell's seismic survey as well as to reject perceived vaccine apartheid and international travel bans imposed on most African countries in light of the Covid-19 Omicron variant.

The organisers of the UK protest said Shell's seismic exploration in the marine protected areas would result in a complete marine ecosystem collapse which would have disastrous effects on marine biodiversity and local indigenous communities, their livelihoods and tourism for the region.

The protesters said:
  • We demand Shell halts operations immediately, failing to do so will result in a citizen’s legal action that we are preparing to file in the UK and European courts to stop Shell. We are also aware that there are plans to split Shell into two companies and rebrand the oil and gas exploration so that Shell can continue to destroy the Earth whilst greenwashing the British public into believing that they are investing in green energy.
    The organisers of the UK protest are Africans Hayley Reichert, Paris Oomadath and Kate Swart.

Hayley and Paris were born in KwaZulu-Natal and Kate in Pembrokeshire, Wales, but spent most of her life living in the Xhosa villages of the Wild Coast.

Shell boosts dividend as profit soars

Royal Dutch Shell boosted its dividend and launched a $2 billion share buyback programme on Thursday after a sharp rise in oil and gas prices drove second quarter profits to their highest in more than two years. Ciara Lee reports

The outrage comes after Shell announced it will begin blasting the seafloor of the unspoilt Wild Coast - from Morgans Bay outside East London all the way to Port St Johns - in search of gas and oil deposits.

It appointed Shearwater GeoServices to conduct a three-dimensional (3D) offshore seismic survey from Morgans Bay to Port St Johns to map potential oil and gas deposits under the seabed.

Shell Exploration and Production South Africa said it anticipated the seismic survey would take four to five months to complete, depending on weather and current conditions.

The survey area is more than 20km from the coast at its closest point, with water depths ranging from 700 to 3 000m, and it covers 6 011 square kilometres.

Fish and other marine creatures, including endangered species, may die when Shearwater GeoServices uses a high-powered airgun to blast the sea floor every 10 seconds.

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Re: Activists petition to stop Shell’s planned seismic survey in seas off Eastern Cape

Post by Klipspringer »

Isn't it a bit silly to blame Shell - it is the ruling party/government who have come up with the ocean economy programm. But I guess it is always nicer to blame a bad big foreign power lol
The culprits are always Shell and the Chinese etc, but never the decision maker politicians people have elected :twisted:

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Re: Activists petition to stop Shell’s planned seismic survey in seas off Eastern Cape

Post by Richprins »

:yes: :yes: :yes:

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Re: Activists petition to stop Shell’s planned seismic survey in seas off Eastern Cape

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Quite right, Klippie \O

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Re: Activists petition to stop Shell’s planned seismic survey in seas off Eastern Cape

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Shell boycott can be a turning point to reckon with unholy alliance between fossil fuel corporations and governments destroying our future

By Alex Lenferna | 06 Dec 2021
Dr Alex Lenferna is secretary of the Climate Justice Coalition and a climate justice campaigner with He holds a PhD on climate and energy justice from the University of Washington.

The real hypocrites are not those boycotting Shell while driving fossil fuel cars. Rather we can turn to the likes of Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe, who claims he is fighting Western imperialism when resisting clean energy. Then he sells out our precious Wild Coast to Shell — one of the most rapacious Western imperialist corporations.
It has been beautiful to see South Africans from all walks of life revolt against Shell’s plans to bombard our precious Wild Coast with harmful seismic testing so that they can explore for yet more oil and gas.

One of the tools that they have been deploying is the boycott of Shell. It’s a powerful tool that hits Shell in one of the only places they seem to care about: their profits.

The boycott is a welcome step to put pressure on Shell. At the same time, boycotting them is not enough. After all, what alternatives can we turn to when we boycott Shell?

If we go to Total, we support their plans to build the East African Crude Oil Pipeline, which will displace communities in Uganda and Tanzania, destroy irreplaceable ecosystems, and put at risk the water source of millions of people.

If we go to Sasol, we support one of the world’s most polluting companies, whose toxic coal-to-oil process fouls the air and water of South African communities, killing and sickening thousands each year.

If we go to BP, we support a company responsible for major oil spills across the world, including my family’s home island of Mauritius, where BP supplied a highly toxic experimental shipping fuel. Trying to avoid accountability, after the spill, BP even refused to supply a sample for analysis so that locals could understand what was poisoning their environment.

Caltex is a subsidiary of Chevron, which has polluted, intimidated, and harmed communities in Ecuador and across South America. When Chevron was finally held liable in court for the damage they had done, instead of paying court-ordered reparations they chose to try avoiding accountability and even worked to imprison the lawyer representing the communities harmed.

If we turn to Engen, their oil refineries are responsible for polluting and harming communities, such as those in South Durban. Communities there have long protested Engen’s harmful practices and lack of accountability for the cancerous pollution and even explosions coming from Engen’s refineries.

In the end, all major oil and gas companies have blood, devastation, and destruction on their hands. In addition, every bit of oil, gas and coal burnt contributes to climate change, pollution, and ecological harm, which falls disproportionately on poor, black, brown, and indigenous communities.

So, there is hardly an ethical oil and gas company we can choose from when boycotting Shell. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t boycott Shell though. We should. We need to put pressure on them at this particular moment in time to get them to pull out of the Wild Coast.

The long-term goal though must be to end the fossil fuel era altogether and rapidly move towards a more socially and ecologically just renewable energy powered future. Otherwise, we will constantly be relying on exploitative oil, gas, and coal companies who devastate communities and ecosystems.

Some disingenuous commentators will take the fact that we currently rely on fossil fuels now, to argue that those who are boycotting Shell are hypocrites. There are three responses we can issue to the charges of hypocrisy.

The first is to recognise that the transition will not happen overnight. So, while we might be dependent on fossil fuels now, and must work to reduce our dependence as much as possible, it will take time and investment to shift vehicles, infrastructure and energy systems.

That we need fossil fuels now, does not mean that we need Shell’s Wild Coast drilling though. As a major recent report from the International Energy Agency showed, we have more than enough oil, gas, and coal in current reserves for us to transition to clean energy in line with the Paris Climate Agreement’s goal of keeping global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

As such, we do not need to explore for new coal, oil and gas reserves as Shell aims to do in the Wild Coast. Rather, we should be using those resources to invest in a clean energy economy.

Fortunately, as another vital report from the University of Technology Sydney detailed, the world also has more than enough renewable energy potential to replace fossil fuels. Every region on Earth can replace fossil fuels with renewable energy fast enough to keep warming below 1.5ºC and provide reliable energy access to all.

The second response to the charge of hypocrisy is to realise that a big part of the reason why we haven’t moved away from fossil fuels is precisely because of companies like Shell. Fossil fuel corporations have used their immense power, money, and influence to stop governments from responding to crises like climate change.

Even more so than tobacco companies before them, coal, oil, and gas companies have spread misinformation and lies about the science and economics of climate change and clean energy. They have spent billions sabotaging efforts and movements working to clean up our energy systems.

The evidence shows that, if done right, a renewable energy future would be more affordable, job-creating, and prosperous. Yet, we have been locked into our fossil fuel dependence corporations and their bought-off politicians who keep us locked into polluting and expensive energy systems.

This brings us to the third reason, which is the unholy alliance between fossil fuel companies and governments. Across the world, governments have been captured by the fossil fuel industry, which is one of the richest and most powerful industries on earth.

As such, instead of investing in alternatives like electric vehicles, renewable energy, mass transit, and energy efficiency, governments across the world subsidise fossil fuels to the tune of $11-million a minute, keeping us locked into our polluting system.

The unholy alliance of government and fossil fuel corporations is blatantly on display in South Africa, where the ANC-linked Thebe Investments has a stake in Shell SA, so our ruling party stands to win big if the company strikes oil.

A similar story unfolded in the electricity sector, where the ANC investment company, Chancellor House, held a R3-billion stake in the corruption-riddled Medupi power station through its 25% ownership of Hitachi. It’s little wonder the ANC has been so reluctant to move off coal.

Both such investments and the corruption surrounding them help explain why South Africa’s government has failed so dismally to clean up our electricity and transport sectors. We lag far behind the world on electric vehicle uptake and have one of the world’s most polluting electricity sectors.

In the end, the real hypocrites in this space are not those boycotting Shell. Rather we can turn to the likes of Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe, who claims he is fighting against Western imperialism when resisting clean energy. Then he sells out our precious Wild Coast to Shell — one of the most rapacious Western imperialist corporations.

The uprising against Shell provides us with a moment to reckon with the broader corrupted politics of fossil fuel corporations and politicians who are hijacking our future for their own profit. Let us boycott Shell, and then use that momentum to end the fossil fuel era altogether. Let us build in its place a society that is more just, equitable, and powered by renewable energy. DM

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela
The desire for equality must never exceed the demands of knowledge
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