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Post by Toko »

BirdLife South Africa: Bird of the Year

Bird of the Year 2014

The Bird of the Year for 2014 is the Tristan Albatross (Diomedea dabbenena)

This is one of only two global Critically Endangered species in South Africa. The Albatross Task Force is one of BirdLife South Africa’s flagship projects and the team has done exceptional work, recognised globally, to reduce albatross deaths.

About the Tristan Albatross
Seabirds, particularly albatrosses, are becoming increasingly threatened and at a faster rate globally than any other group of birds; they face a wide variety of threats. Many declines are closely linked to the expansion of commercial longline fisheries in seabird foraging areas, combined with the impacts of invasive alien species at nesting colonies.

The 2013 IUCN Red List reveals that the Tristan Albatross is one of only two Critically Endangered species that occur in South Africa (including territorial waters). The listing is a result of the bird’s extremely small breeding range (it is essentially a single-island endemic) and an exceptionally rapid projected population decline over three generations (70 years).

The population is decreasing through a combination of unsustainable deaths from tuna longline fishing and the incredible damage that predatory, introduced mice are doing at Gough Island, which lay waste to around half the chicks produced every season. BirdLife South Africa is collaborating with the Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology in tracking juvenile birds. One of them entered South African waters, near Cape Town, and perhaps lucky birders on a pelagic trip could even see this individual in future!

The Tristan Albatross will be an ambassador for all albatrosses and other seabirds!

More details coming soon. Watch this space for more information about the learning resources, poster and pin badges.

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Re: Bird of the Year

Post by Flutterby »

Thanks Toko! \O

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