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AW Insect Book: Beetles - Coleoptera
Moderator: Klipspringer
Index to Beetles (Order Coleoptera)
Index to Beetles (Order Coleoptera)
Families in the Suborder Adephaga
Carabidae (Ground Beetles)
Anthia cinctipennis Ground Spitting Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=143181#p143181
Anthia sp. Ground Spitting Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=177254#p177254
Chaetodera regalis Royal Tiger Beetle, African Riverine Tiger Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=30#p163510
Lipostratia elongata Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?p=487426#p487426
Passalidius fortipes Burrowing Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?p=177688#p177688
Tefflus meyerlei delagorguei Peaceful Giant Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?p=505605#p505605
Termophilum burchelli burchelli Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?p=216644#p216644
Termophilum decemguttatum Ten spotted Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p163113
Termophilum fornasinii, Anthia fornasinii Predatory Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?p=251911#p251911
Gyrinidae (Whirligig Beetles)
Dineutus grossus grossus Whirligig Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=143518#p143518
Families in the Suborder Polyphaga
Superfamily Buprestoidea
Family Buprestidae (Jewel Beetles)
Anthaxia marginata Jewel Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=141932#p141932
Superfamily Chrysomeloidea
Family Cerambycidae (Longicorn Beetles, Timber Beetles)
Calothyrza jardinei viewtopic.php?p=442009#p442009
Ceroplesis ferrugator Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=141929#p141929
Crossotus stypticus Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p156818
Homaloceraea claviger claviger Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=141934#p141934
Leuconitocris nigricornis Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=447811#p447811
Mallodon downesii Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?p=207546#p207546
Phantasis carinata Ground Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p160824
Phantasis gigantea Giant Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?p=192875#p192875
Prosopocera (Dalterus) blairiella blairiella Flatface Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?p=312380#p312380
Pycnopsis brachyptera Longhorn viewtopic.php?p=487566#p487566
Tetradia lophoptera Dumpy Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=486947#p486947
Titoceres jaspideus Flatface Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?p=291909#p291909
Xystrocera erosa Longhorn viewtopic.php?p=531458#p531458
Chrysomelidae (Leaf Beetles, Bruchid Beetles)
Acrocassis sp. Tortoise Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&p=176088#p176088
Calotheca Flea Beetle viewtopic.php?p=487322#p487322
Cryptocephalus decemnotatus Ten-spotted Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p163501
Macrocoma sp. or Pseudocolaspis sp. Hairy Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?p=533374#p533374
Megaleruca sp. Celtis Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?p=532673#p532673
Monolepta cruciata Leafbeetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p161315
Monolepta sp. Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p162971
Polyclada sp. Arrow Poison Flea Beatle viewtopic.php?p=312379#p312379
Clytrine Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=175772#p175772
Hispine Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&p=176028#p176028
Family Megalopodidae (Megalopodid Leaf Beetles)
Leucastea sp. Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?p=491542#p491542
Superfamily Cleroidea
Family Cleridae (Chequered Beetles)
Aphelochroa sanguinalis Clerine Checkered Beetle viewtopic.php?p=248883#p248883
Superfamily Coccinelloidea
Family Coccinellidae (Ladybirds)
Cheilomenes lunata Lunate Ladybird viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=142602#p142602
Harmonia axyridis Harlequin Ladybird, Asian Ladybird Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p162211
Oenopia cinctella Black-ringed Ladybird viewtopic.php?f=247&p=148898#p148898
Oenopia sp. Ladybird viewtopic.php?p=179240#p179240
Ortalia ochracea ochracea Ochre Ladybird Beetle viewtopic.php?p=487199#p487199
Platynaspis capicola Ladybird viewtopic.php?p=196665#p196665
Solanophila dregei Potato Lady Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=30#p165686
Superfamily Curculionoidea
Curculionidae (True Weevils)
Brachycerus labrusca Lily Weevil viewtopic.php?p=518583#p518583
Rhadinomerus illicitus Lesser Aloe Weevil viewtopic.php?f=247&p=176020#p176020
Pantomorus cervinus Fuller's Rose Weevil viewtopic.php?p=176023#p176023
Protostrophus sp Beaded Weevil viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=30#p167184
Superfamily Elateroidea
Lampyridae (Fireflies, Glow Worms)
Lampyris sp Glow Worm viewtopic.php?p=205771#p205771
Luciola sp. Firefly viewtopic.php?p=495845#p495845
Family Lycidae (Net-winged Beetles)
Lycus melanurus Hook-winged Net-winged Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=142214#p142214
Lycus trabeatus Tailed Net-winged Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&p=149406#p149406
Superfamily Scarabaeoidea (Scarabs)
Family Scarabaeidae
Subfamily Cetoniinae (Fruit Chafers and Flower Scarabs)
Anisorrhina (Anisorrhina) flavomaculata Zigzag Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?p=531730#p531730
Atrichelaphinis tigrina Tiger Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p156410
Clinteroides permutans Variable Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?p=529630#p529630
Cyrthothyrea marginalis Common Dotted Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?p=527744#p527744
Dicronorhina derbyana derbyana Giant Emerald Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?p=529578#p529578
Dischista cincta Savanna Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?p=244854#p244854
Leucocelis adspersa Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?p=240795#p240795
Leucocelis amethystina Amethyst Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?f=247&p=177664#p177664
Pachnoda sinuata Garden Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=30#p166818
Trichostetha capensis Cape Protea Chafer viewtopic.php?p=149503#p149503
Trichostetha fascicularis fascicularis Cape Green Protea Chafer viewtopic.php?p=528610#p528610
Subfamily Melolonthinae (June Beetles)
Tribe Hopliini (Monkey Beetles)
Lepisia braunsi Monkey Beetle viewtopic.php?p=240441#p240441
Lepithrix pseudolineata Spider Monkey Beetle viewtopic.php?p=240438#p240438
Monkey Beetle viewtopic.php?p=501675#p501675
Tribe Melolonthini
Pegylis sommeri Large Wattle Chafer viewtopic.php?f=247&p=148877#p148877
Tribe Tanyproctini
Scapanoclypeus sp. Tanyproctine Chafer viewtopic.php?p=490560#p490560
Sparrmannia flava Woolly Chafer viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=177839#p177839
Subfamily Dynastinae (Rhinoceros Beetles)
Cyphonistes vallatus Forkhorn Rhinocerus Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p163011
Subfamily Scarabaeinae (Dung Beetles)
Tribe Canthonini
Anachalcos convexus Plum Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p160390
Circellium bacchus Flightless Dung Beetle, Addo Flightless Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182#p141922
Tribe Coprini
Copris sp. Dunge Beetle viewtopic.php?p=529049#p529049
Tribe Dichotomiini
Heliocopris sp. Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?p=260389#p260389
Tribe Gymnopleurini
Garreta wahlbergi Metallic Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?p=492280#p492280
Gymnopleurus humeralis Small Green Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?p=256126#p256126
Tribe Onthophagini
Proagoderus quadrituber Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=142165#p142165
Tribe Scarabaeini
Pachylomera femoralis Giant Flattened Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?p=283109#p283109
Scarabaeus (Drepanopodus) costatus Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?p=504987#p504987
Scarabaeus (Kheper) nigroaeneus Large Copper Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=142608#p142608
Scarabaeus (Scarabaeolus) flavicornis Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?p=491325#p491325
Family Trogidae (Hide Beetles)
Omorgus asperulatus Hair Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=142128#p142128
Superfamily Tenebrionoidea
Family Anthicidae (Ant-like Flower Beetles, Monoceros Beetles)
Subfamily Afreminae
Afremus cf pickeri Flower Beetle viewtopic.php?p=498186#p498186
Family Meloidae (Blister Beetles)
Ceroctis angolensis Blister Beetle viewtopic.php?p=506161#p506161
Ceroctis capensis Spotted Blister Beetle viewtopic.php?p=149407#p149407
Decapotoma lunata Lunate Blister Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=144024#p144024
Hycleus lugens Blister Beetle viewtopic.php?p=261393#p261393
Hycleus oculatus CMR Bean Beetle viewtopic.php?p=208382#p208382
Lydomorphus bisignatus Slender Grey Blister Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=177352#p177352
Prionotolytta binotata Blister Beetle viewtopic.php?p=500144#p500144
Melyridae (Soft-winged flower beetles)
Astylus atromaculatus Spotted Maize Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&p=185597#p185597
Family Tenebrionidae (Darkling Beetles, Toktokkies)
Adesmia cribripes, Physosterna cribripes Desert Toktokkie viewtopic.php?p=190620#p190620
Afrinus sp. Darkling Beetle https://www.africawild-forum.com/viewto ... 68#p495568
Alogenius cavifrons robinsoni Pitted Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=486852#p486852
Anomalipus sp. Armoured Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=177648#p177648
Anomalipus sp. Armoured Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=192803#p192803
Anomalipus sp. Armoured Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=210596#p210596
Dichtha incantatoris White-legged Toktokkie viewtopic.php?p=306301#p306301
Epiphysa flavicollis Tortoise Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=496822#p496822
Eurychora sp. Dirttok viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=143907#p143903
Lagria sp. Hairy Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=196061#p196061
Ocnodes sp. Toktokkie viewtopic.php?p=504563#p504563
Psammodes gibbus Striped Toktokkie viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=174894#p174894
Psammodes sp. Toktokkie viewtopic.php?p=196441#p196441
Somaticus aeneus Tar Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=260948#p260948
Somaticus sp. Tar Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=207885#p207885
Stenocara gracilipes Racing-stripe Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=143907#p143907
Zophosis sp. Frantic Tortoise Beetle viewtopic.php?p=195135#p195135
Families in the Suborder Adephaga
Carabidae (Ground Beetles)
Anthia cinctipennis Ground Spitting Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=143181#p143181
Anthia sp. Ground Spitting Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=177254#p177254
Chaetodera regalis Royal Tiger Beetle, African Riverine Tiger Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=30#p163510
Lipostratia elongata Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?p=487426#p487426
Passalidius fortipes Burrowing Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?p=177688#p177688
Tefflus meyerlei delagorguei Peaceful Giant Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?p=505605#p505605
Termophilum burchelli burchelli Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?p=216644#p216644
Termophilum decemguttatum Ten spotted Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p163113
Termophilum fornasinii, Anthia fornasinii Predatory Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?p=251911#p251911
Gyrinidae (Whirligig Beetles)
Dineutus grossus grossus Whirligig Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=143518#p143518
Families in the Suborder Polyphaga
Superfamily Buprestoidea
Family Buprestidae (Jewel Beetles)
Anthaxia marginata Jewel Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=141932#p141932
Superfamily Chrysomeloidea
Family Cerambycidae (Longicorn Beetles, Timber Beetles)
Calothyrza jardinei viewtopic.php?p=442009#p442009
Ceroplesis ferrugator Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=141929#p141929
Crossotus stypticus Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p156818
Homaloceraea claviger claviger Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=141934#p141934
Leuconitocris nigricornis Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=447811#p447811
Mallodon downesii Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?p=207546#p207546
Phantasis carinata Ground Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p160824
Phantasis gigantea Giant Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?p=192875#p192875
Prosopocera (Dalterus) blairiella blairiella Flatface Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?p=312380#p312380
Pycnopsis brachyptera Longhorn viewtopic.php?p=487566#p487566
Tetradia lophoptera Dumpy Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=486947#p486947
Titoceres jaspideus Flatface Longhorn Beetle viewtopic.php?p=291909#p291909
Xystrocera erosa Longhorn viewtopic.php?p=531458#p531458
Chrysomelidae (Leaf Beetles, Bruchid Beetles)
Acrocassis sp. Tortoise Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&p=176088#p176088
Calotheca Flea Beetle viewtopic.php?p=487322#p487322
Cryptocephalus decemnotatus Ten-spotted Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p163501
Macrocoma sp. or Pseudocolaspis sp. Hairy Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?p=533374#p533374
Megaleruca sp. Celtis Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?p=532673#p532673
Monolepta cruciata Leafbeetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p161315
Monolepta sp. Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p162971
Polyclada sp. Arrow Poison Flea Beatle viewtopic.php?p=312379#p312379
Clytrine Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=175772#p175772
Hispine Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&p=176028#p176028
Family Megalopodidae (Megalopodid Leaf Beetles)
Leucastea sp. Leaf Beetle viewtopic.php?p=491542#p491542
Superfamily Cleroidea
Family Cleridae (Chequered Beetles)
Aphelochroa sanguinalis Clerine Checkered Beetle viewtopic.php?p=248883#p248883
Superfamily Coccinelloidea
Family Coccinellidae (Ladybirds)
Cheilomenes lunata Lunate Ladybird viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=142602#p142602
Harmonia axyridis Harlequin Ladybird, Asian Ladybird Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p162211
Oenopia cinctella Black-ringed Ladybird viewtopic.php?f=247&p=148898#p148898
Oenopia sp. Ladybird viewtopic.php?p=179240#p179240
Ortalia ochracea ochracea Ochre Ladybird Beetle viewtopic.php?p=487199#p487199
Platynaspis capicola Ladybird viewtopic.php?p=196665#p196665
Solanophila dregei Potato Lady Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=30#p165686
Superfamily Curculionoidea
Curculionidae (True Weevils)
Brachycerus labrusca Lily Weevil viewtopic.php?p=518583#p518583
Rhadinomerus illicitus Lesser Aloe Weevil viewtopic.php?f=247&p=176020#p176020
Pantomorus cervinus Fuller's Rose Weevil viewtopic.php?p=176023#p176023
Protostrophus sp Beaded Weevil viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=30#p167184
Superfamily Elateroidea
Lampyridae (Fireflies, Glow Worms)
Lampyris sp Glow Worm viewtopic.php?p=205771#p205771
Luciola sp. Firefly viewtopic.php?p=495845#p495845
Family Lycidae (Net-winged Beetles)
Lycus melanurus Hook-winged Net-winged Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=142214#p142214
Lycus trabeatus Tailed Net-winged Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&p=149406#p149406
Superfamily Scarabaeoidea (Scarabs)
Family Scarabaeidae
Subfamily Cetoniinae (Fruit Chafers and Flower Scarabs)
Anisorrhina (Anisorrhina) flavomaculata Zigzag Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?p=531730#p531730
Atrichelaphinis tigrina Tiger Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p156410
Clinteroides permutans Variable Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?p=529630#p529630
Cyrthothyrea marginalis Common Dotted Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?p=527744#p527744
Dicronorhina derbyana derbyana Giant Emerald Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?p=529578#p529578
Dischista cincta Savanna Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?p=244854#p244854
Leucocelis adspersa Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?p=240795#p240795
Leucocelis amethystina Amethyst Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?f=247&p=177664#p177664
Pachnoda sinuata Garden Fruit Chafer viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=30#p166818
Trichostetha capensis Cape Protea Chafer viewtopic.php?p=149503#p149503
Trichostetha fascicularis fascicularis Cape Green Protea Chafer viewtopic.php?p=528610#p528610
Subfamily Melolonthinae (June Beetles)
Tribe Hopliini (Monkey Beetles)
Lepisia braunsi Monkey Beetle viewtopic.php?p=240441#p240441
Lepithrix pseudolineata Spider Monkey Beetle viewtopic.php?p=240438#p240438
Monkey Beetle viewtopic.php?p=501675#p501675
Tribe Melolonthini
Pegylis sommeri Large Wattle Chafer viewtopic.php?f=247&p=148877#p148877
Tribe Tanyproctini
Scapanoclypeus sp. Tanyproctine Chafer viewtopic.php?p=490560#p490560
Sparrmannia flava Woolly Chafer viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=177839#p177839
Subfamily Dynastinae (Rhinoceros Beetles)
Cyphonistes vallatus Forkhorn Rhinocerus Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p163011
Subfamily Scarabaeinae (Dung Beetles)
Tribe Canthonini
Anachalcos convexus Plum Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&start=20#p160390
Circellium bacchus Flightless Dung Beetle, Addo Flightless Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182#p141922
Tribe Coprini
Copris sp. Dunge Beetle viewtopic.php?p=529049#p529049
Tribe Dichotomiini
Heliocopris sp. Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?p=260389#p260389
Tribe Gymnopleurini
Garreta wahlbergi Metallic Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?p=492280#p492280
Gymnopleurus humeralis Small Green Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?p=256126#p256126
Tribe Onthophagini
Proagoderus quadrituber Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=142165#p142165
Tribe Scarabaeini
Pachylomera femoralis Giant Flattened Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?p=283109#p283109
Scarabaeus (Drepanopodus) costatus Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?p=504987#p504987
Scarabaeus (Kheper) nigroaeneus Large Copper Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=142608#p142608
Scarabaeus (Scarabaeolus) flavicornis Dung Beetle viewtopic.php?p=491325#p491325
Family Trogidae (Hide Beetles)
Omorgus asperulatus Hair Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=142128#p142128
Superfamily Tenebrionoidea
Family Anthicidae (Ant-like Flower Beetles, Monoceros Beetles)
Subfamily Afreminae
Afremus cf pickeri Flower Beetle viewtopic.php?p=498186#p498186
Family Meloidae (Blister Beetles)
Ceroctis angolensis Blister Beetle viewtopic.php?p=506161#p506161
Ceroctis capensis Spotted Blister Beetle viewtopic.php?p=149407#p149407
Decapotoma lunata Lunate Blister Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=144024#p144024
Hycleus lugens Blister Beetle viewtopic.php?p=261393#p261393
Hycleus oculatus CMR Bean Beetle viewtopic.php?p=208382#p208382
Lydomorphus bisignatus Slender Grey Blister Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=177352#p177352
Prionotolytta binotata Blister Beetle viewtopic.php?p=500144#p500144
Melyridae (Soft-winged flower beetles)
Astylus atromaculatus Spotted Maize Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&p=185597#p185597
Family Tenebrionidae (Darkling Beetles, Toktokkies)
Adesmia cribripes, Physosterna cribripes Desert Toktokkie viewtopic.php?p=190620#p190620
Afrinus sp. Darkling Beetle https://www.africawild-forum.com/viewto ... 68#p495568
Alogenius cavifrons robinsoni Pitted Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=486852#p486852
Anomalipus sp. Armoured Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=177648#p177648
Anomalipus sp. Armoured Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=192803#p192803
Anomalipus sp. Armoured Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=210596#p210596
Dichtha incantatoris White-legged Toktokkie viewtopic.php?p=306301#p306301
Epiphysa flavicollis Tortoise Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=496822#p496822
Eurychora sp. Dirttok viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=143907#p143903
Lagria sp. Hairy Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=196061#p196061
Ocnodes sp. Toktokkie viewtopic.php?p=504563#p504563
Psammodes gibbus Striped Toktokkie viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=174894#p174894
Psammodes sp. Toktokkie viewtopic.php?p=196441#p196441
Somaticus aeneus Tar Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=260948#p260948
Somaticus sp. Tar Darkling Beetle viewtopic.php?p=207885#p207885
Stenocara gracilipes Racing-stripe Ground Beetle viewtopic.php?f=247&t=3182&p=143907#p143907
Zophosis sp. Frantic Tortoise Beetle viewtopic.php?p=195135#p195135
Re: Africa Wild Insect Book: Beetles - Photos & Descriptions
Flightless Dung Beetle, Addo Flightless Dung Beetle Circellium bacchus
Superfamily: Scarabaeoidea. Family: Scarabaeidae. Subfamily: Scarabaeinae. Tribe: Canthonini
Addo Elephant National Park
© nan
Addo Elephant National Park
One of a few flightless dung beetles. Large body (length 30-45mm), black and moderately shiny, globular with rounded outline. Very large pronotum, almaost equal in size to abdomen.
Geographical distribution
This scarab beetle was once widespread throughout South Africa but is now limited to a few pockets of populations, the largest being at Addo Elephant Park in the Eastern Cape Province. Another stable population occurs at the Buffalo Valley Game Farm near Knysna.
Fish river scrub and spekboomveld.
While they are generalist dung feeders, they have a preference for elephant dung but have been recorded feeding on rabbit, baboon, various antelope, human, ostrich and baboon dung/faeces. Feeding might take place at the dung site or a small ball prepared and rolled away and eaten in a protected location. The younger adults usually do this.
However, buffalo dung is preferred for breeding. Females produce only one off-spring per breeding cycle, usually one but sometimes two per year so fecundity is therefore low. When breeding, the female removes a portion of dung from the pile, pats it onto a ball and rolls it away, from 7 to 80m, depending on when she finds a suitable site. Unlike other dung beetles, the male trails her by a few centimeters and does not help roll the ball. When the ideal site is decided on, the female excavates the hole and the male then positions himself on top of the dung ball and sinks down with it, the depth varying from 17 to 37 cm. Mating then takes place and the egg is deposited. The male returns to the surface and the female remains with her brood throughout the early (larval) development. This is critical for the survival of the larva as she constantly clears away fungus that develops on the outside of the dung ball. The development time from egg to adult ranges from 120 to 140 days. The young adult then feeds for another 50 to 65 days before becoming sexually mature.
Conservation status
While this species is not included on the IUCN list of threatened species, it complies with most of the criteria and therefore qualifies as "vulnerable". Its vulnerability is attributed to: small, restricted and isolated populations; the habitat is constantly under threat from agriculture and general human encroachment; climate change; low fecundity (breeding capacity); low dispersability as it is flightless; habitat specialisation; co-evolution with and dependence on falling numbers of vertebrates (elephant and buffalo).
Addo Elephant National Park
Addo Elephant National Park, March 2020
https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... carabeidae
https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9b97/a ... 44e71b.pdf
Superfamily: Scarabaeoidea. Family: Scarabaeidae. Subfamily: Scarabaeinae. Tribe: Canthonini
Addo Elephant National Park
© nan
Addo Elephant National Park
One of a few flightless dung beetles. Large body (length 30-45mm), black and moderately shiny, globular with rounded outline. Very large pronotum, almaost equal in size to abdomen.
Geographical distribution
This scarab beetle was once widespread throughout South Africa but is now limited to a few pockets of populations, the largest being at Addo Elephant Park in the Eastern Cape Province. Another stable population occurs at the Buffalo Valley Game Farm near Knysna.
Fish river scrub and spekboomveld.
While they are generalist dung feeders, they have a preference for elephant dung but have been recorded feeding on rabbit, baboon, various antelope, human, ostrich and baboon dung/faeces. Feeding might take place at the dung site or a small ball prepared and rolled away and eaten in a protected location. The younger adults usually do this.
However, buffalo dung is preferred for breeding. Females produce only one off-spring per breeding cycle, usually one but sometimes two per year so fecundity is therefore low. When breeding, the female removes a portion of dung from the pile, pats it onto a ball and rolls it away, from 7 to 80m, depending on when she finds a suitable site. Unlike other dung beetles, the male trails her by a few centimeters and does not help roll the ball. When the ideal site is decided on, the female excavates the hole and the male then positions himself on top of the dung ball and sinks down with it, the depth varying from 17 to 37 cm. Mating then takes place and the egg is deposited. The male returns to the surface and the female remains with her brood throughout the early (larval) development. This is critical for the survival of the larva as she constantly clears away fungus that develops on the outside of the dung ball. The development time from egg to adult ranges from 120 to 140 days. The young adult then feeds for another 50 to 65 days before becoming sexually mature.
Conservation status
While this species is not included on the IUCN list of threatened species, it complies with most of the criteria and therefore qualifies as "vulnerable". Its vulnerability is attributed to: small, restricted and isolated populations; the habitat is constantly under threat from agriculture and general human encroachment; climate change; low fecundity (breeding capacity); low dispersability as it is flightless; habitat specialisation; co-evolution with and dependence on falling numbers of vertebrates (elephant and buffalo).
Addo Elephant National Park
Addo Elephant National Park, March 2020
https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... carabeidae
https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9b97/a ... 44e71b.pdf
Re: Africa Wild Insect Book: Beetles - Photos & Descriptions
Longhorn Beetle sp. Ceroplesis ferrugator
Superfamily: Chrysomeloidea. Family: Cerambycidae. Subfamily: Lamiinae. Tribe: Ceroplesini
© BluTuna
Ceroplesis ferrugator subsp. marginalis in Kgalagadi
Size: 32-39 mm. The only Ceroplesis species in the region without obvious transverse red bands or transversely elongate red patches. Narrow red margin around grey elytra is diagnostic.
Geographical distribution
Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Superfamily: Chrysomeloidea. Family: Cerambycidae. Subfamily: Lamiinae. Tribe: Ceroplesini
© BluTuna
Ceroplesis ferrugator subsp. marginalis in Kgalagadi
Size: 32-39 mm. The only Ceroplesis species in the region without obvious transverse red bands or transversely elongate red patches. Narrow red margin around grey elytra is diagnostic.
Geographical distribution
Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Hunting cannot be considered a sport as all contestants in a sport should know they are playing the game!
Re: Africa Wild Insect Book: Beetles - Photos & Descriptions
Jewel Beetle Anthaxia marginata
Family Buprestidae. Subfamily Buprestinae. Tribe Anthaxini
© BluTuna
Garden in Johannesburg
Family Buprestidae. Subfamily Buprestinae. Tribe Anthaxini
© BluTuna
Garden in Johannesburg
Hunting cannot be considered a sport as all contestants in a sport should know they are playing the game!
Re: Africa Wild Insect Book: Beetles - Photos & Descriptions
Typical Longhorn Beetle Homaloceraea claviger claviger
Family Cerambycidae. Subfamily Cerambycinae. Tribe Callichromatini
© BluTuna
Garden in Johannesburg
Family Cerambycidae. Subfamily Cerambycinae. Tribe Callichromatini
© BluTuna
Garden in Johannesburg
Hunting cannot be considered a sport as all contestants in a sport should know they are playing the game!
- nan
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Re: Africa Wild Insect Book: Beetles - Photos & Descriptions
Hair Beetle, Carcass Beetle Omorgus asperulatus
Family: Trogidae
© nan
Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
Carcass beetles of the family Trogidae are greyish black, heavily sculptured, small to medium sized beetles. Adults and larvae feed on animal remains and carnivore and raptor faeces. Adults occur underneath the food source and scarab-like larvae in burrows in the soil also underneath it.
Free State, Northwest Province and Northern Cape, to Namibia and Botswana; November to April.
Arid savannah and desert.
https://repository.up.ac.za/bitstream/h ... sAllowed=y
Wikipedia: Trogidae, Checklist: The Hair Beetles (Coleoptera: Trogidae) of South Africa
Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
© Mel
Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Grootkolk
© ExFmem
Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Kieliekrankie
© nan
Family: Trogidae
© nan
Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
Carcass beetles of the family Trogidae are greyish black, heavily sculptured, small to medium sized beetles. Adults and larvae feed on animal remains and carnivore and raptor faeces. Adults occur underneath the food source and scarab-like larvae in burrows in the soil also underneath it.
Free State, Northwest Province and Northern Cape, to Namibia and Botswana; November to April.
Arid savannah and desert.
https://repository.up.ac.za/bitstream/h ... sAllowed=y
Wikipedia: Trogidae, Checklist: The Hair Beetles (Coleoptera: Trogidae) of South Africa
Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
© Mel
Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Grootkolk
© ExFmem
Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Kieliekrankie
© nan
Kgalagadi lover… for ever
- Richprins
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Re: Africa Wild Insect Book: Beetles - Photos & Descriptions
Dung Beetle Proagoderus quadrituber
Family Scarabaeidae. Subfamily Scarabaeinae. Tribe Onthophagini
Male, Nelspruit
Head and prothorax metallic green, posterior part of the prothorax usually tinted with obscure blue in the centre; elytra testaceous with a brownish tinge.
https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/ite ... 9/mode/1up
Family Scarabaeidae. Subfamily Scarabaeinae. Tribe Onthophagini
Male, Nelspruit
Head and prothorax metallic green, posterior part of the prothorax usually tinted with obscure blue in the centre; elytra testaceous with a brownish tinge.
https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/ite ... 9/mode/1up
Please check Needs Attention pre-booking: https://africawild-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=322&t=596
- nan
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Re: Africa Wild Insect Book: Beetles - Photos & Descriptions
Hook-winged Net-winged Beetle Lycus melanurus
Family: Lycidae
Net-winged beetles of the family Lycidae are small to medium sized (6-25 mm), orange and black, soft-bodied beetles. The elytra bear intricate network of ridges, hence the name, although the patterning sometimes looks like filigree. The head is almost entirely hidden by the pronotum and the elytra are sometimes broadly expanded and these species look like seeds.
Adults are active by day and occur on various plants and grasses and also feed on nectar. The larvae live in decaying wood and possibly feed on fungi. The orange and black colouration is mimicked by various insects as these animals contain cantharadin and are distasteful to birds and other predators.
Net-winged beetles are all poisonous and therefore display aposematic colouration in combinations of orange and black patterns, which is mimicked by certain long-horn beetles and moths. The longitudinal ridges on the wings are characteristic of the net-winged beetles. They are slow flying insects that are very common on flower inflorescences and flower heads during the summer months. The larvae are predatory on other insects and look very similar to the larvae of the glow worms or fire flies. Eggs are laid under bark and in rotten wood, where the eggs will hatch and the larvae start feeding on other insects.
Lycus melanurus has prominent 'hooks' on the front part of the elytra. Elytral sides dilated; texture matt (not glabrous); length 10–21 mm.
Pretoria © mposthumus
https://www.inaturalist.org/posts/17032 ... mhuis-1992
https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/fub ... stribution
Family: Lycidae
Net-winged beetles of the family Lycidae are small to medium sized (6-25 mm), orange and black, soft-bodied beetles. The elytra bear intricate network of ridges, hence the name, although the patterning sometimes looks like filigree. The head is almost entirely hidden by the pronotum and the elytra are sometimes broadly expanded and these species look like seeds.
Adults are active by day and occur on various plants and grasses and also feed on nectar. The larvae live in decaying wood and possibly feed on fungi. The orange and black colouration is mimicked by various insects as these animals contain cantharadin and are distasteful to birds and other predators.
Net-winged beetles are all poisonous and therefore display aposematic colouration in combinations of orange and black patterns, which is mimicked by certain long-horn beetles and moths. The longitudinal ridges on the wings are characteristic of the net-winged beetles. They are slow flying insects that are very common on flower inflorescences and flower heads during the summer months. The larvae are predatory on other insects and look very similar to the larvae of the glow worms or fire flies. Eggs are laid under bark and in rotten wood, where the eggs will hatch and the larvae start feeding on other insects.
Lycus melanurus has prominent 'hooks' on the front part of the elytra. Elytral sides dilated; texture matt (not glabrous); length 10–21 mm.
Pretoria © mposthumus
https://www.inaturalist.org/posts/17032 ... mhuis-1992
https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/fub ... stribution
Kgalagadi lover… for ever
AW Insect Book: Beetles - Photos & Descriptions
Lunate Ladybird Cheilomenes lunata
Family: Coccinellidae. Subfamily: Coccinellinae. Tribe: Coccinellini
© BluTuna
© BluTuna
© BluTuna
Garden in Johannesburg
The subfamily Coccinellinae includes the typical Labybird Beetles that are large, shiny and usually spotted.
Pronotum and elytra glabrous, black with orange spots. Antenna long, more than two thirds of head width.
Adult and larvae are predatory, especially on aphids.
© Super Mongoose
© Super Mongoose
Vaalkop Dam Nature Reserve, North West Province
Family: Coccinellidae. Subfamily: Coccinellinae. Tribe: Coccinellini
© BluTuna
© BluTuna
© BluTuna
Garden in Johannesburg
The subfamily Coccinellinae includes the typical Labybird Beetles that are large, shiny and usually spotted.
Pronotum and elytra glabrous, black with orange spots. Antenna long, more than two thirds of head width.
Adult and larvae are predatory, especially on aphids.
© Super Mongoose
© Super Mongoose
Vaalkop Dam Nature Reserve, North West Province
Hunting cannot be considered a sport as all contestants in a sport should know they are playing the game!