AW Challenge - List of Reptiles & Amphibians of Rietvlei NR

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AW Challenge - List of Reptiles & Amphibians of Rietvlei NR

Post by Amoli »

Under construction =O:

Many species of snakes and other reptiles have been recorded on Rietvlei. The most common species are the leopard tortoise, puff adder, rinkhals, brown house snake and spotted skaapsteker. Rietvlei is also home to all 12 the amphibian species that occur in this quarter degree square. The reserve is particularly important for protecting the breeding and foraging habitat of the threatened giant bullfrog.

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Re: AW Challenge - List of Reptiles & Amphibians of Rietvlei

Post by Toko »

Suborder: PLEURODIRA (Side-necked Terrapins)
Family: Pelomedusidae Side-necked Terrapins

Pelomedusa subrufa Helmeted Terrapin

Suborder: Cryptodira (Modern Tortoises)
Family: Testudinidae Land Tortoises

Geochelone pardalis Leopard Tortoise

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Re: AW Challenge - List of Reptiles & Amphibians of Rietvlei

Post by Toko »

Family: Gekkonidae (Geckos)

Pachydactylus capensis Cape Thick-toed Gecko ?
Pachydactylus affinis Transvaal Thick-toed Gecko
Lygodactylus capensis Cape Dwarf Gecko

Family: Agamidae (Agamas)
Agama aculeata distanti Distant's Ground Agama

Family: Scincidae (Skinks)
Trachylepis capensis, Mabuya capensis Cape Skink
Trachylepis punctatissima, Mabuya punctatissima Speckled Skink
Mochlus sundevalli, Lygososma sundevallii Writhing Skink
Panaspis wahlbergi Wahlberg's Snake-eyed Skink
Acontias occidentalis Western Leg-less Skink ?
Acontias gracilicauda Slender-tailed Legless Skink ?

Family: Lacertidae (Old World Lizards or Lacertids)
Nucras holubi Holub's Sandveld Lizard
Nucras ornata Ornate Sandveld Lizard
Pedioplanis lineoocellata Spotted Sand Lizard
Ichnotropis capensis Cape Rough-scaled Lizard

Family: Gerrhosauridae (Plated Lizards)
Gerrhosaurus flavigularis Yellow-throated Plated Lizard

Family: Cordylidae (Girdled Lizards)
Chamaesaura aenea Transvaal Grass Lizard viewtopic.php?f=119&p=168688#p168688
Chamaesura anguina Cape Grass Lizard ?
Cordylus vittifer Transvaal Girdled Lizard ?

Family: Varanidae Monitor Lizards
Varanus albigularis Rock or White-throated Monitor
Varanus niloticus Water or Nile Monitor

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Re: AW Challenge - List of Reptiles & Amphibians of Rietvlei

Post by Toko »

Family: Typhlopidae (Blind Snakes)

Typhlops bibronii Bibron's Blind Snake
Rhinotyphlops lalandei Delalande's Blind Snake ?

Family: Leptotyphlopidae (Thread Snakes)
Leptotyphlops conjunctus Cape Thread Snake
Leptotyphlops scutifrons Peters' Thread Snake
Leptotyphlops distanti Distant's Thread Snake ?

Family: Atractaspididae (African Burrowing Snakes)
Atractaspis bibronii Bibron's Stiletto Snake
Aparallactus capensis Cape Centipede-eater
Amblyodipsas polylepis Common Purple-glossed Snake ?

Family: Colubridae (Typical Snakes)
Lycodonomorphus rufulus Brown Water Snake
Lamprophis aurora Aurora Snake
Lamprophis inornatus Olive House Snake ?
Lamprophis fuliginosus Brown House Snake
Lycophidion capense Cape Wolf Snake ?
Duberria lutrix Slug-eater ?
Pseudaspis cana Mole Snake
Psammophylax rhombeatus Rhombic Skaapsteker
Psammophylax tritaeniatus Striped Skaapsteker
Psammophis trinasalis Fork-marked Sand Snake
Psammophis brevirostris Short-snouted Sand Snake
Psammophis crucifer Cross-marked Sand Snake
Prosymna sundevallii Sundevall's Shovel-snout
Philothamnus hoplogaster Green Water Snake
Philothamnus occidentalis Western Green Water Snake
Philothamnus semivariegatus Spotted Bush Snake ?
Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia Red-lipped or Herald Snake
Telescopus semiannulatus Tiger Snake ?
Dispholidus typus Boomslang
Dasypeltis scabra Rhombic Egg-eater

Family: Elapidae (Cobras, Mambas and others)
Elapsoidea sundevallii media Highveld Garter Snake
Hemachatus haemachatus Rinkals
Naja annulifera Snouted Cobra
Naja mossambica Mozambique Spitting Cobra

Family: Viperidae (Adders)
Causus rhombeatus Rhombic Night Adder
Bitis arietans Puff Adder

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Re: AW Challenge - List of Reptiles & Amphibians of Rietvlei

Post by Toko »

Family: Pipidae (Clawed Frogs)

Xenopus laevis Common Platanna

Family: Bufonidae (Toads)
Bufo gutturalis Guttural Toad
Bufo rangeri Raucous Toad
Bufo poweri Western Olive Toad
Schismaderma carens Red Toad

Family: Microhylidae 8Rain Frogs)
Breviceps adspersus Bushveld Rain Frog

Family: Ranidae (Common Frogs)
Afrana angolensis Common River Frog
Tomopterna cryptotis Tremolo Sand Frog
Tomopterna natalensis Natal Sand Fog
Strongylopus fasciatus Striped Stream Frog
Phrynobatrachus natalensis Snoring Puddle Frog
Cacosternum boettgeri Common Caco
Pyxicephalus adspersus Giant African Bullfrog

Family: Hyperoliidae (Reedfrogs)
Kasssina senegalensis Bubbling Kassina

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Transvaal Grass Lizard

Post by Lisbeth »

Transvaal Grass Lizard Chamaesaura aenea
Family: Cordylidae


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