Krugertripping this Summer...

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Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Post by Bushcraft »

10th in the queue at 4:20am :shock:

Cubs and then another lioness. ^Q^ ^Q^ Not a cat trip......I still don’t believe you ^0^

Great morning drive O/\

Never driven Sweni :shock:

Pity about the giraffe O-/

0/* Wendy, Scipio and Petra
Heksie wrote:BC I will let him know that a meet must be arranged their in KZN and also that he must gooi a draai here on the greener side X#X
^Q^ ^Q^ \O Ask him to post his TT here O/\

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Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Post by Bush Brat »

Seems that you have knack for baby lions! ^0^
Beautiful pics! ^Q^

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Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Post by Twigga »

^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

So many cubs O\/ Amazing, that BBJ looks naughty :twisted:

Poor giraffe, snare -O-


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Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Post by Heksie »

nan wrote:it's terrible to see all the anomal/birds wet ;-) and the tiny one
I saw a Giraffe with a knee like that (but less bad), some years ago... could be the same :-?
nice Black-bellied Korhaan, Jackals, babas ^Q^
the young Rhino had already a lot of fights -O- or is the bushes
0/* Petra

^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^
I actually think that rain brings character to animals and the best is that less people are on the road then so it is a bonus... I don't mind getting wet at all ;-)
Nan just sad seeing it, how painful is it to walk on that leg?
Bushcraft wrote:10th in the queue at 4:20am :shock:

Cubs and then another lioness. ^Q^ ^Q^ Not a cat trip......I still don’t believe you ^0^

Great morning drive O/\

Never driven Sweni :shock:

Pity about the giraffe O-/

0/* Wendy, Scipio and Petra
Heksie wrote:BC I will let him know that a meet must be arranged their in KZN and also that he must gooi a draai here on the greener side X#X
^Q^ ^Q^ \O Ask him to post his TT here O/\
Have you never drive the S126??? --00--
And yes I saw more cats last Dec in two weeks than this month trip but my sightings were grand... no complaints \O
I'm busy talking to him about the green forum \O
Bush Brat wrote:Seems that you have knack for baby lions! ^0^
Beautiful pics! ^Q^
NOOOO BB, I only had the one sighting near Skuks and these cubs twice, the babies were hiding from me this trip 0*\
Wish I saw more but are hoping for next year O**

THanks Flutts, it is bad to hear of another dead hippo 0*\ I do hope that if he was run over the culprit was found (0!)
Twigga wrote:^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

So many cubs O\/ Amazing, that BBJ looks naughty :twisted:

Poor giraffe, snare -O-

Wasn't many Twigga, was the same ones than the day before but it was still great seeing them \O
I think it could be an infection gone bad or an attack? It just looks so EINA!

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Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Post by Heksie »

Day 10… exploring new roads

20 December

I forgot to share some fire conversation of the previous night: we were talking about white lions and was told by Scips that there have been seen on the S90 near Bangu waterhole. We also spoke about the prides near Satara and how many prides there is and the sightings in the surrounds as they have been there since beginning December. So we all decided to visit Bangu the next morning hoping for some white lions…
We woke up and early and was very early at the gate but still not first… Whilst waiting for the gate to open I took the time to take some kiekies and they had some MMC’s. I know you see a lot of yellow but remember my mates are from the YF and I had green ribbon on my driver side although no greenies were seen except Leachyness…





Sparrow and co drove the H1-4 to Olifants and would do the S90 back but Wendy and I decided to drive the S90 first, dirt roads are much quieter. Now a great thing that morning is that we had 9 BBJ sightings on the S90 in the first 13km.



And then as the sun started showing itself, some general game shone around us



Then I got this raptor… Guys I’m struggling with the ID, It has white feathers on the legs so it should be an eagle? But I see none with the same colouring on the feathers so is it a juvenile?


And then the sighting of the morning… Wendy stopped abruptly in front of me and just pointed to the front, from the long grass came some ostrich chicks… and then came more and more and more. They didn’t stay in the road long and this is the only pic I could take to show how many they were together. We counted 26 chicks with the 2 female and 1 male.


The road was mostly quiet but we did see kudu in the distance, an ellie with huge tusks and some loving giraffes just before Sparrow came from the front. We shared some sightings and were off again. We also had this horribly rude people that sped past us twice with the black sharks stickered bakkie! We saw them again on the Oifants bridge but just drove past them. I saw this little beauty just before we turned towards Olifants camp.



And then they were there again, speeding past us because there were buffalo in the road…



We sat with them for a while and carried on towards the camp as my bladder was almost bursting but I did get time to stop for a wartie family and a rockjumpertjie.
We got to the camp and bought something to eat, sommer sarmies and cold meat. We also sat and looked over the river having a cold drink, it started getting warmer and we had a long way to camp. It was time to head back to camp and the river-dirtroad-detour was taken aka S92/S91. It is a beautiful road with some great treasures. I’ve had a special sighting almost every time I’ve driven this road and the view is spectacular.
African Hawk eagle


I also saw my first bee eaters for the trip. A white-fronted bee eater


I did every single loop on this road whilst Wendy drove straight and as I rounded a corner I saw her excitedly gesturing for me to come forward. Right next to her was this…




Again, the bliss of driving dirt roads, we were only 3 cars and then came one more, we sat and chilled and enjoyed them for 20 minutes. The one lioness next to me saw impala on the other side of the road, stood up and started stalking them. Just as she crossed the road the stupidus shark car came speeding past us and stopped right in the view of Wendy. She called through her window that he should move forward as he is in her view, he looked at her and then winded up his window! Eish if I knew voodoo that day then someone would’ve been in trouble. Another lioness decided it was time to cross the road so Wendy moved forward to get a better view. I moved and parked in front of her so we both had great visual. They crossed the road right beside us…





We sat with them over an hour and left them with the 4 cars. Great not being in a roadblock, and not feeling fussed at a sighting. The road back was very quiet with some ellies, a rhino, general game and a steenbokkie


That afternoon I had a snooze as there was a slight breeze going through the camp. Then it was 15:30 and time to hit the road again. As I was searching for serval and Sparrow had seen cheetah near Gudzani this afternoon, I planned on doing the S100 ->S41->S90 home…
The S100 was very quiet but I drove it slowly as it is such a beautiful road and then I saw that time was against me so I had to drive a bit faster. Then as you know it always happens when you are in a hurry then all the animals show themselves. There were ellies and general game everywhere. I saw on one of the causeways some saddle-billed storks


And then babies in the playpen


I was on the S90 and started to stress as I could maybe not make the gate in time so I pushed on… and then I heard howling on my right, I got a moerse skrik but got to take this pic


And the reason the BBJ was howling was that a badger crossed paths with him, the badger waddled so quickly so I only got bad kiekies… but proof


And then to end off a brilliant sunset


Not to worry I did make it with only seconds to spare and that night we made some homemade Wendy-goulash with cous-cous. Then sharing some stories and sightings around the fire with ice cold KPA’s with Sparrow and co. Another great day came to an end.

To be continued…

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Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Post by Lisbeth »

More lions ;-)

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Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Post by nan »

Heksie wrote:....... Nan just sad seeing it, how painful is it to walk on that leg? ......
I can't understand... :-? they put down Elephants... and not a Giraffe who suffer the martyr :shock: O-/

Honey Badger, Grysbok, big family of Ostriches and African Hawk Eagle ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^
adn agai Lions... but that is normal... for you --00--

How you can drink before the drive... you have never the urge to go to the loo 0*\

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Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Post by Bushcraft »

Great ostrich family sighting ^Q^ ^Q^

Another fantastic lion sighting O** ^Q^ ^Q^

Badly behaved shark supporters O/ O/

HB on the move O/\ O/\

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Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Post by Mel »

Even in rainy weather - never a dull moment when Heksie's on the go. O/\

But that poor giraffe... The leg doesn't look all too lekker. :-(

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Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Post by Twigga »

Wow,wow, wow!!!

And the predators follow - ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Love the little grysbok \O Thought they were only restricted to faaaaar North :-?


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