Braaiing with Wild Cats*

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Braaiing with Wild Cats*

Post by Pumbaa »

Hi you,

we are back - unfortunately :-( from another incredible trip to Kruger and besides the fact that one of our camera broke whilst there :cry: and the missing cheetah and the no owl sightings the rest was Paradise O** O**

Never saw Satara so wet during that trip and not so dusty - Gladly the rain showers took never long and the only fact that it rained in the morning heavily were the huge puddles in the camp in the afternoon sun - The rivers around Satara were full as never before N'wanetzi, Gudzani and Timbavati were looking lovely such full although the grass in return was nearly elephant high 0*\ - Needless to say that the sightings around Satara were great although the South itself amazed us nearly daily sightingswise. Unbelievable but true got to see three new never seen mammals although only one could be captured on picture O/

The North was far more quiet but birdingwise simply a must and finally could capture some or better to say nearly all most wanted and never captured birdies not only once ^Q^ ^Q^

I will not reveal too much in advance so simply keep the 0() not that far away 0/*


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Re: Braaiing with Wild Cats

Post by Pumbaa »

Finally..... O** O** O**

Friday, 7th February, 2014 – Berg en Dal

Needless to say that it was more than awesome to be back and after some pain in the stomach due to the road closure between Nelspruit and Malelane we somehow made it well in time and it was also enough time for a short shopping at the Spar in Malelane – finally we were back on the bridge across the Crocodile river....and simply stopped and sighed – everything went well and our tiredness was rapidly blown away although I must say when we stopped for a short break from the long drive from the airport to Malelane it came down in torrents and was extreme chilly which reminded me even more on our Danmark holidays in our summer than on the normal South African heat wave by which we normally got hit when climbing out of the vehicle when making a short break.

Gladly the gate was deserted when we arrived and so it took only seconds until the guard opened the barrier with a smile and finally we were back.

The guesses were on which animal we might see first but we were both wrong it were rhinos but simply too far away for some decent pictures. The bushes were thick as usually and the grass was high but I remember having seen that area even thicker but that does not bother we were back and each and every creature which came across was greeted and photographed as if we saw it for the very first time ever.

The lilac breated rollers and European rollers sat already plentiful in the bushes on the roadside and waited for some victims.


In between it once again started to slightly rain but same lasted not that long and only minutes later the sun was again shining. Our first warthogs during that trip said “welcome back” at least the back part of same.


and after hearing our first woodie during that trip we even found its slilent brother on a branch.


Lot of whitebacked vultures could be found resting in a dead tree and the first group of waterbuck ladies greeted us as well out of which this one even allowed some nice shots.


I did not know how time could fly by so quickly but because of our many stops it was already 5.30 when we reached the camp and so we decided to relax and spent the time with re-packing our luggage and the just shopped food and enjoy the time on our verandah with the daylight left. We were allocated in bungalow No. 27 as requested and also the wild card was renewed in record time.

On my way back from reception to the car I noticed a huge spider on the ground right close to the shop and simply had to call Timon for a quick photo.


After we finally had everything arranged for our 2 weeks in the park we lit the braai and enjoyed the sound and view on our huge verandah and already realized a large family of helmeted quineafowls which might live around our bungalow on a tree.


After the overnight flight with not much sleep and long drive we simply wanted to go to bed as early and finally slept wonderfully although the frogs in the nearby dam made such a noise but it was pure bliss.

Saturday, 8th February, 2014 – Berg en Dal

How we were excited to awake in Kruger after a wonderful night’s rest and still having the whole holiday ahead of us. In no time we were ready and first road we took was the S110 to Matjulu waterhole. It was another misty morning which we already experienced quite often in Kruger but this one was indeed something very special as the mist enfolded everything in that hilly area extreme mystically



especially as the sun was also about to rise and illuminated everything with a special light on top indeed a more than fantastic way to welcome the first full day in Kruger



although that tawny looked still a bit sheepish about that early morning weather.


With every second the mist got less and less and you really could watch how fast same disappeared


and nothing stood a wonderful sunny day in the way.


Wherever we turned our eyes everything was breathtakingly lovely green and lush – Sigh.



After having enough admired the mist and landscape extensively now more and more the animals got our attention – groups of impalas everywhere


and also more and more feathered friends appeared as well.



to be continued with some good old painted friends.......


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Re: Braaiing with Wild Cats

Post by Pumbaa »

After a two years break – I guess it was because of the recent floods there prior to our trips – we spotted these plants again which we normally always do whilst in that area although to me this looks always as if someone had planted same.


We even had been greeted by giraffes which were not in the mood to leave the road – I love that picture because of the thickness of the bush, the beautiful morning light in same and on top my daily giraffe fix could be satisfied as well


and same even allowed some close ups.


We indeed had a lot to photograph that early morning as magpies could be found everywhere


and also the yellow billed hornbills were already busy in checking the elephant dung. Some feathered cuties are always to be found


and also the grey louries were as always extreme noisy and occurred plentiful.


We meanwhile left already the S110 and were travelling along the H3 as normally although tar roads are definitely not our favourites same is always very productive. First we had to stop for a large group of zebras which had to cross the road right in front of us


and then we already got stuck in our first traffic jam – and what could it be other than wild dogs blocking the road –


a pity was that same were extreme relaxed and lay down on the road which would have made to photograph them much easier but when we approached same stood up and the obligatory


running around of same started


and consequently a queue of cars followed the wild dogs coat-tails.


Gladly whilst following them with the camera on the knees we finally managed some close ups in between.



We were again surprised and extreme happy that we obviously had chosen the right road to drive and to cross their path again



and it was as if we had a déjà vu as also last year we spotted a pack of them during our very first full day in nearly the same area.



After spending nearly half an hour with the painted dogs they somehow disappeared between the thick bushes and although lots of cars waited for their return we decided to carry on as we got our shots. We paid a visit at Renosterpan and although same was deserted we could manage to get a shot of a steenbok on our way back


and we even got to see the her offspring although the grass was once again extreme high but gladly for us same stood motionless for a couple of seconds and exactly there was a gap in the grass.


Nevertheless same was a cutie and thereafter both disappeared and you only could guess where they walked as the only thing you saw was the moving grass.

to be continued........


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Re: Braaiing with Wild Cats

Post by Pumbaa »

Our break at Afsaal had to be postponed by a couple of minutes



as a large herd of elephants had to cross the road and there were a couple of late comers between them


I do not know where all the cars might have come up but it was even hard to find a parking lot at Afsaal as obviously all people in that part of the park made a break at exactly the same time – and after our first icecream break during that trip and after we had stretched our legs a bit we headed forward. In the distance we saw a back of a rhino and the European bee eaters suffered already under the prevailing heat in the sun.


A pity was that the family of ground hornbills which we could spot next was extreme far away for some shots so we had to be satisfied in only watching them. On the bridge crossing the Biyamiti we were caught in the next traffic jam for that day and it took quite a while until we definitely saw something.


Someone was talking about a palm tree in the riverbed and so we simply looked under the one and only palm tree in same and found a sleeping beauty with a full belly.



In the beginning not much happened the sleeping young male did simply what lion do best and was only looking from time to time up into several directions, however,


although we looked also into all the directions as the lion did we could not trace any other member of the pride although I was confident that same where definitely not that far. Was it because of the upcoming traffic on the bridge or simply because it was about time the lion finally stood up and walked slowly into the thick area of the edge of the riverbed


and it was as if nothing was lying only recently under the palm tree besides his foot prints of course.

Needless to say that we once again were extreme happy with the sightings we had so far especially at that early hour and on top we never counted on seeing doggies or a lion already on our first full day and this proved also once again that with a little luck in choosing the right roads a lot is possible.

As usually we had chosen to drive back to Berg en Dal via the Biyamiti loop as same is normally offering awesome views into the river itself and sometimes the animals also are plentiful to be found there and besides the mammals our feathered friends presented themselves also not that bad during that day as we found a group of noisy brown headed parrots


although it was extreme tricky to finally capture them as always a branch or a leave blocked the clear view onto them


but somehow we finally found a victim which was willing to pose and sat still enough for a couple of pictures. We saw another rhino far away, allowed a family of kudus to cross the road


and saw a colourful lizard on a rock.


Impalas could be found nearly everywhere and even a crested barbet


said “Welcome” already on our very first full day.


From far we already could spot the Biyamiti weir but we waited a bit on the small loop until all the cars cleared same as well as the close by grazing elephant so that we finally had same all to ourselves so that we can excessively savour same after we could not pass same for two years due the damages the floods in 2012 + 2013 caused to the weir. Sigh – What a feeling it was to cross same in a snail’s pace with lots of stops.

Between the rocks in a relatively deep pond a lot of fishes could be spotted and also this terrapin approached


and a sandpiper was hectically searching for some lunch.


On one part of the weir still a lot of water was coming down in cascades and there it could only be one bird who stood motionless staring into the waterfall to be the first one to catch the coming down fishes – for sure a hamerkop was blocking the road and even was successful


and only seconds later again.


Our presence although we always switched the engine off disturbed same in not a single way and same must have caught nearly 10 to 20 fishes in the half an hour we spent with same


and gladly we also had luck as no car turned up the whole time and even some really small crocodiles swam closer as well.


For us this weir is an oasis and although not having ever had any “great” sightings there we love to simply park there and watch the surroundings as normally there is always something to be seen.

to be continued with the first most wanted bird.......


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Re: Braaiing with Wild Cats

Post by Pumbaa »

Meanwhile it was already late noon and it was getting hotter and hotter that day and we decided to stroll slowly back to camp whilst using the S114. Well the stroll took longer as expected as we still stopped for nearly everything and also the birdies got their attention. On that particular road the red backed and magpie shrikes as well as the lilac breasted rollers occurred plentiful


and so did the impalas.


Another stop was worth to capture this cute squirrel busy in cracking a sort of nut


and as it was lunch time the European rollers were also busy in finding something to eat


whereas this giraffe was on daydream modus surrounded by green grass and bushes although this animal is normally “the” animal which is feeding the whole day.


Back in camp it was time to relax a bit and whilst Timon stayed at the bungalow to search for some nicely posing birdies I strolled on the Rhino Trail to the shop with a stop at the dam and on my way back to our bungalow I heard some sort of woodpecker and I was already searching in the close by trees for the troublemaker and I was indeed successful in finding same but it was no woodpecker but one of my most wanted to be photographed bird – a black collared barbet. How I was annoyed that I did not walk with a camera as at least today this bird escaped me once again.


Well at least I thought so – As Timon knows that this bird is highly on my “to be photographed” list he already captured same whilst I was in the shop but he did not want to tell me and only wanted to show me what he caught in the evening when downloading the pictures of the day but he melted away whilst I told him that I just saw another black-collared barbet and had once again no camera with me so finally I could also tick this bird.


But he could not only photograph this bird - close to our bungalow there was a fig tree with some more than ripe fruits and I also hoped that maybe a green pigeon might show up but it appeared instead another bird which so far did not cross our path that often in Kruger – a purple crested turaco


and same was in an extreme good mood to pose and sit still for some shots.


The colourful bird got even more curious in the strange thing with the long lens on which is making so strange noises.


As same sat so still and was permanently offering more and more poses without flying away it took even longer and the already so colourful bird got even colourfullier.


After a satisfying time the show was over and the bird could finally nibble on the delicious smelling figs


and for us it was time for a short afternoon drive but we really did not get that far until we had to stop for some extreme noisy arrow-marked babblers


and for a herd of elephants all with a mouthful.


At last we found some rhinos which were worth to photograph as the ones we already saw earlier that day were simply too far away although these two seemed to be still extreme sleepy.


Somehow one of them stood up and started to graze and soon the other followed obviously as their stomach started to growl


and they grazed peacefully together in the evening sun.


Gladly we had still enough time to simply park and wait what might come across and in fact it took not that long until we could switch from the slowly coming closer rhinos to some white-fronted bee eaters which we already noticed flying above us and eventually same landed close by and started to take a sand bath which is always extreme funny to watch


and to our great joy the massive grey front came closer and closer too.


to be continued....
Last edited by Pumbaa on Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Braaiing with Wild Cats

Post by Pumbaa »

Whilst observing the rhinos and the bee eaters I am always looking for something else which might be hiding somewhere under any bushes or in any trees and was somehow a bit confused when I finally discovered something striped glued onto a small branch – I looked once again and could not believe my eyes when I realized a frog high above.


Indeed really fascinating creatures you will see when simply parking and looking around....and whilst we were busy in observing our striped friend our rhino friends came really close and allowed some nice front views


with yummy dinner between the teeth


as well as some “back” views.


Needless to say that we once again had a great evening drive and somehow once again had chosen the right roads and places to drive. Also the red-billed oxpeckers were again busy in high-jacking one of their victims.


Once again time flew by again and it was definitely not much time left before the gate will close again and so we took so many pictures as possible from the rhinos as it was simply such a peaceful evening atmosphere.


Slowly we drove back and for sure stopped for a group of zebras out of which the youngsters were extreme playful



and could not but had to capture another rhino in a carpet of flowers


and shortly before camp the obligatory marabou stork were sitting on their usual sleeping place.


The braai was lit again immediately and it was simply a pure bliss to sat outside on our verandah and watch the night come and to listen to the nearby frog concert in the dam.

Sunday, 09. February, 2014 – Berg en Dal – Crocodile Bridge

It is always unbelievable how fast the time flies by when you arrived in the park but it was once again time to change camp but with our normal routine we were quick and still had enough time for a quick coffee on our verandah and then it was already time to say good-bye.

As normally we first drove that morning to Matjulu waterhole but somehow that early it was still extreme quiet and still very overcast. At least the little squirrels were already active


and teeming all around. Contrary to yesterday we decided to drive the S120 today although that road never offered anything exceptional for us but the views are always great. Well today we had great luck with the birds on that road and we were happy that we had chosen same finally. The whole road was exceptionally lush and green and first the birds could only be heard but not seen so it looked a bit more like a jungle. Somehow Timon stopped for a strange bird which was indeed difficult to capture as same was far too close for the huge lens and always hidden behind leaves.


It was our very first juvenile amethyst sunbird – What a cutie! But a movement just on the other side on the road in another tree made us turn our heads as there we spotted an African hoopoe also one of those tricky birds to capture at least for us but this one sat still enough for some shots and was on top a born poser.


At that stage of the trip we did not know that this bird crossed our path as often as never before and that it making the stays at Kruger always so thrilling you never know what you might get to see and how often and of course where and when.


Whilst we were busy in watching the hoopoe a plum coloured starling could be seen on another close by bush but unfortunately same kept hidden the whole time behind a thicker branch.

The plentiful arrow-marked babblers were noisy and strengthened the feeling of being in a jungle even more but we were again successful in capturing another spotted flycatcher which occurred in that part of the park this year quite often.


Even a rhino appeared but somehow got a fright and disappeared suddenly in the dense bush


we even came across a mud bathing buffalo in his private spa but same was nearly invisible and we could not locate a gap in the lush vegetation. But the birding luck still continued as we spotted a brown hooded kingfisher which we only saw once before. The guy we met today was even willing to pose and although he left the branch a couple of times always returned to same.


On the next bush we spotted two Jacobin cuckoos although the cuckoos do have always a bad habit when landing in a bush – they always nearly kept invisible but sometimes patience paid off!


Whilst we were busy in observing the cuckoos several cars stopped already and told us about a lion sighting only shortly after Afsaal although we do appreciate such information we are not the persons who immediately hurry on. As Afsaal was anyway our turn around point for today we stayed first where we were and strolled slowly on when the lions will be there it would be nice but it would not be the end of the world for us if they might have gone already.

On the bridge over the Mlambane we spotted three buffaloes in a row debating how good life is!



to be continued.....


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Re: Braaiing with Wild Cats

Post by aat »

Pumbaa ,

Just catching up reading from page 1 to 9.... beautiful bird pictures, kruger in the mist, lions, rhino and the painted dogs \O \O

I love many of the bird pictures , beautiful and special ones as far as I can see, but... I am not a birder so don't know much about them, just lookign at their wonderful colours.

Getting more and more exited.... looking at the pictures and knowing we will leave april 20th to kruger.... for 3 weeks in paradise.

Don't tell me you are hiding the tuskers for last ? O** O**

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Re: Braaiing with Wild Cats

Post by Richprins »

My favourite is the hoopoe! They never sit still! X#X

They are still around but should be leaving us now!

Also great lighting on the zebra foal! \O
Last edited by Richprins on Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Braaiing with Wild Cats

Post by Pumbaa »

Thanks so much Toko, Kesheshe, Mel, nan, Lisbeth, Flutterby, Tina, Bush Brat, Super Mongoose, Bushcraft, BluTuna, flying cheetah, Aat and Richprins O0 O0 O0 As always it is a pleasure to get such amazing comments.

Thanks for the id of the painted reed frog and same was in fact not that difficult to spot - I simply was looking our fot birdies whilst the rhinos came closer and then I saw these strange stripes on that small branch - I am sure Iif the frog would have had other colours I would not have seen same O**

We in fact saw a couple of tuskers but all farer North - However, the pictures will for sure come 0/*


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Re: Braaiing with Wild Cats

Post by Pumbaa »

A dark chanting goshawk was also a great sighting for us and on top it was funny as we spotted already one at nearly the same point a couple of years ago.


At nearly the same point where we met yesterday the wild dogs we saw once again some painted fur but today only a very skittish female dog was around.


She was permanently looking around as she might have lost the rest of her pack.


We stayed a while but could not see any other doggies and she also decided to may search for them and finally disappeared. At Afsaal it was nearly crowded as yesterday and after a short break we finally decided to look for the announced lions which we in fact found a couple of kilometres behind Afsaal.


Although we in the beginning only saw bellies and paws stretched into the sky – they must have searched for shade under some smaller bushes meanwhile


from time to time they lifted their heads


and we even had luck to admire them in full glory when standing up and join another lioness. Needless to say that more too soon a traffic jam built up and due to the heavy traffic we decided to leave as we still had a long way ahead of us but before doing so we simply had to capture this beautiful butterfly which landed on a branch whilst we were still at the lion sighting.


On our way back South we paid a visit at Renosterpan where we spotted a colourful dot between the reeds – a Malachite kingfisher – unfortunately same kept so tricky hidden behind the reeds although same changed several times its position when same was successful in catching a fish – so not a great picture could be get from this colourful beauty.


Further ahead whilst trying to capture another feathered friend we heard first some strange noise as if something will be rooted but we could not locate from where same came or whom made this noise until suddenly we found us eye in eye with a rhino



which suddenly got that close that we only could take portrait shots.


We stayed as long as this massive animal was willing to pose although same had some smaller wounds all around its heads it was such an amazing sighting.


Obviously we had once again chosen the right roads today as our next sighting was a hyaena mom close to the road nursing her little ones


but suddenly such a traffic jam and cars appeared that mom had enough and walked away and let the little ones behind.


Same were so cute and still wanted that mom still stayed with them as they at least one of them was a bit annoyed that the milk bar had been closed that abruptly


it still wanted to cuddle a bit longer and was still so sleepy.


We hastily took a couple of pictures close to them and left so that all the other passengers in the cars could admire them as well


but it took not that long until the young ones disappeared under the road in their den.


to be continued.....


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