On the access road to the camp a hyena was enjoying the evening sun
Maybe it was the same one that came to the waterhole 3 hours later.
While we were still braaing, the power went off. Thus, we enjoyed our first meal with candle- and firelight.
At about 9pm I saw a shadow and turned on the flashlight. A huge male leopard was passing by and disappeared between units 1 and 2. We heard him coughing in the parking lot but when we got there we only saw Charlie Fax disappearing quickly into her den. The leopard had gone behind the camp attendants unit already. There was not even time to grab the camera but we think it must have been Dakotah.
That night the temperatures got down to -3,5 degrees and we nearly froze to death in our beds.
10.03. - 24.03.2015 From Berg to bush
19.11. - 01.12.2015 KTP