There are so many good things about uMkhuze (this is how it is spelled in the latest Ezemvelo Map) it is difficult to decide where to start. Nsumo Pan is lined with fever trees and has a beautiful hide and picnic site, use both at your own risk

. The pan is suppose to be good for the great white and pink backed pelicans, spoonbills, openbill, pygmy goose and the Pel's has been seen in the area
The fig forest walk is through ancient riparian forest with massive sycamore fig trees and reminded me of our walk from Balule also looking for the Pel's. The largest sycamore fig is said to be 600 years old and the path is strewn with fossils of ancient marine creatures showing that the ocean was once here. There is also a canopy boardwalk and two suspension bridges to cross. Miss Sharifa could not avoid these

like she did the one at Storms River
All the hides are good. We found the kuMasinga to be the best. The kuMahlala was quiet and the kwaMalibala is not photographer friendly. As you would have guessed by now, we did not drive much around uMkhuze, rather spending most of our time in the hides.
The hide in camp, opposite reception, will guarantee sightings of the blue waxbill, green winged pytilia and dark capped bulbul. The pond is very close to the hide and very difficult to focus on a bird through all the foliage and without disturbing it but we got some good shots of this bathing blue waxbill
The entrance to the fig forest walk
The suspension bridge
The boardwalk
One of the huge fig trees
Crested barbet
Patrick was our guide and he is excellent knowing all the bird calls. We heard a pink throated twinspot and scanned and followed but did not find it
Patrick told us that he heard the Pel's on the morning walk but the guests then were not keen birders. So for us we made a walk towrds where he had heard the call that morning and we thought we had the phantom when an owl flew out of a tree. It was an African Wood Owl, still a lifer but could not get a pic.
This guy was seen at the kuMahlala hide. Somehow missed posting the pic in the ID thread
African Goshawk or Little Sparrowhawk???? Only one pic and cere looks yellow