SANParks 2013/14 Audit Issues

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SANParks 2013/14 Audit Issues

Post by Toko »

PMG Meeting: 14 Oct 2014, Audit Outcomes of Department of Envionmental Affairs and its entities


The Office of the Auditor-General of SA (AGSA) took the Committee through the audit opinion for the Department and its four entities, namely, SAWS, South African National Parks (SANParks), the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority for the 2013/14 financial year. Thereafter the reasons for findings were discussed.
South African National Parks: UNQUALIFIED WITH FINDINGS. This was a regression from the previous financial year where the entity received an unqualified audit outcome with no findings. This was due to matters relating to pre-determined objectives and compliance with laws and regulations.
Mr B Hadebe (DA) questioned the quality of submitted financial statements by the South African National Parks (SANParks) given that the entity received an unqualified opinion with findings.

Mr Omar replied that the disclosure by SANParks was inadequate and not in accordance with General Recognised Accounting Practices (GRAP).

Mr Hadebe said that, in other words, the information supplied to the AG by SANParks was inaccurate and not useful.

Mr Omar said it was important that all disclosure was in absolute accordance with the financial statements and GRAP.

The Chairperson said the long and short of the matter was that the statements provided by SANParks did not make auditing sense.

Mr Hadebe was trying to find out if this was because of a lack of skill in the entity.

The Chairperson replied that the AG did say certain positions were not filled and this gave rise to misstatements and material findings. The CFO and CEO were among the positions that were not filled.

Mr Omar responded that, in terms of the CFO post, last year, SANParks had material misstatements on the annual financial statements which meant there was non-compliance but this year there was none on the financial statements.

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Re: SANParks 2013/14 Audit Issues

Post by Toko »

2013/14 Audit Issues: Findings

Source: 2013/14 Annual Performance Report and Financial Statement
Material misstatements to the annual financial statements

1. Material misstatements to the annual financial statements
Material adjustments to published financial statements compared to those submitted for audit process on 31 May 2014.
Adjustments materially related to aspects of non-current assets, liabilities, revenue recognition and cash flow items.

2. Predetermined objectives
Audit of performance against predetermined objectives revealed certain shortcomings in systems of internal control:
• Selected systems are insufficient to provide adequate data to support actual performance;
• Instances were highlighted where insufficient evidence to support actual performance achieved was available for audit purposes.

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Re: SANParks 2013/14 Audit Issues

Post by Richprins »

There is also an exhaustive thread here: viewtopic.php?f=318&t=1283

Working through their stuff is exhaustive...and their books change now and jokes! :shock:

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Re: SANParks 2013/14 Audit Issues

Post by Richprins »

Sales of fauna and flower exceeds budget

Income =R540 million again budget of 528 million

Spelling not so hot.... :twisted:

But note the sale of fauna and "flower", and the increase in income...SP pleads poverty over and over! :-?

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Re: SANParks 2013/14 Audit Issues

Post by Richprins »

Concessions occupancy improved by 10% year-on-year to 59.7%

Weakness in rand contributed to better concession occupancies.... :-?

This is still low?

Issues raised by Auditor General being addressed in action plans. Corrective active action plan is currently being rolled out with our internal auditors (SizweNtsaluba Gobodo).

Why Two Auditors? O-/ -O-

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Re: SANParks 2013/14 Audit Issues

Post by Richprins »

When one looks at the rather sketchy last page, basically SP received around R300 000 000 in Operational and Special Project Grants, in other words a lot of Government money, which is excellent and refutes claims that government expects SP to pay for itself.

How much of this is mixed up with rhino money, and how much is linked to Skukuza Hotel, remains an open question?

Another question is the insurance money from last year's floods in Kruger, which should have been sorted by now? -O-

Also the 1000% increase in sales of "fauna and flora"? O-/

Any forumites who are accountants? 0:

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Re: SANParks 2013/14 Audit Issues

Post by Mel »

I have no idea of book keeping whatsoever, but I find it really interesting that information given was deemed inaccurate and not useful. 0'

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