The upper dune road traverses across the red dunes and links the Nossob road and the Auob road. It is about 54 kilometers long.
The eastern part from Eland waterhole to Moravet waterhole is irregular low duneveld and encompasses grass-covered irregular dunes. Grey Camel Thorn aka Giraffe Thorn (Vachellia haematoxylon) is the most conspicuous tree, dominat grass species are Tall Bushman Grass Stipagrostis ciliata, Gha Grass Centropodia glauca and Dune Bushman Grass Stipagrostis amabilis. Wild Sesame (Sesamum triphyllum) and Tsamma Melon Citrullus lanatus occur there, too.
The western part from Moravet to Kamqua is mainly undulatig low duneveld, covered by shrubby grassland. The prominent tree species are Grey Camel Thorn, Camel Thorn (Vachellia erioloba) and Shepherd's Tree Boscia albitrunca.
Northern Black Korhaan is found anywhere in the duneveld on the road verge. Common sightings are also Ostrich and Gemsbok, but the most spectacular imppression is the landscape
