Greetings from Dar es Salam. Got some free time to do an episode. So we were back in Kruger the weekend of 14/15 Febrauary 2015 and also 7/8 March. This may be a continuous travel tale
Got this Wow lion sighting north of Lubyelubye on 15 February at 6.00 am First a lioness walks pass us and we could see another lioness on the road so headed slowly towrds her.
We then saw the cubs and stopped
They still made off to the side of the road and hid in the grass They were really tiny. Disappointment as we thought that is it as far as the cubs were concerned. Mom called, a little peep
The brave one runs towrds mum, the quiet one not too sure yet
Come on it is OK
When you clicking away it is difficult to change lenses so this is not framed perfectly but still worth a thousand words