Southern Africa’s vulture populations are under constant threat. South Africa itself is home to nine species, seven of which are listed in the Red Data Book of Birds of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland as facing a certain degree of threat of extinction. Among these is the Bearded Vulture, whose range in the subcontinent is restricted to the Maluti-Drakensberg mountains. The species is classified as Endangered and its numbers continue to decline. The Cape Vulture only occurs in southern Africa. Both the Hooded Vulture and African White-backed Vulture were up-listed to Endangered in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2012. Amongst several threats faced by vultures, locally, regionally and internationally, is the indiscriminate and illegal use of poisons and pesticides. In 2013, Namibia reeled from the news that at least 600 vultures were killed when poachers injected the poached carcass of an elephant with poison.
The Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus is classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as there is evidence that it is probably experiencing a very rapid decline owing to hunting, persecution and indiscriminate poisoning, as well as habitat loss and degradation. It occurs throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa, but has experienced a rapid decline in population, especially in the western part of its range. In West and East Africa it is often associated with human settlements, but is also found in other habitats. In southern Africa it mostly occurs in savanna and riparian vegetation. Further study is required to obtain a more robust assessment of its population trend.
Key threats to the Hooded Vulture include secondary (non-target) poisoning and harvesting for traditional medicine and the bush-meat trade. Improved sanitation in human settlements may have reduced food availability and poachers are known to eliminate these birds where they wish to hide their illegal activities. This species is also susceptible to certain avian diseases contracted from feeding on discarded poultry carcasses.

S23 Biyamiti Loop, Kruger National Park