New years' visit with family now a tradition...Pierre Joubert Guest House at Pretoriuskop this time!
It was lovely, but the family is excruciatingly tedious and ill-disciplined and unpredictable...infuriating at the best of times, but what can one do?
Prinswilliam and Momprins arrived late on the 30th...and we went to the original Galito's chicken place in town...scrumptious as always!
Left at the crack of always!
We were lucky with the weather on this trip...often cloudy! Entered at Malelane, and behaved impeccably, so no routine drill from my nemesis the guard...he was there!
A great view of the railings on the Mlambane River....showing there is water there!
Momprins is a flower fan. She says these are invaders?
Ampie Windmill next to the Mlambane...leaks sorted out and very charming!
The two passengers have the ghastly habit of mumbling, normally out of the window into the bush, so one learns to just catch some key words or phrases and sort of stay in the loop, as it were. But I had to remind them to shout "STOP" if they actually saw something!
Pw: "Mumblemumble eagle mumblemumbleSTOP!"
Mp: "Muttermutter whatisthat muttermumble?"
And right next to the road...seemed like a male and female, normally they don't hang around together too long...these were probably just happy to be alive?
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela The desire for equality must never exceed the demands of knowledge