A Whale of a Time (Cape Town in March 2016)*

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A Whale of a Time (Cape Town in March 2016)*

Post by Mel »

The title "A Whale of a Time" doesn't necessarily apply exclusively to our 4-night stay in Cape Town, but since we visited three different areas and parks respectively and for the sake of the order on the forums, my travel tale will be separated in three parts over different forums. Hence I'll need several titles too and considering the fact that we actually did see whales I thought it apt. :-)

We arrived at Cape Town International Airport after a 26-hour journey, from the time we left our home to the time we actually got to our accommodation in Camps Bay. Our favourite camp out is Fullham Lodge and - apart from a one night stay back in October 2012 - we always book the Garden Suite since it's the only room that has individual access, aka not through the main house and since it sports the patio that offers the most privacy.

Our agenda: none but relaxing


which includes a bit of birding


Who wants to leave a place with a view like this:



And a backdrop like that:


The Cape Townian weather was actually quite nice. Warm enough when you come out of the European winter (but probably a bit nippy for the locals lol ),
but the wind was always picking up early afternoon and a band of cloud kept moving in just before sunset, so I was never able to experience a proper one
this time around. 0'

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Re: A Whale of a Time (Cape Town in March 2016)

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Our first full day was spend on the patio, working up a proper sunburn 0*\ Unintentionally, but it was rather coolish in the shade, so we worshipped the warmth of the sun and paid for it. :twisted:

The first highlight came up mid-morning: whales just in front of us, rather close to the shore.



March certainly is not whale time in Cape Town, but those three didn't seem to have received the note on that. And we were rather happy to see them.
They stayed around for the next days, too, but much further away.

During the day we had the excitment of a rock agama catching a large bug right in front of us.


Looking rather pleased once the bug was devoured.


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Re: A Whale of a Time (Cape Town in March 2016)

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Also, this bee kept me entertained for some time.

Note the lilac reflection in its eye lol


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Re: A Whale of a Time (Cape Town in March 2016)

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Also found this pretty flower, something of the petunia family, I suppose. -O-


And I'm sure this Looks even prettier in summer.


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Re: A Whale of a Time (Cape Town in March 2016)

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Camps Bay is a rather safe area and we usually walk at least to dinner when we eat out. Yet, even with security cruising this suburb, we have never dared to walk back home in the dark. After all, our landlady at the lodge had a burglar just the other day - and that was in broad daylight. :twisted:

Walking towards Victoria Road, aka restaurant row and beach, the sun shone nicely on the Table Mountain and the Apostles.




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Re: A Whale of a Time (Cape Town in March 2016)

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=O: =O: =O:


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Re: A Whale of a Time (Cape Town in March 2016)

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The next day we went to the V&A Waterfront for some retail therapy as well as some fresh seafood accompanied by white wine. :-)
Although I did take the camera with me, I never took any photos. 0-

The third day was reserved for Intaka Island. \O We spent about 3 hours or so, but of course March is not the best time to go since lots of summer visitors and the migrants are gone. Yet, I still managed to tick off a few species. \O

We did park at Intaka Island directly, but at the Canal Walk Shopping Mall because the SO had wanted to check out the Cape Union Market there as well. He's a bit of a nutter when it comes to that store. 0- (I might not want to tell him, that I started this travel tale, otherwise I'll get in trouble for saying that =O: )

Anyways, on our way:

Feral pigeon chillaxing on the grass

White-breasted cormorant

Reed cormorant (breeding?!)

Hartlaub's gull, also chillaxing lol

As did this Egyptian goose :-)

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Re: A Whale of a Time (Cape Town in March 2016)

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At Intaka Island we found...

... grey heron and a hiding common moorhen

... cormorants of all sorts: white-breasted and reed as well as some yellow-billed ducks

... little grebe being difficult 0'

... common moorhen now in the open lol

Rest to follow on the next page \O

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Re: A Whale of a Time (Cape Town in March 2016)

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Intaka Island continued

African darter and cattle egret


Sacred ibis

Cape shoveller

Purple swamhen

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Re: A Whale of a Time (Cape Town in March 2016)

Post by Mel »

Red Bishop (non-breeding)

And my personal highlights:

Red-knobbed coot chick

White-throated swallow

Malachite kingfisher

And with that we're going to enter Addo. :-)

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