Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

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Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by GavinW »

Camping with Petronella: KTP May 2016

We hadn’t been in the Kgalagadi for about 5 months, but it had been a long 4 years since we had been in the park at our favourite time of the year, May.
Our last May trip is recorded in or report “Christmas Trees in the Kalahari”

Before I start, just to mention, that almost all the photos in this report are taken by Debbie (Wannabe Nerd) with a Panasonic Lumix FZ200 camera. Basicilly a larney muk and druk camera. (Just saying )

Call us spoilt, Yes, Call us addicts, definitely, and before any trip you can call us like little children just before Christmas, and that will certainly apply.

So it was an excited two bunnies who headed off to the park on Friday 6 May.

Our itinerary:
4 nights Rooiputs
4 nights Polentswa
2 nights Nossob
3 nights Mata Mata
3 nights Kieliekrankie

We had decided not to travel straight through from Cape Town, but rather to stop over on the way. This time we decided that Keimos was close enough to enable us to get back to paradise at a reasonable hour.
We got to our overnight accommodation by early evening and enjoyed our first braai and sunset of our holiday.

Our Accommodation:
Not too shabby.


Hoping for painted dogs but not really :o0ps:

Our first sunset. ( There will be more ;-) )

Last edited by GavinW on Wed Jun 15, 2016 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by GavinW »

May 7: Off to the Kgalagadi

We had intended to have a bit of a lie in before leaving for the park, but we both knew that the chances of that happening were pretty slim. So by 8am we were packed and ready to leave Keimos. O/\

We stopped briefly for petrol in Upington, for biltong at the Kalahari Guesthouse and petrol again at Askam. (We had heard that there would be no unleaded petrol in Twee Rivieren so we wanted to ensure that we had as much with us as possible. We were also carrying an extra 50l in jerry cans as well)

It was just before 1pm when we were able to take the pic that we (and just about everyone else takes) as they arrive at the park.
We were trying our best not to take note of the fully extended flags above reception


We booked in at reception, on both sides of the park, got our wild card renewed, deflated tyres and bought some wood and ice before heading off to our Rooiputs campsite.

The first sighting of note was this Spotted Eagle Owl trying to disappear into a tree


Followed by this magnificent Martial eagle perched in what we always called the Martial tree after having seen the nest last occupied in May 2012



A Tawny eagle stole this half eaten snake from a PCG



All too soon we were at Rooiputs and busy setting up our home for the next 4 nights.

Pitching the tent was quite a challenge, as the wind had picked up sharply which almost resulted in a few divorces, but after a while we were sorted, and decided to take refuge from the wind in the bakkie, and head off on our first game drive of the holiday :evil:

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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by nan »

wow Gavin, I'm ready to follow you O/\

superb Martial Eagle ^Q^
and nice accomodation before THE Paradise \O


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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by Lisbeth »

Here we go again O/\ O/\

Beautiful raptors ^Q^ ^Q^

Setting up a tent with the wind howling must be quite difficult :shock:


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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by okie »

All the way with you here \O

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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by Flutterby »

A great start! 0()

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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by Alf »

I have pitched my tent too :-0

I'm ready lol lol

Next trip to the bush??

Let me think......................
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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by GavinW »

Thanks everyone, and welcome aboard 0/*

We take a break from the wind

As I said, the wind had picked up quite significantly, so we decided that a drive up to Kij Kij and back was a much better plan than being sand blasted back at camp. O**

True to form, as had been the norm for the day, our first sighting of the drive was a tawny eagle up in a tree.
We would later call this section of road up to Melkvlei “Tawny Alley”



A bit further along the road, this Gemsbok was watching us with interest.
I am always amazed as to how skittish these big guys are.


Just as we got past Kij Kij we came across a few cars keeping an eye on four very flat lions under a tree


They weren’t going anywhere so we carried on to the Melkvlei picnic site before turning around and heading back

The lions still hadn’t really moved so we carried on.

At the natural waterhole just north of Kij Kij , a few cars were stopped ion the rise above the water. We often see cars there as it is a great birding spot. This evening however, the main attraction were these youngsters parking off:


Eventually, with time running out we left Kij Kij and set off back home

We spotted this puff adder on the side of the road just near camp



Back at camp, we experienced our first bush sunset of our trip


Supper that evening was slightly different from the planned steak braai, with us settling rather for left over salad and chops from the previous evening with lots of wine whilst taking refuge from the wind in our tent. @#$


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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by Lisbeth »

Lovely pale tawny \O

You sure are organized and Debbie looks very comfortable :yes: :yes: O:V

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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by nan »

love the Tawny, the Puffie and your home O/\
^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

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