Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by GavinW »

Mon 17 May: Leaving Nossob is always hard

This year we had not spent nearly as much time at Nossob as in previous years due mainly to the fact that we didn’t want to be camping in the middle of a construction site.

That being said, whilst Nossob was really busy during the day, we found that besides we didn’t have access to our favourite campsite, our Nossob experience was ok.

As I really love Nossob,it is always hard to leave. However with all our stuff packed and a note written for our neighbours thanking them for their hospitality we set off to Mata Mata.

New friends were waiting there to make us green over all their sightings.

I know we are SO BORING by now, but here is the regulatory morning sunrise pic


Which was totally eclipsed by this Kori in stunning light


Marie’s delivers once again

As the speedsters sent it towards Kaspersdraai once again, we meandered quietly around Marie’s, as one does on your last day in the area.
The Jap was packed to the hilt as is normal when moving camps, so we had limited access to move around in the bakkie to take pictures

Not a problem really, as traditionally we had seen very little on our transit days between camps in the past

Today Marie’s had other ideas
HRH, The Prince and his mother were back, and stalking a Gemsbok down near the waterhole



A lot of photos, but how special is this sighting?



Look at his claw marks in the sand AWESOME

Because we had a full bakkie and I was on the side where all the action was, I got to take a few pics

My pics




And so we waited to see what would transpire
Anti-climax of note.
The Gemsbok smelt a rat, and ducked
So our lions, nonchalantly went for a drink as is nothing had happened


And eventually came back up to the road, before disappearing over the dune


We needed to as well as Mata Mata was calling

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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by Alf »

Really wonderful photos of the lions in action ^Q^ ^Q^

Next trip to the bush??

Let me think......................
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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by Lisbeth »

Great lion sighting O\/ O\/

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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by GavinW »

Thanks once again for taking the time to read our report and for all your kind comments.
They really are all special. O0
We bid the Nossob farewell, for now

Leaving the Prince and Marie’s behind, we set off onto the next leg of our holiday.
Three nights in Mata Mata

Still on the Nossob side we spotted this kori bustard having a late breakfast on the other side of the river bed. Hence the seriously cropped picture. :o0ps:


After a quick stop at Dikbaardskolk for some coffee, it wasn’t long before we were on the Upper Dune Road.
The road was in pretty good condition, which was great.

This herd of Gemsbok were attractive in the dunes


It wasn’t long before we were faced with a roadblock.

These ostrich chicks refused to get off the road, and carried running away from us along the road.
We were quite concerned that one or two may get separated from their parents, so we stayed well back.
Eventually the whole family got the idea and moved out of the way


After that we had a most amazing sighting of a honey badger carrying it's baby in it's mouth initially on the road and then into the dunes.
Really special, but too fast for any photos.... except those that stay in our minds O/\

After that a black shouldered kite posed nicely for us once we were on the Auob side.


And this springbok herd melted into the Auob scenery perfectly


This secretary bird was on it’s lunch break as we passed by


It was mid afternoon when we finally arrived in Mata Mata and set up camp.
We found quite a nice spot, fairly close to the new bird hide, but unfortunately not on the fence.


Me relaxing with a special bottle of red ( a gift from my son) after setting up camp. \O

And our view towards the bird hide


We decided to stay in that evening and besides catching up with our new friends, we had a wonderful evening enjoying a lamb potjie

Last edited by GavinW on Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by Lisbeth »

Lovely pics on the dune road \O

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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by pooky »

I have just caught up with your whole TT. ^Q^ ^Q^

Awesome pics and sightings, I love those 'pale' tawnys, and the fierce looking martial \O \O

Super lions and plenty of them. O/\ O/\

The rain and wind must have been quite an experience in KTP :-)

We are booked in to Polentswa at the beginning of September - I just hope Petronella
has found a new home by then, although if I remember correctly we are at No. 2 which
hopefully is far enough away. 0*\ 0*\ I think I will also be quite scared if I wake up to a lion
roaring so close by :O^ :shock:

We are going to Mabuasehube as well, so really looking forward to this trip. O/\

Hope there are more great sightings and pics to come O\/ O\/

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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by Alf »

Just loving those little gemsbok and ostrich chicks ^Q^ ^Q^

Camp setup looks nice \O

Next trip to the bush??

Let me think......................
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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by PJL »

Just caught up on your travels here Gavin & Debbie. You guys had some fabulous sightings, and I've really enjoyed seeing all the photos ^Q^ ^Q^ O/\ O/\

So many highlights, but ones that stand out for me are the grumpy wet wild cat, seeing bat-eared foxes, and the sheer number of lion sightings.... oh and of course Petronella lol

Great stuff \O


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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by GavinW »

18 May: Another special Kgalagadi day

Our first morning in Mata Mata broke, and saw us up at the gate at gate opening time, ready to head south down to see what there was to be seen around the loops.
We left camp at 7.30 and were greeted by this sunrise just before Kalahari tented Camp


We drove along for about an hour before we eventually saw some form of life.
This time in the form of this giraffe near Dalkieth



As we travelled further south we found these bokke


And a herd of gemsbok as well



The Kalahari was busy showing us another side of her today, and keeping any prowling predators well out of sight
This lanner falcon was perched in a tree on one of the loops


After a short break at Kamqua, and not having seen much else, we decided to carry on a bit further
Our efforts were rewarded with a far off sighting of a slender mongoose on the calcrete ridge near Batulama


Who in turn was being carefully watched from above by this Jackal Buzzard


Nothing transpired, so we turned around to head back to camp.
The access road to Urikaruus was closed, as the campsite was being renovated, and hence unavailable


A bit further on a PCG and Jackal buzzard obviously had some sort of quarrel going on, which was quite amusing


But not as amusing as this springbok who was experiencing a really bad hair day
If I can’t see you, you can’t see me ( I hope )


And at the same time trying to ablute


Is there no privacy in this place!!


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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Post by Lisbeth »

Lovely sunsrise and a beautiful giraffe.

The springbok is hilarious lol lol

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