Back on the tar road, some beggar hornbills...we'll have beggar elephant next...
Perfect symmetry!
At De Laporte, Dewi sitting idly by the side of the road, in a flat pic...
"Oi...wonder if any plckkwachyderms will pitch up here so I can endlessly inspect their every move!

"Who said that?"
"Oh, It's me talking to myself!"
"Mumblemumble...if only I had something to play with...

"Aha! Here it is, forgot it was there below my Derby Kelly!"
Back at camp, the Camping People had launched an attack...
They had the cheek to sit and eat right there, leaving some evidence to taunt us!
Anyway, off we went to meet BC and RobertT at the golf club for a memorable breakfast, and more tea, which is also on his trip report!
Then off at Goldenboy speed down to Malelane...
First of many great scenic shots...the light really tickles me at this time of year, in case I haven't mentioned that!

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