Browns in Kruger October 2016

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Re: Browns in Kruger October 2016

Post by Bushcraft »

Richprins wrote:Interesting, BC, the power thing...could have sworn Talamati started with solar...RP talking k@k again! lol

Quite rare the kori there! \O

That leopard is faulty...bad damage from a fight, or possibly first diseased if you look at the face? It is squint! -O-

Maybe put it on "unusual animal behaviour"? ;-)
We used to see plenty Kori's but not anymore :-? -O- The leopard does look squint =O: =O: =O:

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Re: Browns in Kruger October 2016

Post by Bushcraft »

harrys wrote:Nice Leopard so close ^Q^ ^Q^ , we saw the reedbuck gang on that road too :-) :-)

Beautiful Eagle ^Q^ ^Q^
Thanks Harry \O Ja, those reedbuck are always around on the H10, but there's only 1 ram in the mix as far as we can tell, so hopefully others are around also :-?

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Re: Browns in Kruger October 2016

Post by Bushcraft »

steamtrainfan wrote:With a huff and a puff I have eventually caught up with B.C. bus.

Jislaaik , once again some amazing shots with lion and leopard being the order of the day.

Are you still using the Canon SX50?

"You could have blindfolded me with a shoe lace" =O: lol =O: lol

You certainly have some amazing expressions.

So pleased to hear that no health problems were experienced.
Howzit STF 0/* Ja, moving fast with this as new projects start next week 0: Using a mix of my old 550 and the SX50 but both are very tired now 0:

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Re: Browns in Kruger October 2016

Post by Bushcraft »

Pumbaa wrote:I feel so sorry to hear about your experience at Talamati with the noise of the generator - In fact not the thing one is having in mind when booking a quiet bush camp O/

Great bird shots and another leopard X#X

:ty: Also for the hint where to find the DeLaPorte Leopard - Will look out for her in February O0
The entire Talamati experience was rubbish Pumbaa, but it did help with a sighting which is coming up in the next few posts :-0 0:

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Re: Browns in Kruger October 2016

Post by Bushcraft »

ExFmem wrote:Whew! Seems you write TTs at the same speed as you live your life - full bore! \O

Just now caught up, so please excuse the "old" comments - :o0ps:

Gotta love your expressions, verbs I have never heard before: :-?

and "duck up" before school holidays

We "stuffed up" more photo opportunities

"make a balls up" with the capturing of it

gave the mother leopard "a pelican" (you explained that one to me before \O )

Swazi needs to adopt the Florida Key's refrain: "No shirt, No shoes, No problem…"

Beautiful family - you are so blessed

Leopard w/ cub!!!! Enchanting.

Leopard on the rock (w/ the clueless visitors 0: ) - gorgeous

But really love the terrapin - unusual, at least for me

Wasp vs. Spider - rare sighting - would love to know more
I know a lot of "hunter wasps" target specific prey (cicadas, katydids, etc), so maybe this is one of them?? -O-

0() 0() 0()
Thanks ExFmem for checking this out \O I just need to learn your photographic skills still :-0

I come from a little south coast KZN town and have a few mad friends so sometimes we express ourselves strangely =O: \O

I also thought the spider wasp thing was rare 0: Pity Toko has gone missing as she would know :-?

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Re: Browns in Kruger October 2016

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Alf wrote:Shame that leopard looks in bad shape. If you were a ranger he would have attacked you =O: =O:

That open ellie look very different to the normal ones we experienced, at least this elephant can't charge lol lol
=O: =O: When it came towards us I thought the same thing X#X Ja, no charging there, but thankfully it didn't stink yet or we would have been charging O**

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Re: Browns in Kruger October 2016

Post by Bushcraft »

leachy wrote::-) :-) :-) :-)

hey mr craft...

thanks again for your advice yesterday

that uncle was still not too sure what route to take despite your thorough appraisal of the roads.

i just love the close up pic of the crocodile eye... \O \O \O \O

great sighting of the hawk eagle and juv squacco..

i think your wasp is a hemipepsis tamisieri.. it's favoured prey is the baboon spider

talamati experience was very unfortunate indeed

hope you get some positive response.....
Hey Leachy 0/* I hope you are enjoying your Skukuza "conference" :-0 Ja, with a caravan I would be a little nervous of some sections in Swaziland, however I would still go that way because it's so much shorter. So it was a hawk eagle and a squacco O/\ I'm getting better at this bird thing O\/

Thanks for the wasp/spider info O:V

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Re: Browns in Kruger October 2016

Post by Bushcraft »

2nd Talamati continued

We stopped at Lower Sabie for the loo and it was a mad house with no parking available, etc so we ducked quickly.

Around halfway to Nkuhlu mating lions appeared in the bush next to the road, but there was already a gang of cars, so we didn’t bother about waiting for a good position for pics and just snapped away from where we were before moving on.



Next up were some GHB’s cruising around, a leopard kill in a tree but no leopard parking off, a lioness snoozing and then a kite trying to nail something in the road.





Some more lion were hiding out close to the H12 Bridge but again there was a gang of cars so we snapped a blurred proof pic and carried on to the S36.


The S36 surprisingly had no corrugations, but just past an empty Manzimhlophe/Jones Dam we came across 2 graders on the side of the road, so they obviously were still getting to the rest of the road.

The western side of the road in this upper southern section must have also had plenty rain as sections of the road were still wet and there were large puddles all over the place.
The grass was also green, so there must have been some good rain previously. This resulted in plenty general game all over the place, which was nice to see.

We stopped for a tortoise, another Korhaan and then Cow shouted “Sable!” which got me excited, but unfortunately it was a lone male who refused to come out the bush into the open, so the Prego rolls won and we ducked towards Nhlanguleni picnic site.




We arrived at the picnic site at around 1pm and we were the only people there which must have been because of the bad weather, so I did a long parking story with the Cow directing so that we could get a barrier from the wind and soon the skottel was going.

After a long peaceful break at Nhlanguleni we hit the S36 towards our R2500 per night construction site at about 3pm stopping only once for a duiker pic as they rarely hang around like this Mohawk one was.


We arrived in camp at around 4pm and I immediately started an early fire as I just wanted to “get things over with”, sleep and get as far away from the rowdy generator as possible. The rats kept checking the hide out and eventually the 1st and only animal arrived and seemed to have an itch which provided some amusement.


A large thunder storm moved in after dark, so the hide missions became difficult, besides being a waste of time as there was no light, so we all crashed early.

To be continued

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Re: Browns in Kruger October 2016

Post by Richprins »

You must make the Hornbills a "where in Kruger"! lol

Manzimhlope drinking trough also dry? :-(

How were the Pregos, BC? Where did you get them? :twisted:

Nice to see sable!

Please check Needs Attention pre-booking:
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Re: Browns in Kruger October 2016

Post by Flutterby »

At least you got lions even if the weren't great sightings. :yes:

But nice sable sighting! ^Q^

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