3rd Talamati to Lower Sabie
We woke to another frustratingly windy overcast day, but thankfully we were moving to Lower Sabie and out of the construction site, so the car packing mission started early.
The last thing to get packed was our chow for the road and as I went inside to check the unit the darn vervets attacked the clan and stole the chow, so that was the cherry on the top for me and Talamati.
Just before the end of the S145 as it joins the S36 Hawkeyes again shrieked, but this time “SABLE!” She was on the ball this trip.
There was a fairly large herd in the bush next to the road, but soon a few crossed into the open
I was still major pelican about Talamati and had lost all faith in the area for sightings, so a debate started as we reached the S36 as to what route to take to the H1-3. Nobody could agree, so the youngest rat, Albert, suggested the S126 which meant heading north first, so I wasn’t keen, but as nobody else would put their neck out I turned and headed up the S36 towards the S126/Sweni road.
There wasn’t much happening until Welverdiend waterhole around 8km down the S126 where 3 buffalo were hanging around, but at least it was peaceful as the rest of Talamati hadn’t left as early as we did and the Satara gang hadn’t made it down this far yet.
Around 100m meters further down the road Hawkeyes and Cow both erupted “LION!”
A large male was parking off close to the road and another was hiding out deep in the bush behind him.
The chap closest to the road didn’t seem very energetic but as we were the only car, we decided to hang around a little longer to see if he would stand up or move.
About 10 minutes later the Cow chirped
“Those buffalo from up the road are crossing 50m behind us”
I didn’t pay much attention until the male closest to us suddenly jumped up with intent and then we could clearly see movement from the other male in the bush also.
To be continued