7th Lower Sabie
Today was our last full day in the park and we still hadn’t been to Mathekenyane yet and we had promised the rats, hence the plan was to visit the rock and then return to camp which gave me a mild pelican as it was a fairly long way to Mathekenyane, hence I chased all into the car just after gate opening.
Around 6km out of camp our first leopard for the day popped up and he or she was catching the morning sun from on top of a rock.
It was a mission to get a view through all the bush, so I started on the normal frantic forward reverse story, but without much success.
A little further on something else caught my eye, so I slammed on brakes which got the Cow huffing and puffing, however spots appeared, so I started squealing for the camera, but only got a shot off as the leopard turned back into the bush.
The rest of the drive to Mathekenyane produced all the normal crowd, however we didn’t take many pics as one can full a camera memory card in one day if every animal is photographed, so only the odd animals cracked the camera nod including some kudu for leachy.
We stopped at Skukuza day visitors to use the loo and we were horrified at the state of the ablutions. I was plotting to get my camera and take pics, but then the staff arrived and I don’t blame them for wearing masks because it was disgusting.
I eventually aimed at a distance and the Cow and rats also had big eyes when they came out. I won’t even elaborate on what was in their ablutions as this is a family forum. I think too many people are visiting and the ablutions can’t handle the “load”.
The wind was howling when we arrived at Mathekenyane, so the rats were moaning about taking selfies for their collection, however I wasn’t coming back, hence advised them that it was now or never.
Hawkeyes and Bushpig went to pose while Albert got bullied into taking the pics, but then stuffed it up and got greased which resulted in a drama. I tried to stay out of it, but eventually the Cow took back up pics with her camera from a distance.
The wind was miserable, so we didn’t want to hang around, but it was still rather early as we hadn’t stopped for much besides leopard on the way up, so I suggested that head back to Skukuza camp and reassess, which involved a small debate, but eventually the plan was to do a section of the S1/S4/S3 to Kruger gate for a loo stop and then head back to Lower Sabie for brunch.
A few km down the S1 the 3rd leopard for the morning appeared in a tree with its kill. Surprisingly there weren’t many cars hanging around, so we found a peaceful spot and parked off.
A few minutes later the leopard started to snarl at something and then we realised that there was something moving around at the base of the tree.
Suddenly the leopard in the tree went on a frantic climbing mission up to the top of the tree and then we spotted the reason why just as another leopard climbed up to the kill. A male had arrived and the female had ducked for the tree tops. The 2 then proceeded to have a growling match for another 2 minutes before settling down.
We just managed to get both leopard in frame in the pic below and there were elephant and a horned friend both cruising around in the background and then a hyena pulled in at the base of the tree, however we couldn’t get all in frame and in focus, which was causing some frustration. The male made himself comfortable and the female seemed less comfortable, but the male wasn’t going anywhere.
As both went to sleep, we decided to continue on, but changed our plans as our stomachs were calling us back to Lower Sabie, however turned towards Kruger Gate for a safer loo stop.
Just around the corner a giraffe appeared and then some ears.
To be continued