The blurred animal is a cheetah!
1 minute earlier:
RP: "Well, my boy..this little stretch of experimental tar on the S-114 was were I saw my best ever cheetah sighting!"
GB: "Please do tell, clish."
RP: "It was a many years ago, clish. I was on my way back to Nellies from some or other mission, a cloudy morning, all alone..."
GB: "Yes? Clish."
RP: "There was a cheetah purposefully walking along the tar towards me quite a way away. beautiful, with the greenery around. It was summer time, you know! Clish."
GB: "What! Great! Clish."
RP: " first I rushed closer to take some pics, but it was going nowhere, so I reversed all the way back to the horizon, and waited for it to come to me, clish."
GB: "Great! There is a traffic jam up ahead now, but carry on with your story!"
RP: "And so I can never forget the clip=clop sound of the cheetah's claws on the tar as it came slowly closer, not another soul in sight!"
GB: "Cheetah!!!!!"
RP: "Yes, Cheetah, that is the story!
GB: "No, there is a cheetah walking out of the traffic jam now!
And lo and behold, it was so!

This was really the thread of the conversation, so an ultimate irony!
Unusual angles for nana!
Off to Pretoriuskop Day visitors for prego brunch!
It is actually a nice spot, very quiet, but not for the purists. Eat and rest, no view!
Then off to the dog place to meat leachy...will put up more pics of the place pending official approval!
The end!

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