Questionable Buffalo and Hippo culling in Kruger

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H. erectus
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Re: Questionable Buffalo and Hippo culling in Kruger

Post by H. erectus »

A question mentioned by a member on Facebook,..

Melanie Posthumus Hou die aanwesigheid van TB in sodanige diere enige gesondheidsrisiko vir menslike gebruik in? Ek dink nou aan die buffels (en seekoeie) wat ten tyde van die onlangse droogte aan gemeenskappe buite die KNP voorsien is.

Still awaiting Gerhard Smit's approval,...his post in the run-up to this,
Melanies comment!!!

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Re: Questionable Buffalo and Hippo culling in Kruger

Post by Richprins »

This is very much an ongoing debate, H!

4 August 2017


The process of buffalo culling introduced during the 2016 drought, and then continued under the guise of distributing meat to neighbouring communities is a dangerous and unnecessary practice, and should be discontinued forthwith. We feel that the project is scientifically neither viable nor justifiable. It does not have any meaningful influence on buffalo populations if the figure of 400 is to be believed of which only 200 were killed by March 2017 according to SANParks.

The hasty and curious decision to change from mercy killing to community development remains unsatisfactory, and the latter is not the prime function of a conservation organisation.

Furthermore, it has come to our attention that buffalo meat has allegedly indeed now started disappearing from the Skukuza abattoir, untreated, and is leaving the Park via gates, along with the normal "subsistence" meat poached by miscreants residing/visiting.

This is exactly the massive danger to National Food security AW warned about at the meeting, as it will be a disaster should Bovine Tuberculosis and Foot and Mouth appear in the foodlots of the Highveld.

SANParks has suggested the carcasses are checked for TB and Foot and Mouth disease in the field, and then burned if infected. Veterinary sources say this field testing is impossible, and can only be done in the abbattoir. SANParks have not denied that meat has disappeared from the abbattoir.

We are deeply concerned at the administration of this venture, and feel Kruger National Park is exceeding its mandate and such extensive changes in policy should be approached with extreme caution, with parliamentary approval.

The Africa Wild Committee


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Re: Questionable Buffalo and Hippo culling in Kruger

Post by H. erectus »

No Richard and with all due respect your letter addressed to the
honorable one, rather more try see input from other angles of
discontent. I wish to substantiate and support AW thoughts in
further ongoing matters, by others, their point of view regarding
questionable circumstance. Right here I am challenged to further
publish comment and discussion very relevant G. Smit. I will further,
without his approval, post his comments that appeared on other pages.
These may prove to be enlightening....

Gerhard Smit created a poll.
6 hrs

Expert opinion on Bovine TB in the KNP.
I recently contacted Dr Roy Bengis who spent many years in the KNP as a Vet and asked for his opinion on Bovine Tuberculosis in the KNP Buffalo and the effect on Lions.
Dear Gerhard,

What we do know is that there are approximately 300 buffalo herds in Kruger comprising up to 300 - 400 individuals.
We know that the prevalence of BTB in the southern herds is higher than the central or northern herds, because the disease has been there longer. But even amongst the southern herds, the BTB prevalence varies from less than 10% to over 80%.
So the figure that one comes up with depends on which herds were sampled and which individuals were sampled. All we can say is that BTB has become endemic in the Kruger Park and is there to stay unless an effective vaccine is developed sometime in the future.
Our best guess is that BTB prevalence in buffalo in general will eventually stabilise in all regions of the Park somewhere around 35% because of population dynamics and the fact that BTB is a very slow disease that may take years to kill its victim.
Some animals with localised TB lesions live a completely normal life and it does not affect their longevity. It would be interesting to see what influence the 2016 drought had on buffalo TB prevalence because theoretically, TB infected buffalo should have succumbed first.
Regarding lions, because they are top of the food chain and often prey on the weaker compromised buffalo, they are vulnerable to BTB exposure.
In addition, BTB in a lion pride may spread between pride members.
Where BTB affects the coalition male lions in a pride, one may find social disruption (infanticide) and even eviction of prides. It is therefore my opinion that in the long run lion populations are more at risk than other species.
However, having said that, I do not envisage TB exterminating any species in the short term, because it is a slow disease, and animal reproduction dynamics appear to balance out the mortality rate.

I hope these remarks are useful.

Kind regards,

Roy Bengis

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Re: Questionable Buffalo and Hippo culling in Kruger

Post by H. erectus »

Taking Melanie's post to greater concern,..
from another point of view,...I remain concerned
at even a greater level!!

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Re: Questionable Buffalo and Hippo culling in Kruger

Post by Lisbeth »

Unfortunately Melanie's post is in Afrikaans, which by the way is not the commonly accepted language of this forum O**

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Re: Questionable Buffalo and Hippo culling in Kruger

Post by H. erectus »

Quite frankly Lis, I do do not care what language
will carry the weight of concern,...

Fred de Groot I wish to do the same on AW forum. Mind if I do??
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· Reply · Yesterday at 17:56
Gerhard Smit
Gerhard Smit Yes Fred you may. Regards. Gerhard.

Gerhard Smit continued,..

Gerhard Smit I am well aware that SANParks thoroughly and meticulously apply the regulations regarding the spreading of animal disease. I can not see any reason why the culled Buffalo and Hippo made available for human consumption during the drought would be treated any different. I visited the abattoir at Skukuza during January 2015 and can ensure all that the place is as good as the best private or state abattoir. So there is no need to fear that the meat made available for human consumption could be harmful.

My posts into this thread merely trying to show how other folk
out there feel about this matter!!! It is interesting to note that
we are not the only "given ones" that are entitled to some sort
of recognition.

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Re: Questionable Buffalo and Hippo culling in Kruger

Post by Lisbeth »

H. erectus wrote:Quite frankly Lis, I do do not care what language
will carry the weight of concern,...
In the future you are kindly requested to use the English language understandable to all members and if you want to quote something written in Afrikaans, please provide a translation, even a Google one will do.

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Re: Questionable Buffalo and Hippo culling in Kruger

Post by H. erectus »

Will remain your problem lis, looking for a translator,

The person quoted will remain respected in his/her sense!!

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Re: Questionable Buffalo and Hippo culling in Kruger

Post by Richprins »

The problem is SP say the carcasses are tested in the field, H. And meat disappears from the abattoir before it is tested there, IMO. Big difference! ;-)

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Re: Questionable Buffalo and Hippo culling in Kruger

Post by Lisbeth »

It all depends on who is right.......Jan. 2015 is far back in the past -O-

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