SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

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Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Post by Richprins »

Richprins wrote: the documents are scanned, end of story. so there can be no excuses for illegal entrants or their facilitators.
Tourists have to produce their ID's and passports anyway, so that is not new. Contractors and staff don't, really, which is the point of the exercise, and about time. One of our recent parliamentary questions was exactly this: What permanent record is kept of ALL who enter and exit Kruger?

This is electronic, and will also help regarding the current "guesstimates" of vehicles entering, which leads to the pointlessness of gate quotas! :yes:

The South is a prime and obvious place to start with this, as it is by miles the most-utilised by the abovementioned, and also has by far the most rhino. ;-)

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Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Post by H. erectus »

I'm surprised that Proof of residence was not included!! ;-)

It is called for everywhere I go, then again like Lis says,
Lisbeth wrote: It is not written in the passport if you are a poacher
It remains a common fact that admin updates really do not limit
corruption, perhaps even supportive as far as criminal activities
are concerned. However, for other practical purposes, these new
iniatives long overdue!! Will this new system of "double check"
include the army, the police, the wardens even the state officials
at Port of entry!??

Of late they seem to be the culprits at large???

State immunity, I being misunderstood here?

Heh,.. H.e
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Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Post by Lisbeth »

I still do not see the point -O-

If it is only for statistics, they are making it rather complicated.

I might be wrong, but as nobody has given me a good reason up til now, it might be a control of who is entering with the taxis (staff and what else?) and providers with vans ( easy to hide something/somebody in a van) and they cannot say it openly -O-

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Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Post by Richprins »

This is of extreme concern: ... 57#p382957

Also, a member recently went into the Park and had an unexpected day-long delay, not reflected on her entry form. All checks and scans were done at the Southern exit gate, but the form was not checked! 0*\

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Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Post by PennyinSA »


Who is in control of all of this information? How is it being profiled? How much of our personal information will now be "out there" ? Who is sitting at a computer and checking actual dates and available information? We had a guest with us who in fact had been in the KNP during the first week of September when he was "scanned"! He was subsequently never scanned again until he did an afternoon drive with us 9 days ago! Why did nobody pick up that he had left the Park only 6 weeks after his previous visit and yet no questions were asked as to where he had been during this time! When the system is down everyone is simply waved through the gate! How safe is all the information that Sanparks now has access to wrt the opening of for example a clothing account, a false licence??? The emphasis at the gates has changed from the obsessive request to know whether you have alcohol to now scanning all ID documents! I really believe that the public need to know that checks and balances are in place that firstly all this information is being correctly processed and that NO information of a personal nature is being shared. Currently I have more questions than answers!

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Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Post by Lisbeth »

Until Sanparks does not learn to prepare properly the staff to whatever task they have, nothing will ever work properly.

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Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Post by H. erectus »

MMMhhhnn, quite bold from them, only to find selves
locked outside the gate!!!

Heh,.. H.e
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Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Post by Richprins »

Very different experiences at gates over the last month for me:

Phala Gate: They do not do the scanning, as it is a northern gate. But neither did they check our ID's nor licenses upon entry, even though their "system was down"? :-? -O- 0-

Malelane Gate exit: The guard checked permit and id. My colleague said it was his car (although it was mine) the guard then called him by my surname, while holding his id...and he is half my age... :-? -O-

Numbi Entry: A very pedantic guard, who made us go forward and backward until we had one wheel in what we eventually saw was a dimly-spraypainted rectangle on the tar! lol

Serious interrogation, and we had to change seats, as my colleague had had his wallet stolen and did not have his license card, so fair enough! \O But in this time a convoy of 4-5 taxis exited on the other side without being searched, only conversations carrying on with drivers... 0*\ + 15h00 on Friday 20 Oct.

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Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Post by Lisbeth »

Your post illustrates perfectly how Sanparks is run 0*\

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Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Post by Bushcraft »

Lisbeth wrote:Your post illustrates perfectly how Sanparks is run 0*\
Correct \O O/

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