Malelane SPAR Online - AW Members Only

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Re: Malelane SPAR Online - AW Members Only

Post by Dzombo »


OK, well I am pleased to hear that it's a good option
Will contact you in due course once I am more organised re my order.

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Re: Malelane SPAR Online - AW Members Only

Post by Mel »

I have always wanted to give feedback on my food order for our Kruger trip in March, but somehow got sidetracked doing so.

I can highly recommend using the Malelane Spar! Granted, it was a bit of a wobbly start with emails not being answered as I would have liked.
But that was more of a misconception between both parties. Spar thought if they didn't answer it would show me everything is okay and I figured
they had forgotten about my order because I didn't hear back from them.

Anyway... RP will always help out here as well O**

On the day of collection however, everything was neatly packed and stacked and staff knew where to find the goodies. Having pre-ordered elsewhere
in the state of SA before, I know that you can't take that for granted and if you're pressed for time, staff who need to go hunting around the shop and
the stockroooms for your food can rob you of your precious minutes... But like I said: not at Spar Malelane ^Q^

Plus, being allergic to several ingredients, I asked them not to put anything from my list into the trolley. And they didn't \O
(Again, not something that can be taken for granted as I regular get stuff I hadn't ordered in that particular make etc.)

For the missing items I was run through the shop to see the choices and to grab anything that we were still missing. (The running bit came from my
behalf, not theirs - they would have given me all the time in the world, I felt.)

So, if five stars would be the highest, I'd give them all five, despite the email thingy. Because when it mattered, Spar delivered. O:V

God put me on earth to accomplish a certain amount of things. Right now I'm so far behind that I'll never die.
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Re: Malelane SPAR Online - AW Members Only

Post by Flutterby »

^Q^ ^Q^

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Re: Malelane SPAR Online - AW Members Only

Post by Richprins »

Sharp, Mello! \O

Please check Needs Attention pre-booking:
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