08 June 2018 - Part 2/2.
We turned off the H1-4 to the S147 - Ngotso Loop. For some strange reason the S147 is a one way road.
The reason we did this was to look for the leopard with three cubs that we had heard was hanging out on this road.
We did a very slow drive and popping in at all the loops trying to see her. But no luck.
We then joined the H1-4 again and travelled down to the S127 - Ntomeni Road to go to Timbavati Picnic spot.
Close to the picnic spot we saw this, which I think is a Temmincks Courser that had just made a kill.
After leaving the picnic spot it took us just over 3 and half hours to travel the S39 and reach the H7.
The reason ------- the S39 is in shocking condition. There are corrugations almost all the way and they are deep and frequent. How my little sedan survived this road I will never know. The noise we made travelling this road at no more than 20 kph was enough to scare any animal within two kilometres off. We were bitterly disappointed as this road is one of the most promising in Kruger and one of the roads we were most looking forward to travelling on.
I did mention this in the questionnaire we were sent after our visit.
We saw a few elephant, kudu, giraffe, water buck and impala.
Strangely enough these two guys hardly batted an eyelid when we came across them chowing off opposite sides of the tree.
This guy made quite a nice picture on the S39.
We were never so relieved to reach the smooth tar of the H7.
We were now running a bit late so we had to do a no stops journey to check in at Orpen.
That night we were woken with a noise outside to find a mommy and child honey badger going through our rubbish bin.
After our last experience with a honey badger at Tamboti I tried to take a photograph through the window but only got a very serious flash back.
So Joan then slid the door open very slightly, just enough for me to push the camera through, and take a photo. I took the first photo and immediately pulled the camera back while Joan slammed the door closed as we expected some kind of reaction from the badgers due to the flash.
However, the flash did not worry them in the slightest so we slid the door open a fraction once more and I could take as many photos as I liked as they carried scrummaging through the dust bin.
Eventually they had had enough and went off to the next hut and went off to bed.