Pilanesberg is 572 square miles in area. The press and management reported that only between 5000 and 8000 hectares ( 50- 80 sq. kms) was burnt.
The map below shows the extent of the fire and I am feel that a lot more than only between 10 and 14 percent of the reserve was burnt, or is my maths incorrect?

Also while driving around we saw a lot more burnt ground than non-burnt.
However, the good news is that there was lots of green shots popping up all over the place.
Joan and I both believe that this was the reason we saw so little game and bird life.
A lot of listees on Pilanesberg Gem of the North West do not believe it made ant difference to the viewing.
Maybe we have been spoilt in the past, I mean last year was exceptional, and expected to see more than we did then.

Travel tale follow soon.