The community who came to support them was ecstatic about the news.
17 hours ago

Claude Lubisi, Clyde Mnisi and Rachel Qwebana celebrate bail.
The six accused that are being charged with charges related to rhino poaching, received bail today at the White River Magistrate’s court.
The six, Petros Sidney Mabuza, Claude Lubisi, Clyde Mnisi, Joseph Nyalunga, Aretha Mhlanga and Rachel Qwebana, was granted bail on the strict bail conditions.
“The accused are not allowed to enter the Kruger National Park and are not allowed to leave the province of Mpumalanga without notifying the investigating officer,” said magistrate Majaji Jan Ngobeni.
See the magistrate’s reason for granting bail in the video below:
Their bail was posted at the following amounts:
Mabuza: R90 000
Lubisi: R10 000
Mnisi: R50 000
Nyalunga: R120 000
Mhlanga: R10 000
Qwebana: R10 000
On Nyalunga’s additional charges related to illegal hunting, he was also granted bail and let off on a warning.
The case is postponed to Januarie 21 2019.
See the community’s reaction in the video below: ... -get-bail/