Parrots and Loverbirds belong to the Psittacidae family. There are 2 subfamilies and 8 species indigenous to Southern Africa:
- Brown-headed Parrot (Poicephalus cryptoxanthus)
- Grey-headed Parrot (Poicephalus fuscicollis suahelicus)
- Cape Parrot (Poicephalus robustus)
- Meyer's Parrot (Poicephalus meyeri)
- Rüppell's Parrot (Poicephalus rueppellii)
- Rosy-faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis)
- Lilian's Lovebird (Agapornis lilianae)
- Black-cheeked Lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis)
One species has been introduced and is present is some places : Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri)
The main characteristic of these birds are:
A strong, curved bill, allowing them to open seeds, nuts and fruits which are their main food;
Zygodactyl feet, with two toes pointing forward and two backward, to climb and grasp better;
Colourful plumage (green is dominant in the southern african species);
They nest in cavities in trees or in cliffs;
The chicks lack feathers and receive parental care for several months.
Many species of parrots are endangered as they are kept as pets.
Parrots and Lovebirds - Bird of the month February 2019
Re: Parrots and Lovebirds - Bird of the month February 2019
Brown-headed Parrot (Poicephalus cryptoxanthus)
One of the commonest Parrot, as least in Kruger National Park is the Brown-headed Parrot. It has a brown head, a green body and bright yellow underwings. Both sexes are alike. Juveniles are slightly duller.
They are monogamous, live in open woodland and eat fruits, seeds and flowers.
One of the commonest Parrot, as least in Kruger National Park is the Brown-headed Parrot. It has a brown head, a green body and bright yellow underwings. Both sexes are alike. Juveniles are slightly duller.
They are monogamous, live in open woodland and eat fruits, seeds and flowers.
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Re: Parrots and Lovebirds - Bird of the month February 2019

I saw a Knysna parrot once up at Kremetart, near Punda!

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Re: Parrots and Lovebirds - Bird of the month February 2019
A Knysna Parrot
Is that a new species, or do you mean Cape Parrot (I have never seen one) ?

- Richprins
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Re: Parrots and Lovebirds - Bird of the month February 2019
That was the is big with red shoulders? 

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Re: Parrots and Lovebirds - Bird of the month February 2019
Nice one, Dindingwe
I have never seen parrots nor lovebirds in South Africa

I have never seen parrots nor lovebirds in South Africa

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela
The desire for equality must never exceed the demands of knowledge
The desire for equality must never exceed the demands of knowledge
Re: Parrots and Lovebirds - Bird of the month February 2019
Thanks all.
Yes Richprins, the Cape Parrot has a red patch on the shoulder.
Meyer's Parrot (Poicephalus meyeri)
The Meyer's Parrot has a rather large distribution in Southern Africa : Zimbabwe, Botswana, North-east Namibia and Northern South Africa.
It is mostly brownish with yellow patches on the shoulder and on the forehead (at least for the eastern subspecies). The belly is green. It lives in savannah woodlands and eats seeds, nuts and a wide variety of vegetation.
Hwange National Park (Zimbabwe)
Yes Richprins, the Cape Parrot has a red patch on the shoulder.
Meyer's Parrot (Poicephalus meyeri)
The Meyer's Parrot has a rather large distribution in Southern Africa : Zimbabwe, Botswana, North-east Namibia and Northern South Africa.
It is mostly brownish with yellow patches on the shoulder and on the forehead (at least for the eastern subspecies). The belly is green. It lives in savannah woodlands and eats seeds, nuts and a wide variety of vegetation.
Hwange National Park (Zimbabwe)
Re: Parrots and Lovebirds - Bird of the month February 2019
Rüppell's Parrot (Poicephalus rueppellii)
Rüppell's Parrot is endemic to Namibia and southern Angola. It prefers riparian woodlands and Lala palms. It mainly eats seeds and vegetation but can also eat occasionally insects.
It looks like the Meyer's Parrot : mostly brown with yellow patch on the shoulder (but not on the head). The belly is mostly brown for the male, more blue for the female.
Palmwag (Namibia)
Rüppell's Parrot is endemic to Namibia and southern Angola. It prefers riparian woodlands and Lala palms. It mainly eats seeds and vegetation but can also eat occasionally insects.
It looks like the Meyer's Parrot : mostly brown with yellow patch on the shoulder (but not on the head). The belly is mostly brown for the male, more blue for the female.
Palmwag (Namibia)