Tshokwane Site4.2.4.1 SANParks has identified three potential sites Mobile Tented Safari
Facilities in the Kruger National Park, near to Tshokwane, Satara andfor the
Olifants, which are zoned as either primitive, low intensity leisure or high
intensity leisure use zones. Two sites will be made available to the
preferred Bidder, pending the outcome of the environmental authorisation
GPS Coordinates: -24.71918, 31.81707
A very scenic site, located on the dry river bed of the Nwaswitsontso, amoungst large trees. There is plenty of flat open area, where grass and selective brush clearing can be done to accommodate the tents. This is a game rich area, and likely to be very popular for game-viewing activities
The site is appriximately 1.51km from Satara-Tshokwane tourist road (H1-3). An exclusive access road would need to be constructed from the tourist road to the site. The road will need to comply with the KNP Roads Manual; at minimum, this access road should comply with a Class C road (an “all weather two track road”), which is a 3m wide gravelled or stabilised road.
- Located in the primitive zone.
- Capacity: 80 total beds (including staff). A maximum of 60 tourist beds allowed.
A new borehole should be drilled to provide water for the facility.
In the site, there are plenty of flat open areas, where selective brush clearing could be done to accommodate the tents.