2011 Skukuza Railing Accident Claim Due - Millions

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2011 Skukuza Railing Accident Claim Due - Millions

Post by Richprins »

Man eis miljoene ná hy val in wildtuin

Hy het baie ernstige beserings opgedoen, waaronder ‘n gekraakte skedel, breinbloeding en ‘n gebreekte rugwerwel

Nicolene Smalman | 20 January 2015 11:03

MBOMBELA – ‘n Man van Pretoria wat in 2011 ernstig beseer is toe hy in die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin (NKW) geval het, eis nou miljoene van SANParke.

Mnr. Tom Kruger (68) en sy vrou, me. Julie Kruger, was in Augustus daardie jaar in Skukuza toe die voorval plaasgevind het. Laevelder het destyds berig dat die Krugers op 9 Augustus na die gerieflikheidswinkel in Skukuza is.

Mnr. Kruger het hierna teen ‘n reling gestaan en oor die Sabierivier uitgekyk terwyl hy ‘n roomys geëet het. Hy het teruggekyk na sy vrou toe dit meteens meegegee en hy geval het. Hy het nog etlike meter verder gerol. “Hy het sowat drie meter ver geval en sy kop teen ‘n klip gekap. Ek het gedink hy is dood,” het me. Kruger vertel.

Die dokter op Skukuza het hom op die toneel behandel en hierna is hy na Mediclinic Nelspruit geneem. Hy het baie ernstige beserings opgedoen, waaronder ‘n gekraakte skedel, breinbloeding en ‘n gebreekte rugwerwel. Hy is later na ‘n hospitaal in Pretoria oorgeplaas en dit het hom maande geneem om van sy beserings te herstel.

Me. Kruger was nog destyds ongelukkig met SANParke se houding jeens die voorval en het gekla dat hulle haar, etlike dae na die insident, nog glad nie gekontak en ‘n verskoning aangebied het nie. Die oorsaak is uit verskeie kringe aan ‘n gebrek aan instandhouding toegeskryf.

Mnr. Adam Prinsloo, die Krugers se regsverteenwoordiger, wou nie die presiese bedrag bevestig nie omdat hy tans met kikkingsonderhandelinge met SANParke se versekeringsmakelaars besig is. Laevelder het egter verneem dat die eis meer as R2 miljoen beloop.

Prinsloo het bygevoeg dat hy later hierdie week met die makelaars sal vergader en dat hy twyfel of die saak ooit in die hof sal draai. “Ek glo dat ons buite die hof sal skik,” het hy gesê. SANParke-woordvoerder mnr. Rey Thakhuli het by navraag gesê dat, omdat ‘n regsgeding is, hy op hierdie stadium nie kan kommentaar lewer nie.

http://lowvelder.co.za/245715/man-eis-m ... -wildtuin/

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Re: 2011 Skukuza Railing Accident Claim Due - Millions

Post by Richprins »

Viewers may remember this accident, when a pensioner fell through an allegedly ill-maintained railing in front of Skuks restaurant in 2011.

He sustained terrible injuries, and sued SANParks for negligence.

The article basically describes this, and repeats that various circles ascribed the accident to lack of maintenance.

The wife was shocked that SP didn't contact the family for days after the incident, and didn't apologise.

The lawyer won't reveal the amount of the claim, as it is expected the case will be settled, but Lowvelder believes it to be around R 2 Million.

SP won't comment as the case is in progress.

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Re: 2011 Skukuza Railing Accident Claim Due - Millions

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Heh,.. H.e
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Re: 2011 Skukuza Railing Accident Claim Due - Millions

Post by nan »

of course I remember this tragic accident :shock:

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Re: 2011 Skukuza Railing Accident Claim Due - Millions

Post by Flutterby »

Wonder what will the outcome will be. O**

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Re: 2011 Skukuza Railing Accident Claim Due - Millions

Post by H. erectus »

Stands to good reasoning that this kind of accident happens.
The presentation by Sanparks Tourism re; "Responsible Tourism"
that 50% of annual budget gets allocated to tourism and the other 50%
Fauna and Flora, Logistics and all other dpt's fall short!!!

Maintenance and upgrading, who knows, does Sanparks really have a
grip on what happens at the point of reality???

Heh,.. H.e
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Re: 2011 Skukuza Railing Accident Claim Due - Millions

Post by Richprins »

Flutterby wrote:Wonder what will the outcome will be. O**
There was a settlement, but with a proviso no further comment! ;-)

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Re: 2011 Skukuza Railing Accident Claim Due - Millions

Post by H. erectus »

Ja,...Furbelly,.... ;-)

Heh,.. H.e
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Re: 2011 Skukuza Railing Accident Claim Due - Millions

Post by Richprins »

Skukuza again 0*\


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Re: 2011 Skukuza Railing Accident Claim Due - Millions

Post by Alf »

Richprins wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:58 pm Skukuza again 0*\

I can't see the picture :-?

Next trip to the bush??

Let me think......................
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