Safari industry focuses on surviving Covid-19

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Re: Safari industry focuses on surviving Covid-19

Post by harrys »

What she didn't mention was that it was based on BEE and unfair @#$

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Re: Safari industry focuses on surviving Covid-19

Post by Richprins »

Yes it is a bit ironic that billions were donated to the fund by what Government routinely scapegoats as "White Monopoly Capital", but relief does not get distributed to whities... :no:

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Re: Safari industry focuses on surviving Covid-19

Post by Lisbeth »

Aren't you always so proud of your constitution? It sounds as if the Government has found a way of getting around it and forgotten that all SA citizens live in the same democracy :evil:

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Re: Safari industry focuses on surviving Covid-19

Post by Klipspringer »

Lisbeth, that's perfectly inline with the constitution when you accept the notion of substantive equality that is different from a notion of formal equality as in a liberal tradition.
Section 9 (2) of the constitution reads: Equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms. To promote the achievement of equality, legislative and other measures designed to protect or advance persons, or categories of persons, disadvantaged by unfair discrimination may be taken.
If you accept that the harmful effects of past racial discrimination persist in society and that racism continues to disadvantage black South Africans, the need for redress measures to overcome this will be apparent. I you don't subscribe to this view, however, redress measures – especially redress measures based on race – represent a form of reverse discrimination. The SA Constitutional Court clearly rejects the latter view.

The same way of thinking is also behind the EU policies to promote gender equality and both issues are hotly debated and controversial constitutional law issues. lol

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Re: Safari industry focuses on surviving Covid-19

Post by Lisbeth »

Section 9: The second phrase contradicts the former one. Of course, it also depends on the eyes reading O** but if you take a black and a white owner of an OSV, they have both suffered in exactly the same way and no past inequality here. I do see the point, but that does not mean that it is fair.

Gender equality is not exactly the same thing and there are many ways to obtain it. I am totally against a fixed number of women anywhere, but very much pro equal salary and treatment. It's a fact that a woman has to be better than a man in order to reach an elevated position and that she has to fight much more, even if it has begun to change slightly.

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Re: Safari industry focuses on surviving Covid-19

Post by Richprins »

I wonder for how many centuries this reverse racism will have to apply? -O-

Maybe Afrikaners must seek reparations from the English for the Boer War! ..0..

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Re: Safari industry focuses on surviving Covid-19

Post by Lisbeth »

lol (They lost :twisted: )

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Re: Safari industry focuses on surviving Covid-19

Post by Klipspringer »

Lisbeth, a white owned business was not excluded from the relief fund, there was a maximum score of 100 points and black ownership vs white ownership accounted only for 8 extra points to qualify, so only a small advantage of 8 percent for the black owner.
The minister also published a list of enterprises that recieved the relief money and there are white-owned businesses on the list, such as a OSV owner doing tours from Marloth into Kruger. ... iaries.pdf

But the previously (and maybe still) priviledged tend to spread wrong information or overlook the details. It's always interesting to have the real facts. The court paper is worth reading (pages 4 and 12) if you are interested in the these issues: ... ourism.pdf

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Re: Safari industry focuses on surviving Covid-19

Post by Lisbeth »

Thank you, Klippie, for clearing up things. I should not talk before being properly informed :o0ps: Luckily you are there to pull my ears ;-) \O

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Re: Safari industry focuses on surviving Covid-19

Post by harrys »

Ok so help me here why did the minister first lie to the court when Afriforum took her to court for using BEE criteria, she lied to court and said they did not and just after that she confirmed that BEE criteria will be used -O-

If there was no discrimination against white owned enterprises why did the DA then take the gov to court about this and again the case was lost -O- the whole problem here was/is that what these idiots don't understand is that they are not nailing white owned businesses but they are causing job losses to the black employees by not helping the so called privellidged white owners, and by saying that white people are priviledged after 26 years of reversed discrimenation is just crazy, what these people have, they worked bluddy hard for and that is something some people can get into there thick heads ...... :X: 0*\

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