Should zoos exist?

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Re: Should zoos exist?

Post by Lisbeth »

Why would anybody want to open a zoo if you cannot breed and you cannot trade?? :-? IMO they had something else in mind :yes:

The enclosures are so small and the area completely flat and without trees nor water holes. All the spaces are surrounded and covered with wire mesh. No natural environment, just a square of land closed with steel fences :evil:

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Re: Should zoos exist?

Post by Alf »

And this guy has a building history... /ou/

One should think he would know the animals need shelter

Next trip to the bush??

Let me think......................
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Re: Should zoos exist?

Post by Lisbeth »

No shade, no company, no exercise – that’s no life for sad elephant Charlie

By Don Pinnock• 6 February 2021

Charlie in captivity at the Pretoria Zoo. Photo: Unita Hanekom

Specialists from around the world have petitioned Environment Minister Barbara Creecy to release into a sanctuary a Pretoria Zoo elephant bereaved by the loss of partners and offspring and showing signs of stress.

Charlie leans against a rock, listless, bored and unstimulated. There’s no space for him to exercise (wild elephants travel huge distances) and no enrichment equipment. He suffers from colic, unknown in free elephants.

In his sandy, desert-like enclosure at the Pretoria Zoo, he has witnessed the death of his female companions and his young son, Deneo. Alone, he has the form of an elephant, but without the touch and communication of a herd he’s hardly an elephant at all.

In an open letter to Environment Minister Barbara Creecy, eminent elephant specialists, including vets, lawyers, conservationists, traditional leaders, animal welfare specialists, scientists and heads of environmental organisations in SA, Pakistan, India, the United States, Botswana, Kenya, Canada and Zimbabwe have appealed for his release into the care and community of a sanctuary. The EMS Foundation has offered to fund his move to a sanctuary and his upkeep.

According to Smaragda Louw, director of Ban Animal Trading (BAT), keeping Charlie in solitary confinement in a barren enclosure with almost no shade and dirty water and with no enrichment is “nothing more than animal abuse for the sake of human entertainment”.

“At least, while his partner Landa was still alive, Charlie had company. There is absolutely nothing educational about this ‘display’ of an African elephant. How this is supposed to contribute to the conservation of African elephants is a mystery.”

“I had the feeling he’s just given up,” said Unita Hanekom of BAT, who took the photographs. “There’s very little shade and only a few boulders. It’s a bleak place.”

The Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries has acknowledged the open letter and says it “will give it consideration following appropriate scientific advice”. Yet, in an answer to a parliamentary question, Creecy stated: “The South African National Biodiversity Institute’s National Zoological Garden is currently considering options as to whether to find a companion for our one remaining elephant.”

Charlie was captured in Hwange, Zimbabwe, 40 years ago and was trained in the Boswell Wilkie Circus. When it closed down he was transferred to the Natal Lion Park then, in 2001, to the Pretoria Zoo. There he mated with Pumbi but her calf, Deneo, died shortly after birth, followed by Pumbi a year later.

She was replaced by Landa, who died in October 2020 aged only 36 – young for an elephant, which can live to 60 or 70 in the wild. A postmortem found her colon was blocked from eating sand.

Colic from sand ingestion also caused the death in 2017 of Kinkel, an elephant held at the Johannesburg Zoo. After he died, his companion, Lammie, displayed severe stress behaviour and a campaign to free her into a sanctuary was launched. A petition to free Lammie obtained 270,000 signatures. Instead the zoo acquired two new wild-caught elephants.

According to the petition to Creecy, co-ordinated by the Pro-Elephant Network (PREN), “What these elephants are being fed does not come close to their natural diet in the wild. This is indeed an additional form of abuse. Eating sand could be an attempt to satisfy the mineral imbalances. It is a management issue.”

Keeping elephants in zoos is being challenged around the world. It is increasingly acknowledged that it is unacceptable and cruel to remove animals from their natural habitats and break up social units for the amusement of zoo visitors or in the name of research. Zoos deprive elephants of their most basic needs, resulting in a high mortality rate. It’s recognised that they cannot survive in near or complete isolation.

“The history of elephants in zoos in South Africa,” says the petition, “is one of extreme exploitation, violence and death, which saw baby elephants, mainly between the ages of two and seven, violently removed from their mothers and families, who were often killed in front of them during culling.”

PREN says elephant-care standards in South African zoos “are woefully inadequate, unethical and untenable. We are extremely concerned about whether the zoo can adequately care for Charlie.

“He has witnessed the deaths of a number of elephants in his enclosure. A growing body of scientific evidence supports the idea that non-human animals are aware of death, can experience grief and will sometimes mourn for their dead.”

There are about 1,500 formal and many more informal zoos in the world holding three to four million wild animals. Some do well in good zoos, but elephants are not among them. For every calf born in a zoo, on average another two die. This is almost three times the mortality rate in the wild. In US zoos, 76 elephants have died since 2ooo, half of them before age 40. Nearly half of that country’s captive elephants display atypical behaviour such as swaying, rocking and placing vegetation or food on their heads.

If an institution’s yardstick is to do no harm to these animals – and it should be – elephants are beyond a zoo’s capability. They are highly social, live in close family groups and move large distances in search of a great range of foods that cannot be replicated when in captivity. This is increasingly being acknowledged by zoo management.

Since 2000, 37 zoos in Europe have closed their elephant exhibits, including London’s Regent’s Park, because they could not provide “appropriate facilities for such large, far-roaming, intelligent animals”.

In the Pretoria Zoo, Charlie is showing the typical behaviour of a stressed elephant. According to PREN, keeping him incarcerated “is the very antithesis of celebrating South Africa’s biodiversity. It is not conservation in any shape or form. His housing is simply atrocious. The fact that Charlie is now alone is making the situation even worse and this is not acceptable.”

The report of a parliamentary committee oversight visit to the National Zoological Gardens in 2018 has not been released.

The coalition has asked Creecy to intervene and support Charlie’s removal to a sanctuary. DM168

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Re: Should zoos exist?

Post by Lisbeth »


More than just a zoo — how Pretoria’s National Zoological Gardens is evolving

Dr Terrence Thovhakale, veterinarian at the National Zoological Garden (left), with Environment Minister Barbara Creecy (second left) outside the enclosures where they keep animals confiscated from illegal trade while legal cases are under way in the Animal Hospital. (Photo: Julia Evans)

By Julia Evans | 04 Aug 2022

‘We’re trying to get away from the freak show concept of a zoo, to a facility that’s helping us with our broader battle for conservation and biodiversity protection,’ said Forestry, Fisheries and Environment Minister Barbara Creecy on the transformation of the National Zoological Gardens.
‘I think that across the world, you are seeing a movement where there is less appetite for viewing animals in captivity, and a greater appetite to see animals in national parks,” said Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment Barbara Creecy during her visit to the National Zoological Gardens in Pretoria.

“So the question then becomes: what is the long-term future of a very important facility like this?”

Minister Barbara Creecy watching PhD student Katlego Matlou (right) preparing a mixture of reagents used to amplify DNA in a process called Polymerase Chain Reaction. (Photo: Julia Evans)

Creecy answered that there would still be an “edutainment” component — for many children from urban areas a zoo is their only chance to see animals, and it is important to teach children about conservation and biodiversity issues.

“But you can also see that we are wanting to be using this facility as the site of important scientific research and important work that backs up the battle we are waging to conserve animals in the face of climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution… and our battle against wildlife crime.”

Creecy was joined by board members of the South African National Biodiversity Institute (Sanbi), on a tour of Sanbi’s foundational research and scientific services, which include genetics and DNA profiling, veterinary services and the Biobank facility, which contributes to biodiversity information, species conservation, biodiversity and health, the wildlife economy and combating wildlife crime.

Conservation laboratories

The first stop on the tour was the Centre for Conservation Science laboratories, which are used for the development of marker-based systems to advance genomic research.

Sanbi and University of Pretoria PhD student Ditiro Moloto are investigating the decline of South African endemic larks, looking at factors such as life-history traits, habitat, climate change and genetic diversity. Moloto is using DNA sequencing to investigate the genetic diversity of these species.

SANBI and University of Pretoria PhD student Ditiro Moloto verifying the quality of DNA from endemic lark species samples in the SANBI Research Gel Electrophoresis laboratory. (Photo: Julia Evans)

“In terms of climate change, I want to know how they [larks] will be affected,” said Moloto. “Because all of the biomes in South Africa are vulnerable at this point — particularly the Grassland and the Karoo.”

Moloto explained that climate change is moving the larks’ biomes (suitable habitats) to the poles, and he wants to see how that will affect the distribution of the birds.

“As we are confronting issues such as climate change, we’re finding that a whole range of species in their natural habitat is under threat,” said Creecy.

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“And part of what we’ve got to start to understand is how are rising temperatures [and] extreme weather events impacting on species in the wild? And what scientific and conservation interventions can we take so that we can help to promote species’ resilience?

“There is a growing interface between the natural and physical sciences and the IT world,” said Creecy, mentioning how labs are using artificial intelligence to analyse big data-sets

Dr Terrence Thovhakale, veterinarian at the National Zoological Gardens, (left) with Minister Barbara Creecy (second left) in an examination room at the Animal Hospital. (Photo: Julia Evans)

Conservation biologist Mafanela Clearance Mnisi told Daily Maverick that they have two forms of computing in their labs. One is in-house, their own server which stores their data, called a centre for high-performance computing, and one is an external server.

Mnisi uses next-generation sequencing to generate millions of base pairs of DNA of a frog species, data that are so large they can’t be screened on a regular computer, so he imports data remotely to their in-house server.

Genetics Services Unit and illegal wildlife trade

The Genetics Services Unit, established in 2020, focuses on the regulation and enforcement of legal trade and combating illegal trade in wildlife and has analysed more than 2,000 samples. The unit regulates the legal wildlife trade by creating DNA passports that can be used for exporting and trading the animals.

It created more than 500 cheetah passports and through the implementation of this monitoring system, there was a drastic decline in the illegal trade of cheetahs in South Africa.

An illegally traded South American bobcat is held in an enclosure at the Animal Hospital at the National Zoological Gardens in Pretoria. (Photo: Julia Evans)

The unit helps to combat illegal trade in wildlife by providing a forensic or DNA analysis service to the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the Department of Forestries, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE).

Creecy said they are using the huge biological database to back up forensic work in their battle against organised crime.

After the police confiscate animals they suspect are being illegally traded, the animals have to go somewhere while the case is ongoing.

“Part of what we are wanting to do with the zoo is to reposition it to be a place where you can keep specimens,” said Creecy. “And then you would have to look at possibilities for rehabilitation after the cases are over.”

The minister also visited the animal hospital and veterinary unit, which handles animal operations and postmortems, and where confiscated animals are temporarily hosted while court cases are under way. DM/OBP

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