Human-Wildlife Conflict

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Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Post by Lisbeth »

Translocating lions does not reduce conflict – research

Posted on March 31, 2021 by Team Africa Geographic

Over four years, Kalahari Research and Conservation has monitored the fates of 13 lions known to have killed livestock in rural Botswana. The lions were translocated into protected areas by the Botswana Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) as part of a management strategy to reduce human-lion conflict. A short communication recently published in the African Journal of Wildlife Research analyses the success of this approach: of the 13 lions, ten died less than a year after release. This research adds to a growing body of evidence that suggests translocating lions does not often reduce conflict and the relocation of “problem” animals is not always a practical solution.


Human-wildlife conflict is undeniably one of the greatest threats facing the remaining wildlife across the planet, particularly in Africa. It is an intensely complicated issue, and conservationists and philanthropic organisations alike are eternally searching for ways to mitigate the collision between potentially dangerous animals and the people who live on the fringes of protected areas. One such potential solution is the relocation of the escaped wild animal to a place where it is less likely to come into contact with people or livestock. Unfortunately, while this may seem an ideal answer, such efforts seem to have limited success.

DWNP captured 13 lions from areas around the Central Kalahari Game Reserve and the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. Both parks are surrounded by Wildlife Management Areas and community lands used for livestock grazing. Before their release into new areas (120km or more from the original point of capture), researchers fitted the lions with satellite telemetry collars to monitor their movements.

Of the 13 lions, ten had died an average of 275 days after release. Six of these died outside of the protected areas, five killed by farmers. The cause of death of the other five was not established. The collars initially provided four locations per day, but scientists increased this to 13 in situations where the lion showed signs of returning to livestock areas. Six of the translocated lions continued to kill livestock and were recaptured and released back into the protected areas. One lion required a third translocation.

Study area and movement of 13 lions post translocation in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. The DOTS represent point of release. The DIAMONDS represent the last location. In the key, letters after numbers indicate multiple translocations of the same animal.

Study area and movement of 4 lions post translocation in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve.

A more thorough analysis of the lions’ movements and activities after their release suggests that targeting groups of adult females could potentially yield higher success rates for translocating lions. However, this could prove problematic in practice and relocating only some pride members may reduce the chances of survival for both the translocated lionesses and those that remain behind. Furthermore, the soft release of predators (that is, the translocated animals are kept in an enclosure for a period of adjustment before release) could also increase the chances of success.

The researchers conclude that their results are in line with similar studies involving the relocation of “problem” animals such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs, mainly where the animals concerned are repeat livestock raiders. These translocations are associated with a high mortality rate and also come with high financial costs. Previous studies involving the relocation of cheetahs indicate a cost of between $5,000 and $7,330 per cheetah translocation. Though the cost was not analysed in this instance, it is likely to be significantly higher for lion translocation, given the substantial size difference between the two cats.

In addition to high mortalities and costs, there is a shortage of suitable areas for translocating lions. Ideally, lions should be translocated to areas with sufficient prey, low lion densities and low poaching levels. Yet, most of the protected areas within Southern Africa have already reached their carrying capacity (itself a testament to the success of conservation efforts in these areas). In addition, translocating lions ideally requires adequate information about the lion demographics within the intended release site, which are not always available to researchers and managing bodies. The effects on the established territories and demographics of the resident lions and the potential spread of the disease are also potential concerns.

Based on these results, the authors argue that translocation/relocation is not an effective solution for addressing human-wildlife conflict. Instead, they suggest that limited available resources should be used to improve livestock husbandry, strengthen livestock kraals, and promote livelihoods beyond farming. Seizing a problem animal and putting it somewhere else may seem convenient and immediate, but overwhelming evidence indicates that it is simply not a practical approach.

Male lion in the process of translocation

Full citation: “Outcomes of Lion, Panthera leo, Translocations to Reduce Conflict with Farmers in Botswana”, Morapedi, M., et al., (2021), African Journal of Wildlife Research

[This paper has not been released for full access at this stage – the link will be updated once it is publicly accessible.]

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Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Post by Lisbeth »

‘It’s like a bomb has been dropped’: Cape authorities pass the buck after well-known baboon is put to death

By Christi Nortier• 12 April 2021

He was a serious and complex baboon. Didn’t like to make eye contact… this was probably the image that best reflected my take on him. He had a formidable presence, but I got to understand just how restrained and tolerant he was, especially given the fact that the troop was often “herded” by the authorities in the most unpleasant way.’ (Photo: Anya Adendorff)

Philemon, an adult male baboon in the Cape Peninsula, was killed by authorities last week for allegedly instigating ‘raiding behaviour’. The authorities have not provided proof of ‘40 occasions’ Philemon entered the urban area.

When Daily Maverick tried to establish on what information the decision was made to euthanise well-known baboon “Philemon”, all those involved pointed the finger at someone else, with nobody able to offer the actual evidence on which they based the decision.

Philemon above Smitswinkel Bay. (Photo: Kobus Luyt)

Philemon was put to death on the morning of Thursday, 8 April in the mountains between Murdock Valley and Smitswinkel Bay. He was a well-known member, and former alpha male, of the Smitswinkel Bay troop. He had been accused by the City of Cape Town of leading the raiding of homes.

The stakeholders involved in the management of baboon troops in the Cape Peninsula are the City of Cape Town, CapeNature, SANParks, Table Mountain National Park, NCC Environmental Services, the local ward councillor as well as community representatives in a structure called the Councillor’s Appointed Representative of Baboon Suburbs (Carbs).

Many residents of Murdock Valley and Smitswinkel Bay have demanded answers, but none are forthcoming.

They suspect that the decision was made based on a spreadsheet compiled by a small group of residents who are anti-baboon and in favour of their killing.

Philemon looking up at either the rangers in the road or other troop members in the bushes. (Photo: Anya Adendorff)

The information on the spreadsheet contained information gleaned from among others a private community WhatsApp group, as well as residents who informed Murdock Valley South resident Mike Gibson.

The WhatsApp group is mostly used by residents to informally alert one another of the presence of the troop. Very few of these residents were anti-baboon and were not made aware that their information was allegedly being used to add to Philemon’s death warrant. In fact, they say that Philemon was often not the “perpetrator”.

Residents have claimed Gibson has been leading the campaign to have Philemon removed and sent incident reports to the local councillor, Simon Liell-Cock. According to sources, NCC Environmental Services were not privy to the reasons for Philemon’s death warrant, but were simply instructed to carry out the order.

Residents’ stance

‘This (photo) was (taken) a little more than two weeks after Philemon got injured. It was either due to an altercation with another baboon or possibly another cause. He was very subdued during that time and took comfort in the females’ company.’ (Photo: Anya Adendorff)

Chantal Luyt says she has been the Councillor’s Appointed Representative of Baboon Suburbs for Smitswinkel Bay for years. She was instrumental in petitioning against Philemon’s possible euthanasia in 2020 when he was accused of raiding. She first read of Philemon’s death in news reports. This is in contrast to Gibson, who petitioned Liell-Cock for Philemon to be dealt with and confirmed in an email to select neighbours that he had personally been alerted by the city.

Luyt said she had experienced a good relationship, with clear communication, between NCC Environmental Services and the community. She fears that has now vanished. “This is like a bomb has been dropped,” she said.

It is unfair to blame a single baboon for what an entire troop does, argued Luyt. She observes them almost daily and has witnessed that entire troops are involved in the raiding that Philemon has been accused of.

“They are trying to pin it on him in order to take him out,” she said. She is adamant that the raiding will continue after his death.

Some residents had started “baboon-proofing” bins, she said, to try to dissuade the baboons from coming into the area.

Beyond bins, baboons also seek out vegetable patches, fruit trees and open houses.

Philemon protecting his newborn baby, Smitswinkel Bay. (Photo: Chantal Carstens-Luyt)

“If the community could all just work together and buckle down for a month or two and be extremely sensitive about how their houses are run, then this would stop,” Luyt said. A few weeks ago, the troop came down and “hit a jackpot” because it was bin day. Since then, they haven’t left the area.

She commended the baboon monitors for their efforts to get them out of the area in difficult terrain.

However, this is an “easy way out” for the authorities, she believes. She is concerned that the “ultimate goal at this point is to keep the population down”.

“I’m completely shocked and I honestly thought that we’d managed to get over this mountain, especially with the whole Kataza ordeal. I thought it might have opened their eyes a little bit, but clearly not. The transparency is clearly not there. The proof is in what happened today.”

Many residents approached by Daily Maverick were not keen to go on the record. Most of them said they were horrified by the killing of Philemon and although they wanted the baboon monitors to stop the troop from entering the suburb, they did not support moves to have any baboons killed. Some said they felt duped by Gibson, who, they said, did not disclose to them that he had been pushing for the removal of baboons.

The city’s stance

This photo of Philemon was taken at the end of January. 2021 (Photo: Anya Adendorff)

On 8 April the City of Cape Town informed residents through a press release that Philemon had been euthanised that day. Most of the residents read about it in the media.

The city argued that the baboon had entered the urban area more than 40 times between October 2020 and February 2021. He had allegedly entered homes 10 times in February and in recent weeks had formed a “splinter group” from the Smitswinkel Bay troop and encouraged other baboons to enter the urban area with him. It alleged that this put the entire group in danger.

The city argued that despite “reallocating more resources” and increasing engagement with the community on waste management, Philemon continued to enter the urban area and “had increasing and significant contact with residents”.

It told Daily Maverick that NCC Environmental Services had launched a programme in October 2020 to educate residents and business and restaurant owners about baboon-proofing waste bins, vegetable gardens and kitchens. It had also engaged with the local ski-boat club and closed down public braai areas.

“These actions did not succeed in deterring the persistent and continuous raiding behaviour, unfortunately,” it said. The “baboon rangers” could not deter Philemon from entering the urban area.

In the press statement it said: “In the interest of the safety of the Smitswinkel Bay troop, and the safety of local residents, it was recommended to CapeNature and SANParks that the raiding baboon be euthanised.”

The city told Daily Maverick that: “The baboon population on the Cape Peninsula has grown year-on-year since the City’s Urban Baboon Programme started over a decade ago. Selective euthanasia is used as a very last resort only. More baboons die from inter-baboon conflict, unlawful killing by property owners, or by cars when they cross the road, than by selective euthanasia.”

“CapeNature, who supported the removal of this baboon, issued the permit, and the City can confirm that an independent veterinarian assisted with the procedure that took place earlier today,” it said in the public statement.

Forty incidents: According to whom?

However, CapeNature told Daily Maverick that “the mandate of baboon management in this case resides with the City of Cape Town” and referred Daily Maverick to the city’s environmental management team.

Nonetheless, it confirmed that it had supported the city’s recommendation for the “removal” of Philemon. It said the removal “was actioned in compliance with a permit issued earlier to City of Cape Town’s service provider [NCC Environmental Services] by the entity”.

It said it was satisfied that the removal complied with “standard protocols and approved guidelines”. It did not elaborate on what these standards are.

The City of Cape Town has since at least 2009 outsourced its baboon monitoring project in the Cape Peninsula. The company’s mandate is to lessen conflict between human residents and baboon troops.

NCC Environmental Services held the contract to manage this programme between 2009 and 2012, and again from 2020 until the present.

When asked why Philemon was euthanised, who made the decision and on what information this decision was based, the company referred Daily Maverick to the City of Cape Town, as “we are not allowed to respond to the media”.

Simon Liell-Cock is the councillor for Ward 61, which includes Smitswinkel Bay and Murdock Valley, part of Simon’s Town.

He agreed with the city’s position that Philemon had been euthanised “due to his raiding behaviour and the danger this presents to the entire troop”.

He explained that the city relies on “hard evidence” presented by NCC Environmental Services for decisions relating to baboon troops. He said euthanasia was “a last resort” when there is “exhaustive evidence” and when all other efforts have proved ineffective. He did not share the “evidence”.

The decision to euthanise rests with CapeNature and SANParks, he said. This decision is based on information provided by NCC Environmental Services and the City of Cape Town, he said. Neither he nor the residents are consulted on individual cases.

Some community members have accused him of “hating baboons” and wanting to get rid of them. To these allegations he responded:

“As a ward councillor, I am used to these emotional and defamatory outbursts. Unfortunately, social media has provided a platform for fringe views and fake news to be put forward as fact by extreme groups on both sides. I have been accused of being an extreme ‘greeny’ by developers and a developers’ ‘stooge’ by socialist ideologues and animal rights activists.”

The liaison between NCC Environmental Services, the City of Cape Town and the local ward councillor is the Councillor’s Appointed Representative of Baboon Suburbs. Each area of the Cape Peninsula has its own representative selected by the local ward councillor.

There is confusion over who is indeed a representative and of whom.

Gibson presented himself as the representative of Murdock Valley in an email to residents and possibly to the City. In an email sent hours after Philemon had been killed, he commended the decision to “act decisively” and euthanise Philemon. He said that he is “pretty sure” their “efforts” motivated the city to “act decisively”. He said the city had told him directly of Philemon’s euthanasia.

Gibson confirmed to Maverick Citizen that he is a “concerned residents’ representative” and does not advise the city or NCC Environmental Services “… in any capacity or manner with respect to its Baboon Management Programme in Murdock Valley”.

He confirmed that he had approached both entities to voice concern about the “inadequate measures” taken by them to “keep the baboons out of the residential areas”.

“As concerned residents, we keep an incident register of events that occur in our suburb. This register has been shared with the authorities to make them aware of the significant problems being experienced by householders on a daily basis,” he said.

The incident register seen by Daily Maverick lists numerous reports logged by Gibson.

“I have not made numerous calls to the Baboon Hotline with regard to my vegetable patch. Incidents where baboons have been in and through my property have been noted in the register together with the damage caused to both garden and infrastructure, as is the case with numerous and varied other incidents reported across the suburb,” he said.

The register seen by Daily Maverick confirms that Gibson is the main complainant and that it mostly relates to the raiding of his unsecured vegetable garden. Most residents have either given up on vegetable gardening or baboon-proofed their gardens.

When Daily Maverick sent follow-up questions, the city requested that all requests for comment from “officials and councillors and residents” be directed to it. It later backtracked and said it would only attend to questions directed at “officials, councillors and service providers that are contracted to the City” and did not explain why Gibson had sent media questions to it.

Liell-Cock confirmed that Gibson has been invited to become a representative, because “he was actively communicating with me, so I invited him to a meeting”.

When asked if he knew that the Murdock Valley community was not aware that Gibson presented himself as a community representative, he responded: “The internal community politics have no influence on my decisions – I listen to all residents but always rely on advice from the conservation professionals, who in turn rely on scientific, evidence-based research and decades of experience in the field.”

He denied Gibson had played any role in Philemon’s euthanasia and that “all decisions are based on objective criteria and evidence and not on emotionally based lobbying, whether this comes from baboon rights activists or angry residents.”

Liell-Cock claimed that Alderman Felicity Purchase is a representative because she “has property in Smitswinkel [Bay] and so I rely on her knowledge and community links when it comes to Smits[winkel Bay]”.

Purchase confirmed to Daily Maverick that she is the ward councillor for Ward 69 but does “sit on the community representatives around baboons”. The troop lives in Ward 61.

Liell-Cock said no other community members were invited to become a representative and did not share how other residents can join, even those who have been actively involved in trying to manage the baboons.

He said: “We only really need one community member from each baboon-affected area and nobody else had communicated with the city, so Mr Gibson was the obvious choice.

“The purpose of the Carbs reps is to have a member of the community to be a channel for communication both to and from the community and not to lobby a particular ideology or personal agenda.” Many residents indicated to Daily Maverick that they had in fact communicated with Liell-Cock around various issues including the management of the recycling and waste management. DM/MC

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Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Post by Klipspringer »

Is there only more media coverage or is the baboon problem increasing?

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Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Post by Lisbeth »

Hasn't there only been the stories of two single males -O-

As far as I remember the Cape baboons have always been in the news from time to time.

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Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Post by Lisbeth »

Animated video abstract of the paper "Melzheimer J, Heinrich SK, Wasiolka B, Mueller R, Thalwitzer S, Palmegiani I, Weigold A, Portas R, Roeder R, Krofel M, Hofer H, Wachter B (2020): Communication hubs of an asocial cat are the source of a human-carnivore conflict and key to its solution. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA."

Read more about this paper here:​

Illustrations by Stefanie Gendera
Concept and text by Jan Zwilling & Jörg Melzheimer

Research for conservation: a science-based solution to the farmer-cheetah conflict in Namibia.

Scientists of the Leibniz-IZW Cheetah Research Project identify hotspots of cheetah activity as a key to solving the cheetah-farmer conflict in Namibia.

For more info, visit or

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Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Post by Richprins »

:ty: Lis!

Very interesting!

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Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Post by Lisbeth »

Part one

He was a serious and complex baboon. Didn't like to make eye contact, ....this was probably the image that best reflected my take on him. He had a formidable presence, but I got to understand just how restrained and tolerant he was, especially given the fact that the troop was often "herded" by the authorities in the most unpleasant way. (Photo: Anya Adendorff)

Primate Politrix: Cape authorities pass the buck after baboon put to death

By Christi Nortier• 17 April 2021

It’s residents against the City and neighbour against neighbour as the ‘real reasons’ are sought after a baboon was euthanised by authorities in the Cape’s Southern Peninsula.

Philemon, an adult male baboon in the Cape Peninsula, was killed by authorities for allegedly instigating “raiding behaviour”. Nine days later, the authorities had still not provided proof of the 40 occasions Philemon is said to have entered the urban area.

When DM168 tried to establish why the decision was made to euthanise the baboon known as Philemon, nobody was able to offer the actual evidence on which they said they had based the decision.

Philemon was put to death on 8 April in the mountains between Murdock Valley and Smitswinkel Bay. He was a well-known member, and former alpha male, of the Smitswinkel Bay troop. He had been accused by the City of Cape Town of leading the raiding of homes.

The stakeholders involved in the management of baboon troops in the Cape Peninsula are the City of Cape Town, CapeNature, SANParks, Table Mountain National Park, consultants NCC Environmental Services, the local ward councillor as well as community representatives in a structure called the Councillor’s Appointed Representatives of Baboon Suburbs (Carbs).

Residents of Murdock Valley and Smitswinkel Bay suspect that the decision was based on a spreadsheet compiled by a group of residents who, they say, are anti-baboon and in favour of their killing.

The spreadsheet contained information gleaned from, among other sources, a private community WhatsApp group, as well as residents who informed Murdock Valley South resident Mike Gibson.

The WhatsApp group is mostly used by residents to alert one another to the presence of the troop. Very few of these residents say they are against the baboons. They say they were not made aware that their information was allegedly being used to add to the evidence against Philemon. They say that Philemon was often not the “perpetrator”.

Residents have claimed Gibson has been leading the campaign to have Philemon removed, and sent incident reports to local DA councillor Simon Liell-Cock.

According to sources, NCC Environmental Services were not privy to the reasons for euthanising Philemon, but were simply instructed to carry out the order.

Residents’ stance

Chantal Luyt said she has been the Councillor’s Appointed Representative of Baboon Suburbs for Smitswinkel Bay “for years”. She petitioned against Philemon’s possible euthanasia last year when he was accused of raiding. She first read of Philemon’s death in news reports.

Gibson, who had petitioned Liell-Cock for Philemon to be dealt with, confirmed in an email to select neighbours that he had personally been informed by the City.

Luyt said she had experienced a good relationship, with clear communication, between baboon monitors NCC Environmental Services and the community. She feared that this had now vanished. “This is like a bomb has been dropped,” she said.

It is unfair to blame a single baboon for what an entire troop does, argued Luyt. She said she observed them almost daily and had witnessed that entire troops were involved in the raiding that Philemon was accused of.

“They [were] trying to pin it on him in order to take him out,” she said. She was adamant that the raiding would continue after his death.

Some residents had started “baboon-proofing” bins, she said, to try to dissuade baboons from coming into the area. Beyond bins, baboons also seek out vegetable patches, fruit trees and open houses.

“If the community could all just work together and buckle down for a month or two and be extremely sensitive about how their houses are run, then this would stop,” Luyt said.

A few weeks ago, the troop came down and “hit a jackpot” because it was bin day. Since then, they haven’t left the area.

She commended the baboon monitors for their efforts to get them out of the area in difficult terrain.

But this was an “easy way out” for the authorities, she believed. She was concerned that the “ultimate goal at this point is to keep the population down”.

“I’m completely shocked and I honestly thought that we’d managed to get over this mountain, especially with the whole Kataza ordeal. I thought it might have opened their eyes a little bit, but clearly not. The transparency is clearly not there. The proof is in what happened today.”

Kataza was a member of the nearby Slangkop group who, after a failed and highly public relocation attempt by the City, was sent to a primate rehabilitation centre in Limpopo in January.

Many residents approached by DM168 declined to go on record. Most said they were horrified by the killing of Philemon and although they wanted the baboon monitors to stop the troop from entering the suburb, they did not support moves to have any baboons killed.

The city’s stance

On 8 April the City of Cape Town informed residents in a media release that Philemon had been euthanised that day.

The city said the baboon had entered the urban area more than 40 times between October 2020 and February 2021. He had allegedly entered homes 10 times in February. Philemon had formed a “splinter group” from the Smitswinkel Bay troop and had apparently encouraged other baboons to enter the urban area with him. This, the City alleged, put the entire group in danger.

It told DM168 that NCC Environmental Services had launched a programme in October 2020 to educate residents as well as business and restaurant owners about baboon-proofing waste bins, vegetable gardens and kitchens.

“These actions did not succeed in deterring the persistent and continuous raiding behaviour, unfortunately,” it said. The “baboon rangers” could not deter Philemon from entering the urban area.

“In the interest of the safety of the Smitswinkel Bay troop, and the safety of local residents, it was recommended to Cape­Nature and SANParks that the raiding baboon be euthanised,” the statement said.

The City told DM168: “Selective euthanasia is used as a very last resort only.”

Yet CapeNature told DM168 that “the mandate of baboon management in this case resides with the City of Cape Town” and referred this reporter to the City’s environmental management team.

Nonetheless, it confirmed that it had supported the City’s recommendation for the “removal” of Philemon.

It said the removal “was actioned in compliance with a permit issued earlier to City of Cape Town’s service provider [NCC Environmental Services] by the entity”.

It said it was satisfied that the removal complied with “standard protocols and approved guidelines”. It did not elaborate on what these standards were.

The City’s baboon monitoring project in the Cape Peninsula has been outsourced since at least 2009. The company’s mandate is to lessen conflict between human residents and baboon troops. NCC Environmental Services held the contract to manage this programme between 2009 and 2012, and again from 2020 until the present.

NCC said they could not respond to questions from the media and referred DM168 to the City.

Simon Liell-Cock is the DA councillor for Ward 61, which includes Smitswinkel Bay and Murdock Valley, part of Simon’s Town.

He said he agreed with the City’s position that Philemon had been euthanised because of “his raiding behaviour and the danger this presents to the entire troop”.

Liell-Cock explained that the City relied on “hard evidence” presented by NCC Environmental Services for decisions relating to baboon troops. He said euthanasia was “a last resort” taken only when there was “exhaustive evidence” and when all other efforts had proved ineffective. He did not share the evidence.

He said the decision to euthanise rests with CapeNature and SANParks. This decision was based on information provided by NCC Environmental Services and the City of Cape Town. Neither he nor the residents are consulted on individual cases.


The liaison between NCC Environmental Services, the City and the local ward councillor is the Councillor’s Appointed Representative of Baboon Suburbs. Each area of the Cape Peninsula has its own representative selected by the local ward councillor. But there is confusion over who is indeed a representative and for whom.

Gibson presented himself as the representative of Murdock Valley in an email to residents. In an email sent hours after Philemon had been killed, he commended the decision to “act decisively” and euthanise Philemon. He said that he was “pretty sure” residents’ “efforts” motivated the City to “act decisively”.

Gibson confirmed that he is a “concerned residents’ representative” and does not advise the City or NCC Environmental Services “in any capacity or manner with respect to its baboon management programme in Murdock Valley”.

He confirmed that he had approached both entities to voice concerns about the “inadequate measures” taken to “keep the baboons out of the residential areas”.

“As concerned residents, we keep an incident register of events that occur in our suburb. This register has been shared with the authorities to make them aware of the significant problems being experienced by householders on a daily basis,” he said.

The register, which has been seen by DM168, confirms that Gibson is the main complainant. Most other residents have either given up on vegetable gardening or have baboon-proofed their gardens.

Liell-Cock confirmed that Gibson has been invited to become a representative, because “he was actively communicating with me, so I invited him to a meeting”.

When asked if he knew that the Murdock Valley community was not aware that Gibson presented himself as a community representative, he responded: “The internal community politics have no influence on my decisions – I listen to all residents but always rely on advice from the conservation professionals, who in turn rely on scientific, evidence-based research and decades of experience in the field.”

He denied Gibson had played any role in Philemon’s euthanasia and that “all decisions are based on objective criteria and evidence and not on emotionally based lobbying, whether this comes from baboon rights activists or angry residents”. DM168

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Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Post by Richprins »

:O^ Such drama...

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Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Post by Lisbeth »

lol lol

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Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Post by Lisbeth »

Baboon management: City of Cape Town shows its spiteful side

Opinionista • Taryn Blyth • 31 May 2021

The city has reacted to an NSPCA statement by throwing all its toys out of the cot and punishing the public it is supposed to serve by threatening to stop all baboon management.

On 14 May, the City of Cape Town issued a press release stating: “The City of Cape Town wants to inform residents that its Urban Baboon Programme will no longer include the use of paintball markers as an aversion tool…. This instruction follows after the NSPCA’s [National Council of SPCAs] media announcement on 12 May 2021 that it no longer supports the use of paintball markers as a scientifically proven and humane aversion tool.”

The city then goes on to warn all residents of baboon-affected areas that baboons will now spend more time in these areas, and even threatens that it will “consider withdrawing the baboon rangers from these areas given that there are no alternative tools available to them to keep baboons out of the urban environment”.

It is hard not to see such statements by the city as petulant and spiteful. In essence, after refusing to engage in any meaningful way with residents and concerned organisations about the management of baboons (including the use of paintball guns) for years, it reacts to the NSPCA’s statement by throwing all its toys out the cot and punishing the public it is supposed to serve by threatening to stop all management and pretty much taking the line of, “If we can’t do it our way, we won’t do it at all and then you’ll see how bad things can get.”

The use of paintball guns to manage baboons has been a contentious issue since they were first brought in as a management tool in 2012. As an animal behaviourist, I have observed their use over the years with interest and concern.

When first introduced, paintball guns were supposed to be used under strict conditions: The idea was to use them only to move baboons on from properties where they would “hole up” and the monitors could not effectively reach them. In other words, when a baboon went up a tree or sat on someone’s roof and looked down at the monitors in a “What are you going to do about it?” manner, the monitors would fire near (not at) the baboon so that the baboon would feel it could indeed be reached and so would move on. Monitors were never supposed to fire directly at baboons, and they were certainly not supposed to fire at baboons when simply shouting and clapping was enough to move them on or when they were not in an urban area.

However, with the arrival of Human Wildlife Solutions (HWS), things changed. The new mantra was “landscape of fear” — an attempt to create an association in baboons’ minds that when they entered an urban area bad stuff happened and when they were in the natural areas bad stuff did not happen. This meant that baboons were theoretically supposed to be exposed to paintball guns and bear bangers in urban areas and left in peace in the natural areas — a simple matter of classical conditioning: urban areas are dangerous, natural areas are safe. Therefore, baboons would stay out of the urban area.

However, several things went horribly wrong with this theory in practice:

The first was that there were many reports of baboons being hit directly with paintballs, including mothers with babies. Of course, people who care about animal welfare are going to react with concern to images of baboons with paint marks on their faces and be concerned about injuries.

Second, the paintball guns were no longer used only when baboons were in the urban areas, but also in the natural areas or at any time the monitors wanted to move them on. I witnessed baboons being paintballed at Red Hill on several occasions (even when they were drinking at Lewis Gay Dam), at Witsands beach and along the mountainside between Scarborough and Misty Cliffs.

At this point, the entire premise of using actual science to create an aversion to being in the urban area falls apart. How could the baboons learn that urban areas were unsafe and natural areas safe when they were being paintballed in both areas? Yes, the baboons experienced a landscape of fear, but not just in the villages — they were harassed and placed under stress when in their natural areas too. At this point, paintball guns became “non-contingent punishment” — something unpleasant happens for no apparent reason, so there is no understanding of how to avoid it (except possibly learning to avoid the monitors). It is well known that non-contingent punishment leads to chronic stress and so becomes a welfare issue.

The third problem was that despite the assertions by HWS and the city that paintball guns were saving baboons’ lives and keeping baboons out of the urban areas 95% of the time, more adult male baboons were being killed by the authorities than ever before.

If paintball guns were such a successful management tool, then why was there still a need to kill so many baboons?

The reality is that while paintball guns could have been a useful tool, if used correctly under specific circumstances, they were overused, and the monitors became completely dependent on them as a replacement for proper training in how to understand and manage baboons holistically. If they had not been abused in this manner, the public would likely have been far more accepting of them and the NSPCA may never have been put in a position where it had to withdraw support for their use.

In fact, in response to the city’s attempt to blame the NSCPA for derailing the entire baboon management programme, the NSPCA issued a statement that included the following: “We wish to clarify that the NSPCA/SPCA has not banned or prohibited the use of paintball guns, but have merely withdrawn our endorsement thereof…. The NSPCA/SPCA, however, believes the indiscriminate use of paintball guns fired at point-blank range at animals causes unnecessary suffering and therefore constitutes a criminal and prosecutable offence in terms of the Animals Protection Act 71 of 1962.”

And again, while the city has reacted as though the NSPCA has pulled the rug out from under it, the NSPCA states: “The City of Cape Town has been requested on numerous occasions to review the Paintball Gun Standard Operating Procedure and to do so on a regular basis. We recently became aware that an update was made in 2019.

“The NSPCA tasked the City of Cape Town with setting up a panel to include interested members of the public, animal rights groups, animal welfare groups, and Cape Nature to discuss a way forward with managing baboons in the Cape Peninsula. We are not aware of any such panel being formed as yet by the City of Cape Town. We do believe that such a panel will only benefit the City of Cape Town’s baboon management programme, the baboons and the ratepayers of the City of Cape Town.”

The city needs to stop blaming everyone else for its refusal to engage with the public or to work with concerned organisations. It is the city’s very arrogance that ignored, dismissed and even mocked all concerned parties for so many years that has now put it in this situation, and yet it continues to learn nothing.

In fact, once again the announcement threatening the withdrawal of monitors was not sent out to the Councillor-Appointed Representatives for Baboons of the South (Carbs) — like me, those I have spoken to have received no communication from the city at all — but was sent to a few personal contacts of the ward councillor from his own email address. One of the recipients passed this on to me, while other Carbs reps and communities had to find out from social media.

One has to ask when the City of Cape Town’s ward councillors, aldermen and other public servants will finally grow up, put aside their pride and develop some semblance of a sense of duty to actually engage with their constituents. DM/MC

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