Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

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Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Post by ExFmem »

RP, Pumbaa, Harrys - thanks, friends, for hanging in here X#X

Sis - As far as “eating the guts first”, I just assumed they were aiming for the thigh as it’s the most meaty part, and the rear region is much easier to penetrate due to the soft tissue there.

As far as seeing the chase, only in bits and pieces between the cars in front of me (closer to the final kill), and brush. I was headed north back towards Uri, and the springboks were headed south. When the actual chase was in full speed, one cheetah (I think Hanri) raced past heading south, chasing a group of them. She ran very far and I lost sight of her, but noticed a lot of commotion in the front (north). I could make out that there were 2 cheetahs trying to take down a springbok in front of me, but too far away to see any real details. As the frantic action ceased, I could see they had been successful. With all the jockeying of cars, I was able to slowly improve my position and have a pretty good view of the actual kill aftermath. A while later, the other cheetah returned from its unsuccessful chase and joined them, as she, too, was exhausted.

Mel - thanks for the update on the cubs. Yes, hopefully there are more magical moments in Corinne and Hanri’s lives.

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Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Post by ExFmem »

Next on the agenda was the long, but much anticipated drive to Grootkolk for 3 nights. As I’ve said before, the drive between Dikbaardskolk Picnic area and Nossob is, for me, the most unproductive stretch of road in the KTP. <zz> I did come across a couple of lions on the roadside, which was a pleasant change.



The closer I came to Grootkolk, the more and more charred the landscape became.





I was perplexed because prior to my departure for my trip, the info. was that Polentswa was burned badly, but the fire hadn’t reached Grootkolk. After returning home, I found out the fires had started up again and had, in fact, reached the Camp.

I don’t know how much impact they had on sightings, but they were quite scarce for me, with my feathered friends filling in the gaps.



A warthog came to bathe,



and a new mouse species (for me) paid a visit as well.

Namaqua Rock Mouse


Haven’t noticed Four-Striped Mouses digging for food before, but this little one dug quite a deep hole (only its tail could be seen in some pics), and always emerged with something to munch on.



My trip to Union’s End did hold a first time sighting for me of a Banded Mongoose. I had to snap the pic quickly through the front window, so is pretty lame, but earns 5000 points in the Mammal Challenge. O/\ O/\ O/\


There was a steady stream of them crossing the road, maybe 8 - 10, but very fast and over in a flash.

The waterhole (can’t find it’s name on my map) prior to Union’s End has, in the past, produced lions, jackals, brown hyena, etc, but was populated by birds this visit.



The seating must be very comfortable on this tree, as all the birds chose the same area to perch.


The last evening’s sunset had a distinctive red-orange cap that I was told was from the fires still burning in the distance.


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Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Post by Pumbaa »

Thanks so much ExFmem,

really love your feathered friends, nice lion sighting on top plus wathog and cute mouse \O \O \O and then such a sunset - Simply breathtaking ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^


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Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Post by Mel »

I so can relate to the unproductivness of the the Dikbaards - Nossob stretch... :O^ Out of driving it like 10 times you get half a sighting or so. :twisted:

Banded mongoose ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^ (We need to discuss the amount of points for it though... Or your sense of reality, your choice lol )

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Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Post by Lisbeth »

Mel, you have seen banded mongooses in KTP, so there is a precedence ;-) If I remember well it was also on the way to Unions End.

Sis, thank you for the details of the chase. I still have to see one *sigh*.

The burnt terrain is such a sad sight :-(

Beautiful kestrel ^Q^

Lovely flocks of birds especially the sandgrouses O/\

Such a pity that mice do not have hair on the tail, they would be 100% cute in that case ;-)

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Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Post by Richprins »

Not bad for an unpopulated road, Ex! :-0

Banded mongoose in the desert! :shock: 0- \O

And still can't get used to seeing fire there1 0:

Lovely pics and diverse sightings as always! :ty:

I like the mouse. :yes: X#X

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Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Post by Klipspringer »

I like the birds and the mousie ^Q^

You still had some cat entertainment now and then lol

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Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Post by RogerFraser »

O\/ Ex catching up on the trip .

Lovely Cheetah sighting \O

The Juvenile Lion looks like he is at a ungainly age with his wavey mane where he is not an adult but also not a youngster . O:V

Lovely sunset even if caused by fires its very pretty . ^Q^

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Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Post by ExFmem »

Pumbaa, Mel, Sis, RP, Klippies, and Roger - always love reading your comments. [Luv] (Mel, your pic of the Banded Mongoose is superb! I’m lucky we don’t award style points.)

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Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Post by ExFmem »

After Grootkolk it was back to Uri (reg. cabin), so the dreaded Nossob - Diksbaard. had to be traversed. @#$ Living up to its well earned reputation, I saw “nothing”. You (I) really don’t even see the more common species - just sand, road verges, and brush…ZZZzzzzz

The Dune road produced some ostrich chicks, which are always a delight. :-)



The next few days at Uri produced a lion at the waterhole,



as well as the most hesitant giraffe I’ve ever seen try to take a drink. That’s probably one of the reasons it’s still alive, however.



Drives in the area were productive, in that one of my mornings began with me once again having Hanri and cubs all to myself, just south of Uri.




Cub 1



Cub 2



After walking briefly down the road, they disappeared over the dune.

Another surprise was an adorable Dassie. :-0 Though I’ve seen one before, they are very very rarely seen, in my experience.



Some more common sightings - the iconic meerkat in its lookout pose,


A Dove





And a Martial eagle


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