Scorpions and Red Romans....

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Guinea Pig
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Scorpions and Red Romans....

Post by Guinea Pig »

My first official question for you all. 0/*

I have never seen a live scorpion in my entire life.
I'm not clued up about their behavior either. What are our chances of coming across them in December? Not to scream like a girl, to photograph one and have a good look at it. \O
Second question about scorpions - do we need to be careful when walking around at night and preferably wear shoes or flip-flops?

Then Red Romans.... Haven't seen one in many moons. Last was when I was a child in December on the West Coast and I remember being dead scared of them because they would run after our shadows in the middle of the day. Do we have a chance in either Augrabies or Kgalagadi of seeing them?

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Re: Scorpions and Red Romans....

Post by Toko »

0/* GP

I have never seen a scorpion in KTP :-) but walking with shoes might be a wise idea :shock:

:-? Have a look here O-/

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Re: Scorpions and Red Romans....

Post by Richprins »

Guinea Pig wrote: Then Red Romans.... Haven't seen one in many moons. Last was when I was a child in December on the West Coast and I remember being dead scared of them because they would run after our shadows in the middle of the day. Do we have a chance in either Augrabies or Kgalagadi of seeing them?
Don't know, but they run around the campfire at night too...I'm also terrified of them! O-/

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Re: Scorpions and Red Romans....

Post by Mel »

0/* Guinea Pig!

Don't have a conclusive answer, I guess, but Franco at Grootkolk told us one
hot, windy night that this was scorpion weather. However, he also added that
there were no scorpions at GK. Otherwise I haven't seen any either.

Saw a red roman once at Dikbaardskolk and that's about it. -O-

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Guinea Pig
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Re: Scorpions and Red Romans....

Post by Guinea Pig »

I received a heap of information on two other pages over the past few days. O/\ In short - they're there, we'll be there in exactly scorpion season, with the right equipment we'll find more than we bargained for. =O:


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