The Heat is on and the Lions as well

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The Heat is on and the Lions as well

Post by Pumbaa »

Well this trip was the complete contrary to last year’s wet and rainy one. We nearly had each day up to 40 degrees on some days even more. The park was on one side still green but most of the waterholes looked sad as not much water was left but the rivers were still nicely full and flowing. Due to the heat and dryness the birds were not that easily to be found as last year. Please do not get me wrong we saw many of them but that was nearly nothing compared to last year and right in the beginning I will prove my words wrong as at our lodge along the Crocodile river we saw many birds but in the park they got rarer at least for our liking. For example we only had two very poor ground hornbill sightings same we already experienced with that bird species during our trip a couple of year’s ago when there was a severe drought and also the little bee eaters did not turn up unfortunately.

Were the lions last year a bit rare this year to our astonishment despite the heat we had so many wonderful sightings of them as we had never before and all of them were in fact high quality sightings therefore the leopards were rare but nobody can have everything at once and so each visit to the park is different and that is why we always return.

Due to the dryness and the lack at least lack for us of our beloved birds we concentrated on waterhole watching and must say that we had the best ones at the one at the end of the S130 close to the turn off into the S137 and at Leeupan where we stood more than 2 hours in the heat with 40 degrees.


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Re: The Heat is on and the Lions as well

Post by Pumbaa »

Wednesday, 7th February 2024 – O.R. Tambo – Malelane

Normally we were about to fly on the above date but Monday morning we were hit by the bad news that Lufthansa’s ground personal will be on strike that day so after a quick telephone call with the airline we were put off to the afternoon as they so far could not say anything. Luckily when I came back home from work I called them again and they proposed that we already can fly the next day, i.e. on Tuesday in evening with Swiss or only on Friday. Needless to say that we decided to fly already the next day but both of us still had to work that day so we already started on Monday evening a bit hectic with the packing luckily afterwards we realized that we not only forget anything essential we even forgot nothing and on top we had to contact the car rental company as well as our lodge in Malelane that we already will come one day earlier but that could be easily changed without any problems.

So with only a bit more than one hour for transfer in Zurich everything went well besides a slight delay due to luggage problems we arrived one day earlier in South Africa indeed not that bad overall after all the stress we had and also the drive from the airport to Malelane was uneventful with the obligatory stop at Milly’s we arrived around 4 o’clock in the afternoon at our lodge in Malelane as we postponed our shopping marathon in Malelane to the next day.

As we skipped the stop at Spar we luckily only had to tug our luggage and the camera bags to our bungalow as well as the things we bought at Milly’s because when we alighted from our car we were hit hard by the heat as meanwhile we had 41 degrees indeed a bit hot especially when we left Germany by only 0 degrees and heavy rain. Needless to say that we soon positioned ourselves on our verandah with tripod and looked around, noticed that the Crocodile river still had enough water, discovered a couple of Egyptian goose as well as a pair of fish eagle who just landed a bit farer away on a sand island and focused on a waterbuck lady closer to our verandah


and soon we were back into Kruger mood and could not believe our luck because due to the strike we even now were rewarded with a bonus day in our beloved home away from home. Here is a shot from the fish eagles and also a bushbuck wanted to be photographed as well.


We spotted elephants in the distance, hippos in the water, however, as all animals were still a bit far away we walked over to the larger pond at the parking area and here we were welcomed by a great number of weavers


busy in refurbishing their nests



or simply to sat in pose for us.


These fruits or whatever this is we noted already during one earlier trip on a tree in Lower Sabie camp but nevertheless same had to be captured as well


and also an African jacana could be detected before we returned to our verandah as now the also the golden hour started.


Far in the distance on the other side of the river Timon even discovered already a giant kingfisher not the best shot but luckily we saw one already.


Meanwhile one of the fish eagles came closer


and same even was thirsty so we could watch same quite a while before same joined its mate on the other side of the river in a tree.


Quite a lot of cattle egrets in flight could be seen



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Re: The Heat is on and the Lions as well

Post by Pumbaa »

and also the Egyptian goose were active


and same landed close to another one and soon an incredibly loud debate started.


Now the light was so wonderful and we were happy about that glossy starling who had quite a great number of bees or smaller insects collected


soon another one joined same also with a full bill.


They both turned from right to left and again back obviously they wanted to show how busy they had been.


After the glossy starlings had flew away and nothing else could be discovered because of the heat we enjoyed the sunset


and the view to the other side


and finally the view straight to the other side of the river from our bungalow.


As it was already late and the light started fade we were about to pack together when we noticed a larger number of speckled mousebirds who landed in a close bush


luckily here they are far easier to photograph than in the park so we stayed a bit longer with them until they finally flew away.



To our luck the lodge had its own restaurant so we simply could walk over to same and had a fantastic first dinner together with the typical night sounds until it was time for the bed.

to be continued…………….


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Re: The Heat is on and the Lions as well

Post by Lisbeth »

Hop! Next year has started O/\ O/\

It must have been a bit of a stress departing a day early :shock:

You were certainly not short of birds before entering the Park :-0

Nice geese, but they can make a lot of useless noise lol

Lovely sunset on the Crocodile River \O

The white/green fruits look like green plums, but I am sure that they are not lol

Great group of mousebirds, pretty ones :-0


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Re: The Heat is on and the Lions as well

Post by harrys »

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Re: The Heat is on and the Lions as well

Post by Bushcraft »

Pumbaa, your pics are amazing once again ^Q^ ^Q^ 0()

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Re: The Heat is on and the Lions as well

Post by Pumbaa »

Lisbeth wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:13 pm Hop! Next year has started O/\ O/\

It must have been a bit of a stress departing a day early :shock:

You were certainly not short of birds before entering the Park :-0

Nice geese, but they can make a lot of useless noise lol

Lovely sunset on the Crocodile River \O

The white/green fruits look like green plums, but I am sure that they are not lol

Great group of mousebirds, pretty ones :-0

It was extreme stress at least I could leave the office around noon and could work for the rest of the day from home so I could pack my luggage as well in between \O


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Re: The Heat is on and the Lions as well

Post by Pumbaa »

harrys wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:00 am0() 0() 0()
Thanks so much, Harry \O

Always a pleasure X#X
Bushcraft wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:33 am Pumbaa, your pics are amazing once again ^Q^ ^Q^ 0()
Great you are also on board O\/


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Re: The Heat is on and the Lions as well

Post by Pumbaa »

Thursday, 8 February 2024 – Malelane

We slept quite well during the night despite the heat in our bungalow, the air condition obviously lost against the heat, but I was already wide awake at 3 o’clock in the morning and after a bit reading I must at least dozed off again for half an hour before I gave up and started to brew coffee and with a mug of same I sat outside on our veranda as it meanwhile was also bright enough to look around and take pictures as Timon was meanwhile awake as well.

So nearly exactly with Kruger’s gate opening time we already were on the hunt with our tripod and camera for good pictures at least we could already get accustomed to the Kruger time. We noticed a waterbuck lady still resting on a sand island in the middle of the river,


even spotted already two buffalo bulls on the other side of the river


discovered a green backed heron and Egyptian goose a bit far away but luckily a great white egret could be captured far closer


and now also a waterbuck lady appeared right close to our verandah.


To our joy we even detected a red bishop in one of the flower bushes


and also a black-eyed bulbul wanted to say “Good Morning” already.


Meanwhile we were not the only persons who were awake more and more guests as well as employees walked around and only on the second view we noticed a baby hippo lying on mom’s snout


and now also Mr. waterbuck risked a view.


The first elephant bull now trotted slowly closer still on the other side of the Crocodile river


and the waterbuck lady meanwhile started to graze close to our bungalow together with a cattle egret.


We in fact noted a couple of different red bishops who from time to time returned to the flower bush


and finally I noticed a smaller crocodile which Timon already tried to show me earlier but these animals are simply far too good camouflaged.



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Re: The Heat is on and the Lions as well

Post by Pumbaa »

Breakfast was served as from 07.00 o’clock onwards and this was in fact the first time we had same in that lodge as on our previous trips we were heading straight to Kruger the next day and so we ordered breakfast packs which are also very nice. For sure a breakfast from the buffet with such a view over the Crocodile river was fantastic and we enjoyed same very much. After we finished we walked over to the pond and I soon got ecstatic as I heard them already before I could see them in the thick vegetation of a fig tree – trumpeter hornbills!


One of my absolutely favourite bird species, luckily they stayed where they were for quite a while and we could take a couple of shots as this bird is not coming across that often and today even a juvenile was around


and for sure they helped themselves from the ripe figs. Unfortunately far too soon they flew higher in other trees and we could not see them any longer that clear at least they stayed in the area and we still could hear them.


The next not that regular bird was then a purple heron and we were once again thrilled in having found one


the jacana was also still around


and so were the masses of weavers


who were so plentiful.


We could not watch around that fast as meanwhile also a female thick billed weaver arrived and although I already noted their nests I at that moment could not detect the male.


To my joy a scarlet chested sunbird arrived and also this bird was far more relaxed in that area than in the park so we were allowed to take a couple of shots


and soon another sunbird also could be seen who shared the flower with a striped bug


must say it was in fact such a fruitful morning already that we skipped our day visit to Kruger with which we already fancied but as we still had to go on our shopping marathon and secondly we already saw that much that we decided to relax a bit in the lodge especially after that hectic departure two days ago.


to be continued………………………


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