Rhino Poaching 2017-2025

Information & discussion on the Rhino Poaching Pandemic
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Re: Rhino Poaching 2017-2025

Post by Lisbeth »

Must be with so few left 0=

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Re: Rhino Poaching 2017-2025

Post by Richprins »


06 March 2025

Wildlife Trafficking remains a significant global issue that requires an intense and co-ordinated global endeavour if we are to succeed in disrupting the criminal networks. Having started off 2025 by attending a Ranger course at the Southern African Wildlife College, I have gained a better understanding of the scourge of poaching and the difficult work of the rangers in the frontline.
As we intensify the fight against wildlife poaching, it is encouraging to see that the work of the rangers, the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, and other key role players is steadily gaining momentum.
Today, I present the 2024 rhino poaching statistics, where we continue a downward trend.
From January to December 2024, 420 rhinos were poached in South Africa, with 320 being killed on state properties and 100 on privately owned parks, reserves or farms. This was a decrease (of 79) in comparison to 499 rhinos poached in 2023.
The hardest hit province continues to be KwaZulu-Natal that lost 232 rhinos; however, this is a notable decline from the 325 that were lost in 2023. The significant reduction can largely be attributed to the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Dehorning Programme, that was implemented in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park from April to October 2024. The World Wide Fund for Nature funded programme had an immediate impact, with monthly poaching numbers dropping from 35 in April to fewer than 10 per month between May and September 2024.
In October, however, poaching syndicates adapted their tactics and began targeting dehorned rhinos, leading to a sudden spike in poaching incidents in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park and in that month alone, the province lost 27 rhinos. Fortunately, the provincial anti-rhino poaching team responded swiftly, intercepting the new syndicate and preventing further losses. The considerable efforts resulted in the province ultimately achieving a 67% decline in rhino poaching over the eight months.
Kruger National Park reported a total of 88 poached rhino for 2024. This is ten animals more than the 78 that were reported for Kruger National Park during the same period in 2023. Up until the end of November 2024, rhino losses reported in the Kruger National Park stood at 67, but a significant escalation in rhino poaching activities was experienced during December 2024 and this has continued into January 2025. A total of 21 rhino were reported poached in Kruger National Park during December 2024 and a further 17 were reported poached during January 2025. This escalation in rhino poaching in the Kruger National Park is of great concern.
Both SANParks and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife continue to implement a number of actions and initiatives as set out below in order to counter the threats in the hotspot areas:
· Polygraph testing of staff is continuing at Kruger National Park in line with its Integrity Management Plan. The Skukuza SAPS Stock Theft & Endangered Species Unit and the Mpumalanga Hawks (Directorate of Priority Crime Investigations) are supporting with investigations as linkages have been found between failed polygraph tests and the surge in poaching during December 2024;
· To date, investigations that have flowed from these polygraph results and subsequent investigations into the individuals, have resulted in disciplinary action against two employees in Ranger Services at Kruger National Park;
· Information related to the various rhino poaching crime scenes and modus operandi has been shared with the National DFFE Environmental Enforcement Fusion Centre in order to determine linkages between the various incidents across the country and in particular Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park in KZN;
· Co-operation with various stakeholders was strengthened to assist in alerting customs and law enforcement officials in transit and destination countries to be on the lookout for illegally traded horns over the December/January period when there was an increase in poaching in Kruger National Park;
· Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife is focused on implementing their Rhino Guardianship Strategy, which also played a role in reducing poaching in the province. This Strategy was initiated in August 2024.
· The Ezemvelo Integrity Implementation Plan was completed and approved for implementation, integrity assessments of Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park staff by an independent service provider commenced, a Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park Integrity Management Plan was completed and approved for implementation. Polygraphing of 55 Ezemvelo rhino reserve managers were completed and polygraphing of 58 field staff was completed.
We continue to see some very good convictions in relation to rhino related cases, with lengthy direct imprisonment terms in respect of cases related to rhino poaching, assisting in the poaching of rhino and trafficking of rhino horns. However, the time that it takes to finalise many of these cases does remain a concern and unfortunately where the suspects are released on bail, the data tells us that a large number of them continue to commit crimes (often relating to rhino poaching and / or horn trafficking). Accordingly, expediting these cases through our courts as well as vigorously opposing bail will no doubt result in safeguarding more rhino.
The sentencing of Francis Kipampa in January this year (who was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment of which eight years were suspended for five years), as one of the accused investigated in Project Blood Orange) sends out a strong message – not only are we focusing on arresting those involved in poaching our rhino and trafficking the horn, but we are disrupting the higher up levels in the value chain. This Project is an excellent example of the integrated and multi-disciplinary approach to investigating organised crime linked to wildlife and ensuring that we target corruption, money laundering and the financial crimes associated with these activities. More of these focused investigations are needed as we continue to implement the National Integrated Strategy to Combat Wildlife Trafficking.
As we move into the second year of implementation of this Strategy, our partnerships within government, with authorities in transit and destination countries as well as with the private sector and non-governmental organisations remain critical. We need to continue to integrate and focus our effort through our existing programmes and forums, including the Integrated Wildlife Zones Initiative, the work of the South African Anti-Money Laundering Integrated Taskforce Illegal Wildlife Trade Task Force and the various task teams residing under the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure Priority Committee on Wildlife Trafficking.
We remain committed to the fight against rhino poaching and I believe that a renewed strengthening of our agreements and operational protocols with key countries should be our focus for 2025.

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Re: Rhino Poaching 2017-2025

Post by Richprins »

Summary by the makers of Stroop:

Note from STROOP filmmakers:
While the headline is encouraging (same as release in August last year for the 6-month mark, "Minister George welcomes downward trend in rhino poaching..."), it is a tad misleading if the press statement is read through to the end.
One will see the Minister's concerns regarding the targeting of dehorned rhinos towards the end of the year – "In October, however, poaching syndicates adapted their tactics and began targeting dehorned rhinos, leading to a sudden spike in poaching incidents in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park" and at "the end of November 2024, rhino losses reported in the Kruger National Park stood at 67, but a significant escalation in rhino poaching activities was experienced during December 2024 and this has continued into January 2025... this escalation in rhino poaching in the Kruger National Park is of great concern."
The dehorning of rhinos in the Kruger National Park as well as Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Game Reserve has been done at great cost and huge effort by veterinary teams in both areas... and we commend everyone involved in this. Such a win for rhinos as the tactic seems to be working in reducing numbers of rhinos poached over the last few years. We saw this in a big way when the private rhino owners dehorned their rhinos in the years 2013 to 2018, resulting in the poachers moving away from those reserves bordering Kruger and iMfolozi and they then hit inside the government protected areas. Kruger has been dehorning since before the pandemic (again a huge effort, well done to all the Kruger rangers and veterinary teams) and based on those successes, an emergency effort was put into place in iMfolozi last April. The Minister mentions this, saying that "the hardest hit province continues to be KwaZulu-Natal that lost 232 rhinos; however, this is a notable decline from the 325 that were lost in 2023. The significant reduction can largely be attributed to the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Dehorning Programme, that was implemented in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park from April to October 2024." The park had been averaging 20 to 30 rhinos being killed in their park monthly to single figure numbers in the months that followed (until the syndicate hit a large number of dehorned rhinos in October, mentioned above).
Once again the justice system is letting our rhinos down.
(Please note that this excludes the rangers putting their lives at risk by testifying in court, the SAPS investigators and NPA prosecutors working hard to push these convictions).
The Minister mentions this in his statement, "the time that it takes to finalise many of these cases does remain a concern and unfortunately where the suspects are released on bail, the data tells us that a large number of them continue to commit crimes (often relating to rhino poaching and / or horn trafficking). Accordingly, expediting these cases through our courts as well as vigorously opposing bail will no doubt result in safeguarding more rhino."
Really amazing that he singles this out, first time we've seen this highlighted by the department in a noticeable way. It is something Bonné has been mentioning year after year in any interviews she does about the rhino poaching crisis. Again, the prosecutors do incredible work trying to nail these guys but the defence teams know exactly how to delay the system to prolong their clients' cases.
Just look at what the department released (will put in the comments section below) along with the statement where two cases are highlighted... one of them a trafficking conviction where the traffickers were arrested at the airport in Johannesburg in 2018 (four environment ministers ago!) for carrying 27 horns (yes, 27) and they were finally sentenced this last May. And another one involving Kruger rangers who were caught in early 2019 and were given their sentences for poaching the park's rhinos just 6-months ago.
So in closing, there has been a reduction in poaching numbers but very sad to see that there is now a targeted effort in going after the dehorned rhinos (which we know is increasing due to SANParks alerting the media two weeks ago about the 35 rhinos that were hit at the beginning of 2025).
Insane to think that the stump that is left after a horn is removed... is worth going after. Just cannot comprehend that level of brutality, and desire. Points to the never ending demand from Asia. As long as there is that demand, so the poaching will continue.

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Re: Rhino Poaching 2017-2025

Post by Lisbeth »

You get a good picture of the situation reading these summaries. Nobody points out though, that there are fewer rhinos, so logically the number of poached animals declines.

Another point is that the state-owned reserves etc., are too slow in their reaction. The privately owned started to de-horn years before the other two even thought about it.
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife is focused on implementing their Rhino Guardianship Strategy
Until now, they have been focusing somewhere else and after the first incidents in December they let it go on also in January 0*\

For once we have got the numbers in the right time, not two years late \O

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Re: Rhino Poaching 2017-2025

Post by Richprins »

Agreed, Lis! Of concern, as said, is the poaching of dehorned rhino, whether for the stumps or just bloody-mindedness! :evil:

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Re: Rhino Poaching 2017-2025

Post by Lisbeth »

Risking so much for so little? Not very credible :-?

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Re: Rhino Poaching 2017-2025

Post by Lisbeth »

There are no two without three...... ;-)

Dehorning bears fruit as rhino poaching deaths drop in 2024

Wildlife veterinarian Dr Mike Toft removes the horn from a white rhino in Somkhanda Game Reserve in KwaZulu-Natal. (Photo: Tony Carnie)

By Tony Carnie | 06 Mar 2025

The number of rhinos killed in South Africa has dropped from around 500 deaths in 2023, to 420 last year – largely because of a major dehorning programme in KwaZulu-Natal’s world-famous Hluhluwe-iMfolozi game reserve that led to an almost 70% drop in poaching during the last eight months of the year.
More than a thousand rhinos were dehorned in this park last year to make them less desirable targets for poaching syndicates.

Releasing the latest rhino poaching statistics yesterday (6 March) Environment Minister Dion George welcomed the “encouraging downward trend” in poaching, particularly in KZN, where poaching deaths dropped from 325 rhinos in 2023 to 232 last year.

“From January to December 2024, 420 rhinos were poached in South Africa, with 320 being killed on state properties and 100 on privately owned parks, reserves or farms. This was a decrease (of 79) in comparison to 499 rhinos poached in 2023.

“The hardest hit province continues to be KwaZulu-Natal that lost 232 rhinos; however, this is a notable decline from the 325 that were lost in 2023. The significant reduction can largely be attributed to the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Dehorning Programme, that was implemented in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park from April to October 2024.

“The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) funded programme had an immediate impact, with monthly poaching numbers dropping from 35 in April to fewer than 10 per month between May and September 2024.

“In October, however, poaching syndicates adapted their tactics and began targeting dehorned rhinos, leading to a sudden spike in poaching incidents in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park and in that month alone, the province lost 27 rhinos. Fortunately, the provincial anti-rhino poaching team responded swiftly, intercepting the new syndicate and preventing further losses. The considerable efforts resulted in the province ultimately achieving a 67% decline in rhino poaching over the eight months,” George’s statement said.

Steady drop

Jeff Cooke, the manager of WWF South Africa’s rhino conservation unit, that has been assisting Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife with a massive operation to dehorn rhinos in the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, noted that the dehorning began only in April, leading to a steady drop in poaching during the last eight months of the year.

“It’s looking much better each month,” he said, recalling that more than 100 rhinos were gunned down in the first four months of the year, (before the dehorning operation began).

Wildlife staff wait for a white rhino to recover after being anaesthetised and dehorned in KwaZulu-Natal. (Photo: Tony Carnie)

Nevertheless, Cooke cautioned that it was essential for all rhino reserves to regularly dehorn their animals, as the horns continue to grow after being shaved off with chainsaws, without damaging the growth plate at the horn base.

It was likely, he said, that recent dehorning in KZN had deflected poaching pressure from this province back towards the Kruger National Park and other rhino reserves.

George confirmed that 88 rhinos were poached in Kruger last year – 10 more animals than the 78 deaths reported for Kruger National Park in 2023.

“Up until the end of November 2024, rhino losses reported in the Kruger National Park stood at 67, but a significant escalation in rhino poaching activities was experienced during December 2024 and this has continued into January 2025.

“ A total of 21 rhino were reported poached in Kruger National Park during December 2024 and a further 17 were reported poached during January 2025. This escalation in rhino poaching in the Kruger National Park is of great concern.”

He said SANParks and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife were both continuing to implement “a number of actions and initiatives” to reduce poaching in hotspot areas, including polygraph (lie-detector) tests for conservation staff. These tests had led to the arrests of at least two rangers in Kruger.

(Graphic: Supplied by DFFE)

(Graphic: Supplied by DFFE)

(Graphic: Supplied by DFFE)

While the latest statistics appear to be a cause for hope, it remains difficult to measure the true significance of the latest decline in poaching deaths as a percentage of the total population. This is because annual statistical estimates on the total remaining population of rhinos in South African reserves are not publicised for security reasons.

However, total rhino numbers have been dropping dramatically since around 2008, the year poaching began to escalate significantly in South Africa – reaching an annual killing rate of more than 1,000 animals a year for five consecutive years between 2013 and 2017.

The worst year was 2014, when 1,215 rhinos were shot and butchered nationally.

Poaching deaths have since declined steadily, partly because there are now fewer rhinos to poach and also due to more effective security measures and dehorning programmes.

However, dehorning still has limitations due to high costs and because there have been several cases of dehorned rhinos being killed to extract their remnant horn stumps, especially with older animals and those that are not dehorned regularly.

In his statement, Minister George said he was encouraged that there had been “some very good convictions in relation to rhino related cases, with lengthy direct imprisonment terms “.

“However, the time that it takes to finalise many of these cases does remain a concern and unfortunately where the suspects are released on bail, the data tells us that a large number of them continue to commit crimes (often relating to rhino poaching and/or horn trafficking). Accordingly, expediting these cases through our courts as well as vigorously opposing bail will no doubt result in safeguarding more rhino.”

He noted the recent conviction of Francis Kipampa, a 50-year-old Congolese citizen who had become a major role-player in the buying of rhino horns in Gauteng.

He was sentenced in January to 18 years’ imprisonment, of which eight years were suspended for five years), during a collaborative investigation into organised crime and money laundering known as Project Blood Orange.

In a second case, Ntsako Miaas Maluleke and Phanuel Vutivi Chabalala (arrested at OR Tambo Airport in 2018 en route to Vietnam with two boxes containing 27 rhino horns) were convicted last year and sentenced to 20 years in jail (five years of which was suspended, resulting in an effective 15 years in prison)

Two Kruger Park rangers, Lucky Mkanzi and Joe Sihlangu, were also sentenced to an effective term of 20 years each after being convicted on several charges related to assisting in rhino poaching in the Crocodile Bridge area for financial reward. DM.

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Re: Rhino Poaching 2017-2025

Post by Richprins »

Suspected poachers fatally shot in Skukuza and Malelane

The Mpumalanga police are investigating two similar shoot-out incidents that occurred in the Kruger National Park this week.
March 22, 2025

The rifle that was found in the deceased suspect’s possession in Skukuza. > Photo: Supplied/Mpumalanga SAPS

Two suspected poachers were fatally wounded in two separate shoot-outs with rangers in the Kruger National Park.

According to a Mpumalanga SAPS spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Jabu Ndubane, the Lower Sabie Section’s rangers discovered two suspected poachers in Skukuza at around 15:00 on Friday, March 21.

“The two suspects ran into the bushes. The rangers traced them and spotted them again at about 18:15. The two alleged poachers reportedly started shooting at the rangers, who returned fire. One of the suspects was shot dead, while the other got away,” Ndubane said.

She said the rangers alerted medical services, but the man succumbed to his injuries before he could receive treatment.

“While processing the scene, a hunting rifle with two rounds of ammunition and a knife were found in the deceased’s possession. The circumstances surrounding this incident will form part of the police’s investigation. The man has not yet been identified,” she said.

Ndubane also said the police are investigating a similar incident that occurred near the Malelane Gate on Tuesday, March 18.

“During that incident, two alleged poachers were spotted by rangers. A shoot-out ensued. One got away and the other sustained injuries and died soon after. A hunting rifle with ammunition was also found in his possession. This alleged poacher has also not been identified,” she said.

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Re: Rhino Poaching 2017-2025

Post by Lisbeth »

They don't give up easily and pay with the life 0*\

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