For sure they very well knew where to look to identify the lions
and now even four of them could be seen in the shade obviously still thinking about an attack, there were in fact more than four lions but as already said we never found out the total amount.
From time to time one of them peeped from behind a bush
but they only looked wishfully to the masses of impalas, giraffes and warthogs but we noticed that one of lionesses changed her position and walked away from the others hiding under a bush so maybe they already planned something for later that day or in the evening.
Whilst the impalas meanwhile started to leave the pan after finally more quenched their thirst
the giraffes still stayed
but the amount of impalas was still impressive
and now the giraffes even walked closer to investigate the lions still a bit more.
We meanwhile stood at that sighting more than 2 hours and there was so much to be seen that we never noticed how fast time flew by as we had still such a long drive ahead we finally changed the position at the pan but as at the other end nothing was around we finally left although the lions were still around but obviously decided to spent the rest of the day motionless in the shade. That was another proof that lions could also be seen not only early in the morning but also at 40 degrees!
Originally we wanted to drive on the S36 using one of the crossroads to reach same as often when we are in the park all these gravel roads are closed during this trip all of them were open but as it was already that late we decided to stay on the tar road and visit all the dams along that road instead.
The road to the previous Silolweni dam was open again so we paid a visit there too but as we could not see anything we turned around and found on our way a large tree under which already a group of giraffes stood
and close to Tshokwane close to the bridge at the crossing with the H10 we spotted another bateleur in flight
and as the river under the bridge still had a bit water left also a bushbuck enjoyed the green grass and maybe wet feet too on that extreme hot day.
To be continued.....................................