Restaurants in Kruger

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Re: Successful Bidders for Restaurants and Retail Facilities

Post by Flutterby »

So, McDonald's Sunset Dam might not be such a far-fetched idea then!! 0'


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Re: Successful Bidders for Restaurants and Retail Facilities

Post by Lisbeth »

0*\ 0*\ 0*\

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Re: Successful Bidders for Restaurants and Retail Facilities

Post by Richprins »'s a bit fast to get tenders done by April...but anything is possible!

Tourvest seem a likely candidate:

But a bit pricey?

Gijima Holdings (Robert Gumede) has done a lot of business with Kruger:

IT Tender from 2000-2006:

see p36.

Also Involvement with Malelane Hotel/Mjejane tribal Trust.

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Restaurants in Kruger

Post by harrys »

Hi, just saw this report in the Beeld, can some one translate please :o0ps:

Spur gou in ‘arm’ Kruger
2013-03-27 00:22
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Om sy geldelike situasie te verbeter wil SANParke restaurante soos Spur en McDonald’s na die Krugerwildtuin lok.

Dit word beplan omdat geld een van SANParke se grootste uitdagings is en die situasie vererger word deur die stryd om renosterstroping te bekamp.

Volgens Glenn Philips, SANParke se bestuurshoof: toerisme en bemarking, het dié stryd SANParke se beperkte geld “ingesluk”.

SANParke het vanjaar al meer as 116 renosters net in die Krugerwildtuin verloor weens renosterstroping. Verlede jaar is 425 renosters in die wildtuin afgemaai en 252 in 2011.

Benewens tenders vir kettingrestaurante wat SANParke vra, word ’n diensverskaffer ook gesoek om ’n nuwe gesondheidspa by die Skukuza-kamp te bou.

Philips het gister by die bekendstelling van SANParke se tienjaar-toerismeplan gesê hulle wil munt slaan uit die sukses wat kettingrestaurante soos Spur en McDonald’s veral onder kinders behaal.

SANParke, wat al lank onder skoot kom oor die swak gehalte van sy eie restaurante, wil die diens van kettingrestaurante gebruik om meer mense na die wildtuin te lok.

“Ons wil bied wat hulle bied. Ons wil dinge anders begin doen,” het Philips gesê.

SANParke kry net ’n 15%-subsidie vir sy parke van die regering. Die oorblywende 85% moet hulle self in. Hoewel SANParke se wins in die laaste vyf jaar op sowat R800 miljoen geraam word, beloop die bedryfsuitgawes sowat R1,4 miljard.

“As ons op dié trant voortgaan, wag ’n skrikwekkende prentjie oor die volgende tien jaar op ons,” het Philips gesê.

Dié situasie noodsaak SANParke ook om die tariewe in al sy parke in November te verhoog met die verbruikersprys­inflasiekoers (VPIX) plus 2%.

“Ons het geen keuse nie. Die bewaringseiendom onder SANParke se bestuur het sedert 2000 tot 558 000 ha toegeneem, wat bewaring ’n baie duur sakeonderneming maak.

“Benewens die bewaringsplig en deurlopende navorsing moet 4 223 km paaie vir toeriste in stand gehou word,” het Philips gesê.

In die afgelope tien jaar (2002 tot 2012) het meer as 1,4 miljoen mense die Krugerwildtuin jaarliks besoek.

Ondanks dié wildtuin se baie hoë besoekerstal is die inkomste wat voortgebring word net nie meer genoeg nie.

Philips het gesê SANParke se enigste opsie is om bykomende dienste en produkte in elke park te probeer bied.

Hulle wil ook meer swart besoekers na die wildtuin en ander parke lok in die hoop dat dit die staat sal noop om hulle meer geld te gee.

Net 8,6% van die besoekers wat tans in die wildtuin oornag, is swart mense, terwyl net 29,7% van sy dagbesoekers swart is.

Boonop het besoekers se behoeftes en verwagtings verander.

“Die nuwe besoekers wat SANParke hoop om te lok, is mense wat meer wil doen as net in hul motors rondry in die hoop om die Groot Vyf te sien.

“Hulle wil in die veld gaan stap, fietsry, swem, in kano’s roei, bergklim en onder die sterre eet. Hulle verwag ook meer as ’n rondawel, ’n skoon ablusieblok en ’n gemeenskaplike vleisbraaivuur.”

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SANParks in financial trouble

Post by Sprocky »

Johannesburg - SA National Parks (SANParks) is facing a major funding problem, managing executive Glenn Phillips said on Tuesday.
Conservation was an expensive business and the park had grown by 558 000ha since the year 2000, he said in a statement.

"The scope of SANParks' responsibilities is staggering. Apart from the conservation aspect and ongoing research, there are, for instance, 4 223km of tourist roads that have to be maintained," Phillips explained.

"If we were to extrapolate the last five years' revenue and operational cost trends over the coming 10 years, a scary picture emerges."

It was estimated that profit from tourism operations would be in the region of R800m, while operational costs were expected to reach around R1.4bn.

"That is a massive shortfall."

He said the fight against rhino poaching resulted in significant financial resources being absorbed, resources that SANParks did not have.

The opportunity for SANParks to grow was "simply not sustainable".

"Our only option is to develop additional products and services that lend themselves to the natural attributes in each specific park," he said.

But this would be done in a responsible and sustainable manner, to deliver on its core mandate of biodiversity conservation.

He said the strategy tried to develop better ways in which communities living close to the parks were able to benefit from protecting the parks.

"We are confident that with the co-operation of communities surrounding our parks, commitment from our staff and robust sales and marketing, we will be able to overcome whatever challenges that might arise."

Phillips said the "responsible tourism strategy" was an adaptive one that would see SANParks doing things differently in the next 10 years.

"We are not only seeing visitors' needs and expectation changing but government funding for the national parks is also changing.

"It is this new wave of change that necessitated a new thinking on how tourism in national parks will be run, measured and developed in the next 10 years."

Phillips said the new crop of visitors would still be lured to the wilderness, but would also want to do more than drive around in their car.

"They [would] want to be out in the veld, hiking, biking, swimming, canoeing, beach-combing, mountaineering, [and] dining under the stars."

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Re: SANParks in financial trouble

Post by Flutterby »

Oh boy...I can just see another Valley of the Waves at Skukuza!! O** O** 0*\

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Re: Spur etc for ''poor'' Kruger

Post by Richprins »

Not quite:

"SANParks wants to lure fast-food franchises such as Spur and McDonald's to Kruger as they have a proven record of being profitable. Kruger has used up it's financial reserves in the battle against rhino poaching and is in need of money.

The franchises are needed to attract more tourists to Kruger, and are especially popular amongst children - Glen Phillips"

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Re: SANParks in financial trouble

Post by iNdlovu »

Sprocky wrote:
Phillips said the new crop of visitors would still be lured to the wilderness, but would also want to do more than drive around in their car.

"They [would] want to be out in the veld, hiking, biking, swimming, canoeing, beach-combing, mountaineering, [and] dining under the stars."
Can they only do these things in national parks???? surely there are a million other places that take care of these needs,or does SanParks management just want to grab a share of that potential revenue, no matter what the effects are on our wild places. Oh ja, I forgot, our National parks are no longer wilderness areas, they are fast becoming over sized zoos.
Give me the wild places of Botswana, Namibia, Moz, Zim and Zambia any day. Where will people find the wilderness he refers to above when our parks become holiday resorts.....pathetic.

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Re: Spur etc for ''poor'' Kruger

Post by iNdlovu »

In my opinion, Phillips is an airhead and opens his mouth before the air in his head kicks into gear.
I can just see a family discussion going like this......Dad says, "So family, where shall we go for a short holiday this year", Mom answers, "how about the coast". Little Johnny says " no, let's go to Kruger". Dad says "why do want to go to Kruger Johnny" Johnny answers, "'cos it's the best place in the world Dad, it's got a Spur and a McDonalds"
Dad says "and what about all the traffic and people breaking rules etc"..."it doesn't matter Dad, it's got a Spur and a McDonalds"

Going to one of our National Parks is ALL about the wilds, having the above 2 food chains will certainly not be a decision maker for anyone. Again I say,.......pathetic

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Re: Spur etc for ''poor'' Kruger

Post by General Gump »

I differ in opinion. 0:

As long as there are no bright neon signboards up does it matter ?

Anything would be better than the current restaurants. Bringing brand names in would be good for service delivery. Will spur want to have complaints on a public forum ? They may try and provide a better service knowing they are in the public eye.


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