It's sad to think that millions of tax money spent on home improvements to a large estate on the Eastern Cape rural flats could have been used to inject some cash into the National Parks and possibly prevented the rise of the Big Yellow M in our beloved Kruger, and the sight of a life-jacket touting canoe-floater going down the Sabie River while on your epic safari.
"There are none as blind as those who choose not to see..."
Gump, I agree with you, any restaurant chain/franchise is better than what we have, but I get so irritated when SanParks management try to sell the idea based on a load of crap.
I have no problem with either of the above 2 franchises being in the camps at Kruger, but why try to sell it on the idea that they will be a crowd puller. When did anyone make a decision to go to a game reserve based on what food franchises were there.
Man was placed in charge and given the duty of caring for all creation, are we doing it?