SanParks' Financial Statements

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Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Post by Richprins »

I'm a Gov employee myself, and Basic remuneration excludes housing, medical and pension. I am not allowed car allowance. I don't know why "post retirement health" is excluded? :-?

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Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Post by Sprocky »

All I can say is...

What a waste of capital!!! :evil:

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Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Post by Toko »

From the Annual Performance Plan 2013/2014
As of 30th September 2012, SANParks revenue collection/income has improved by 2.3% (R13,10 million) and 5.6% (R52,76 million) better than the planned quarterly budget and the same period of the previous financial year respectively to achieve R590 million. Whilst containing its costs to essentials goods and services, SANParks expenditure levels are 3.2% (R183,97 million) below budget to R607 million (which is 9.66% more than the corresponding period of the previous financial year) - as a result SANParks Income-to-Cost Ratio has improved by 2.1 percentage points (from 91.5% to 93.6%) when compared to the same period in the previous financial year. Cumulatively, Operating Tourism Revenue has grown by 14.4% (R62,96 million) to R500 million compared to the same period in the previous financial year, and 6.7% (R31,33 million) above planned quarterly target. As part of the SANParks’ Public Private Partnership (PPP) programme, the rollout of Malelane Safari Lodge and Skukuza Conference Lodge in the Kruger National Park, and associated environmental impact assessments (EIA) are in progress

The impact of the recent economic downturn to the tourism industry, particularly at the macroeconomic level, has also had negative impact on SANParks’ performance in terms of its tourism occupancy levels. The average unit occupancy rate for the period under review has declined by 0.6% points (from 71.7% to 71.1%) compared to the same period of the previous year (2Q11); and 1.3% points below the set quarterly target of 72.4%. However SANParks performed better than the average South African hospitality industry average accommodation occupancy of about 51% for the period under review.

Although Camping Person Night Sold and Activities have improved by 2.4% (from 376,729 to 385,896) and 11.5% (from 103,437 to 115,332) respectively, Accommodation Units Sold have declined by 1.0% (from 276,776 to 273,908) when compared to the same period of the previous financial year.

For the period under review, the total number of visitors to National Parks grown by 1.3% (from 2,006,501 to 2,032,759) when compared to the same period in the previous financial year. For the same reporting period, the total number of domestic black visitors have grown by 2.0% (from 186,465 to 203,021), a performance which can be attributed to 9.0% (from 169,483 to 184,801) and 7.3% (from 16,982 to 18,220) improvement from both day and overnight guests
respectively in the same category.

This performance has resulted to even better performance on revenue raised from commercial activities by 14.4% (equivalent of R62,96 million) to R500 million, when compared to the same period in the previous financial year, which is 6.7% (R31,3 million) better than the set quarterly target.
To date, R64 million operational grant was received from DEA for both Conservation Grant (R58 million) and Road Subsidy (R5,3 million), of which all of the road subsidy has be utilised towards maintenance of both tarred and gravel roads in the parks, particularly those in the Kruger National Park.

In summary, even though economic conditions are not favourable, particularly at the macroeconomic level, the organisation has strived to meet most of its planned objectives for the period 1st April 2012 to 30th September 2012 with minor difficulties


Annual Performance Plan for 2013/14 Final

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Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Post by Scipio »

Having being an accountant mant years ago I can tell you that the figures are quite normal for a company of that nature and size. Also the bonusses paid are normal for top management. So I dont think there is anything untoward there.

But in saying that, if you want to have that kind of bookkeeping for lack of a better word, you should higlight a few things:

In the footnotes please state the status of fixed assets, leased, owned, on what basis leased, capitlised or not. Thats one thing.

Also, should there not be a price on the head of livestock as prescribed to private landowners in Audited financial statements. ESPECIALLY in the current situation where there is really a price on the head of certain animals out there. This begs the question. Howcome there is no price put even in a goodwill line to have a value put on the animals out there. Lets say i.e. there is some bragging on certain species like Lions in Karoo, no price, there are some TB Buff. in Mokala, no price, there are some rhino in Kruger, no price. That is all well, but then if you sell them at a price of lets say R350k on auction for 1 rhino, maybe more for a Buff. Then the accounting policy should state some kind of value on the animals cause you are trading in it. O**

Have not looked at all the figures, but will do so in time. 0/*

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Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Post by mouseinthehouse »

The impact of the recent economic downturn to the tourism industry, particularly at the macroeconomic level, has also had negative impact on SANParks’ performance in terms of its tourism occupancy levels.

'South Africa stands out as a tourist destination in the world, Tourism Minister Marthinus van Schalkwyk said on Tuesday.

"Last year we grew at more than double the world average - 10.5% for January to November 2012, compared to a global average growth of 4%," he said at an awards ceremony in New York, according to a copy of his speech.' ... e-20130416


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Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Post by Richprins »

To date, R64 million operational grant was received from DEA for both Conservation Grant (R58 million) and Road Subsidy (R5,3 million), of which all of the road subsidy has be utilised towards maintenance of both tarred and gravel roads in the parks, particularly those in the Kruger National Park.

That's a lot of money TO DATE...indicating more to come. SP should stop pleading poverty!!! O/ O/ O/

They can't say that numbers are declining, but black visitors are increasing, but the global trend is terrible, but they are doing well above average, but they need to build more luxury accommodation for black visitors, but the new hotels are now actually for the foreign market, and lately actually for conferences...etc. 0- 0- 0-

One of their half-baked studies should be a massive one about why hut occupancy has decreased, albeit by a small margin. The answer will be because you don't get what you pay for! O**

Nothing to do with global trends, and that percentage occupancy could decrease exponentially very quickly!.... 0=

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Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Post by Scipio »

One thing, If I had to forecast like the above, my CEO would have told me to stop using formulae on excell and do it again. That forecast does not show SANParks have any, but any plans for the future. O/

Now this raises another question in my mind, well two:

1)If SANParks are planning al these newfangled thingies, hotels and such, less selfdrive etc. Why is this not changing the figures according to their future plans.

2)What RP is saying about pleading poverty is true, those are great financial statements but it does not show in public announcements, or in physical appearance in the parks itself concerning maintenance etc. But then, good financials make good bonus.

This makes me think of an accounting story:

There was this historian and scientist and accountant having a drink in a bar, after about6 the scientist jumps up, "I will prove 1+1=2, he grabs chalk and on the darts scorboard he proves the sum, with history from the first egyptian maths, another 2 beers the scientist jumps up, does the same with a lot of scientific scribbling.

After another 3 beers, the accountant looks up at the other two, orders one more and asks:


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Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Post by Richprins »


Didn't know you had brains, Scips! ;-)

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Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Post by Bushcraft »

\O \O Scipio =O: =O:

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Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Post by Scipio »

Wait until I get fillisofical and all. =O: =O:

But something is not as it seems, but further study on the financials to continue. O** =O: =O: =O: =O:

nothing changed, i have not grown up yet.
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