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Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:05 pm
by Mel
So, you don't have any lenses yet? In which case I'd suggest to try to find the best package on the D5300 level. No matter if it is a Nikon or a Canon. You'll grow into either \O

My first camera was the Nikon D60 and it came with the 18-105 and the 70-300 lens. Excellent value for money. The original 70-300 was almost of higher value than the whole body O** A few years later I upgraded to the D5100. By now I have used my cameras for about 10 years and the next upgrade is due at some point. But not yet since I'm not a real photographer... even though I know much more about what I do than I did 3 years ago. Still - there is a lot left to be learned. lol But the photos my cameras take are good enough to produce A2 sized calendars for my private purpose.

Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:12 pm
by Pilanesburg_boy
Thanks Mel.
what's I've seen so far was the Nikon d5300 with 16gb card, bag, 18-55mm lens for R8000

And the same deal with a 55-200mm lens for 10k..

do you think the 55-200mm lens is necessary for wildlife or should I take the 8k option and purchase a 70-300mm kit lens with 64gb card for an added 2500rand?

Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:17 pm
by PJL
I'm a canon user myself so can't really comment on the pros/cons of the nikon as I don't know it at all. But one question - is 10k your budget including lens(es)? The camera body is important but the glass in front of it can make a massive difference. When looking at lenses are you presumably aiming for wildlife photography? I saw Orms are going to be having a special on the D5300 including some lenses, but the focal range wouldn't be great for wildlife

Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:18 pm
by PJL
Ah I see you answered my question as I was typing.... definitely better option to get the longer reach of the 300mm lens

Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:22 pm
by Pilanesburg_boy
Thanks pjl...
The focal range you talking about the 200mm lens right?
The 300mm lens will be included in the 10-10.5k budget and if I really do enjoy photography I'll buy a 500 or 600mm lens in the future which I've seen currently costs between 10-14k on special.

Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:26 pm
by Pilanesburg_boy
I've just seen the d5300 is for 8k on special from foto discount world, takealot and orms all including a bag..16gb card and 18-55 lens...
I don't think it will get any or much better then that..
What canon and lenses do you use

Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:41 pm
by Mel
Save the money for the 200 mm deal and use it towards a 500 mm (or preferably the more expensive 600) Sigma, would be my advice.
Or if you already have a bridge camera, look at D5300 bodies only and add the tele-lens. Use the bridge camera for close-up sightings and scenery and the tele for the rest.

Or take the deal with the 300 mm lens if the tele lens is not an option yet.

Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:50 pm
by Pilanesburg_boy
No bridge cameras at all :):)only camera I have is an cell phone.

You suggesting I also leave the 70-300(and 55-200mm obviously also) kit lens and rather go 500 or 600mm ones time? That's will be about a 18-20k investment..

Thanks for the feedback :):)

Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:52 pm
by Mel
If you can afford that, yes.

If not it'd be the 300 mm lens package for me from my experience \O

Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:55 pm
by Pilanesburg_boy
I'm going to have to go with the 300mm lens now as 18-20k Is way off..

Will the pix still be off good quality with this lens?