Initially he was a good distance away but clearly visible

Some zebra were aware of the situation and photo-bombed when they saw the opportunity

He then started slowly meandering his way towards us and came quite close which brought silence to the car

Something spooked him, and he decided to double-back round to a slight rise so we rolled down the road and again ended up very close to him for what was probably the best photographic angle I've ever had of a blackie

Oxpeckers were doing a good job of keeping him clean

Finally he moved further away behind some bushes, but only after a nice parting shot

As I said before, I'm scared to go back to MZNP after this trip as I'm worried it will feel like a let down after all the magnificent sightings we had this time round

There were so many highlights, but for me the quality of the aardwolf sightings, seeing the cheetah several times at sunset, finding the grey rhebok, being chased by the lionesses and spending such quality time with this blackie will stay etched in my memory forever

For those of you who've been following along and/or adding comments thank you

I hope you've enjoyed the journey as much as we did at the time