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Re: Frost, Fires & Family Time

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:21 am
by PJL
I think it's time to fully round off this TT, and what better way to do so than with our best rhino sighting of the trip. We spent about half an hour with this chap and were the only people at the sighting which was very cool \O

Initially he was a good distance away but clearly visible O/\ O/\



Some zebra were aware of the situation and photo-bombed when they saw the opportunity O**


He then started slowly meandering his way towards us and came quite close which brought silence to the car O:V




Something spooked him, and he decided to double-back round to a slight rise so we rolled down the road and again ended up very close to him for what was probably the best photographic angle I've ever had of a blackie O\/ O\/


Oxpeckers were doing a good job of keeping him clean \O



Finally he moved further away behind some bushes, but only after a nice parting shot 0/*


As I said before, I'm scared to go back to MZNP after this trip as I'm worried it will feel like a let down after all the magnificent sightings we had this time round 0*\ :O^

There were so many highlights, but for me the quality of the aardwolf sightings, seeing the cheetah several times at sunset, finding the grey rhebok, being chased by the lionesses and spending such quality time with this blackie will stay etched in my memory forever O:V

For those of you who've been following along and/or adding comments thank you X#X
I hope you've enjoyed the journey as much as we did at the time \O

Re: Frost, Fires & Family Time

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:29 am
by Mel
I'm seriously jealous now and consider not to talk to you ever again ^0^ =O: =O: =O:

What an extraterrestial sighting!!! :-0

And once again, it came marching towards you. That's just too much to be true lol

I fully understand your hesitation about another visit... It's more than difficult to top this or at least have a similarly exciting trip. O-/

Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us. Even if it left me speechless, jealous and what have you at times,
I totally enjoyed your sightings and despite my quibs about your luck, I'm happy for you, the kids and the SO that MZ treated you so well O\/

Re: Frost, Fires & Family Time

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:31 am
by Flutterby
Beautiful blackie sightings! ^Q^ ^Q^ They are so curious! lol Amazing to get so close! \O \O

Re: Frost, Fires & Family Time

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:54 am
by Lisbeth
I have already thanked you for this amazing trip to Mountain Zebra NP, but I must mention the last black rhino sighting....... O\/ O\/ :-0 :-0 \O O0

Re: Frost, Fires & Family Time

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:58 am
Mel wrote:I'm seriously jealous now and consider not to talk to you ever again ^0^ =O: =O: =O:
Mel I stopped a long time back =O: =O: =O: =O: =O: PJL great shots again ^Q^ ^Q^

=O: =O: =O: If you worried about being chased by a lion go back and get some practice as you will need it for KG =O: =O: =O:

Re: Frost, Fires & Family Time

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:55 pm
by Dewi
Even more stunning black rhino pics. This was obviously a great sighting and experience for you. ^Q^ \O

Roll on your next trip there. O/\

Re: Frost, Fires & Family Time

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 6:08 pm
by Richprins
Missed the end, Peej! :o0ps:

Definitely a different blackie, man...look at the second horn! ^0^

the quality of the aardwolf sightings

Ja, one doesn't want a feeble aardwolf sighting...a waste of time that! =O:

Seriously, this was astounding, along with good storytelling! X#X


Re: Frost, Fires & Family Time

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 11:25 am
by Pumbaa
:ty: PJL,

really impressive and magnificent shots of a fantastic trip - Hopefully one day I also can visit this park too as it looks more than worth according to all the beautiful landscape impressions and for sure your sightings were incredible you had O\/ O\/ O\/

Re: Frost, Fires & Family Time

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 6:44 pm
by H. erectus
Indeed a great experience in picture and words.
That's what these national parks are all about.
The visitor needs to set oneself aside and so enjoy
these moments of beauty and wonderland that each
park has on offer. Well done PJL, may the memories
linger forever,.....