The next two days roll into one. Game walks, more of the same animals, foreys out to walk different islands, finding all kinds of interesting stuff, ellie skulls, wildebees skulls etc. But on foot , no sighting is the same, each herd of animals react differently. My special interest is the reactions and interactions between various animals in a herd, so whilst the group were enjoying the view, I was ecstatic with the time I had to pay attention to the goings on. All too often they would get impatient and want to move on whilst I could have stayed for hours in the same place. The nights and evenings were special, listening to the people talking about the experiences of the day. These were people who had never been in "the wild" before so it was a completely new experience for them, one which they seemed to be thoroughly enjoying.
On the afternoon of the last day we took 2 mocoros out into a crystal clear lagoon and fished for supper. A good catch of fresh bream lightly fried in beer batter made for a stunning meal. This was followed up with the group of polers putting on a traditional dance show around the fire in thanks for a successful "expedition". The Hollanders were blown away and soon joined in the festivities.
The next morning we broke camp, loaded our kit in the mocoros and headed back to meet our transport.
Along the way we were treated to a brief sighting of a Sitatunga, one of the shyest antelope ever. In fact in my years of going up to the Okavango, I have only seen one on maybe 5 different occassions.
Along the way, this chap decided to try and head us off at the pass, so to speak. ID anyone?
He looks like one of the Cobras to me.
On our late afternoon arrival at the 'taxi rank' the Samel was waiting for us and we headed back to Maun for a well deserved luxurious shower and restaurant dinner at Audi Camp
The Okavango had not dissapointed once again and the best part.... we never encountered another human during the entire time. I've said it before....Eden
Thanks to those that have kept up with this naration, I hope you all enjoyed, and that it has stirred a hunger deep within you to visit the wild places we are so blessed with in Africa.