This has been in my plans for some time now, a long process and a roller coaster ride of emotions and ideas. I have now bitten the bullet and I have ordered a high end canvas printer. Unfortunately, it is a brand new model that has not landed in SA yet, leaving me with a lead time of between six and eight weeks. But, the deal that the suppliers have offered me makes the wait worth it.
I will be setting up my operation at home on Grietjie. My plan is to have two legs to the business, the one is to print my own images and market them to lodges and tourists in the area. The other leg is to do custom printing of customers own images.
Once I am up and running I will offer members of Africa Wild special rates on canvas printing. Prices will be finalised once I have the printer and consumables.
If possible, can you please let me know if you would be interested in my services. I would like to try and gauge what type and size market I could possibly be dealing with.
Any comments would be welcomed.