We only spent one evening at Storms River Mouth ...but one evening was all I needed. :)
We left Addo Main Camp at about 7.00 am on the morning of the 18th and exited the park through the Matyholweni Gate at 10.30 am or so. It had rained on and off through the morning but just before Storm's River Bridge the heavens opened. By now I was a little fed up with the rain but I tried not to be too unhappy about it as the Eastern Cape is desperate for rain. I did feel by now though that the Rain Queen had worked enough of her magic and I was so longing for one lovely night camped right next to the ocean without any rain. As we approached the gate to Storms River Camp the rain had eased a bit. I was debating whether to upgrade to a chalet or not but I decided we were sticking to camping that night regardless of the wet weather. I had booked a tent campsite with a seaview and we decided to chose the first campsite next to the little stream running past the ablutions into the sea. Doug had already plugged in the electrics when I decided that I actually didn't want to camp there...I wanted to camp further down the line, for which reason I had no idea. Extensions got rolled up and we moved further down to campsite 110 . We spent the next 45 mins or so setting up rooftop tent and awning as well as the sides to the awning. We were prepared for the rain. As soon as we had finished the sun came out - but I have learnt not to trust the weather. We took advantage of the weather and we went for a short walk. It had to be a short walk as I had badly sprained my ankle on the 4th day into our trip. I then settled myself in my chair and enjoyed my seaview. The sea certainly kept me entertained ...dolphins, Gannets and Swift Terns and the odd white-breasted Cormorant. At about 5.45 I decided to go for a short walk. I was hoping to find a Chorister Robin. The Forest Huts were unoccupied so I mooched around them but sadly no Chorister Robins. I saw a pathway that led up to the road so decided to take that . As I emerged onto the road I heard a Sombre Greenbul chirping. It chirped and chirped but I just couldn't see it. I was beginning to get a bit frustrated ...I just wished the bird would either show itself or shut up. I decided to move on before I yelled at the bird

My excitement soon turned to horror when I realised that the caracal was going to run across road right in front of an approaching car.
Thankfully the car was driving slowly and I realised the caracal was going to make it across unscathed.
My heart was pounding and I was shaking ....and I was firing away without checking any camera settings.
I thought the caracal would disappear straight into the bushes but it took a few more paces towards me before disappearing.
Oh wow ..oh wow...what had just happened??? I calmed myself down and gingerly picked my way back to camp. Doug knew by my face that I had something exciting to tell him. For once I wasn't even stressed about the photography side of things. I knew I had some sort of photos to back up my story and that was all that mattered. :D
It doesn't get much better than this ...or does it ????? :whistle: :whistle: