Take the management of national parks and reserves away from governments

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Take the management of national parks and reserves away from governments

Post by Lisbeth »

It's time to take the management of national parks and reserves away from government and hand over to experts in the private sector. And I mean on a worldwide basis. Time and again, we see 'protected areas' neglected to the point that they are poached to a state of barren wasteland or government-sanctioned rape by extraction industries such as mining and logging. How often have we been told that there is no money for conservation or that other priorities are more important? Government ministers are usually political appointments – with precious little understanding of conservation, let alone the deep passion that is so necessary. Imagine if your retirement fund was run by a labour union steward or open-heart surgery performed by bookkeepers. It's simply ludicrous that government-appointed stooges head up our precious protected areas with little to no experience or passion. And then there is the fraud and corruption that is now endemic amongst some of our 'leaders'. That said, I need to make a loud shout-out to the rangers and others at ground level who keep the wheels turning, despite such huge odds.

Some African countries have seen the light and handed over protected area management duties to stellar organisations like African Parks. And the results speak for themselves. Well done to these far-sighted leaders. So let's see more of that!

Keep the passion

Simon Espley – CEO of "Africa Geographic"

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Re: Take the management of national parks and reserves away from governments

Post by Richprins »

^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

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